South*rn and w*stern europeans

>south*rn and w*stern europeans

Just give up already, you're embarrassing yourselves

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Genuine question - at what point is government debt actually meaningful? US in trillions, most western nations in 100s of billions+. When does it actually matter? Or is it only to whom?


>he thinks debt doesn't matter
Ah yes we're living in a fairytale where people give money for free

OP will most likely assure you he is not a Canadian but special snowflake identity #1678.

I am Greek.

Excellent reading comprehension there, frog. Obviously it matters in a general sense, but what I'm asking is in the case of western countries' government debt, when does it reach the point of having tangible, significant consequences?

When the rest of the world loses faith that we can pay them back one day.

My reading comprehension is fine dummy, and It already has consequences, don't you see a correlation between highly indebted countries and weak governments ?

Le debt baby

only if the goverment can't pay the fees when they are due
USA can litteraly be infinity dollars in debt. As the USD is the main currency in the world, everyone, evereywhere will accept it, even if the american economy is fucking up, they will still take it.

1 CAD = 0.75 USD
1 CAD = 0.68 EURO


Commies did this. Just kill me already desu.

Ask the people of Cyprus what they think about the debt, banks directly withdrawned the money from their accounts

more debt = more interests to pay

also if debt is foreign owned (greece) it makes you the owners' bitch

That doesn't make sense.
The USD is not the main currency. Governments would accept the currency of any country trying to pay back its debts. (e.g. if Japan is indebted to you, of course you will accept Yen).
And there is not infinite money. They can only pay back money that actually exists. If they just print more, that will cause problems like inflation

Governments are the ones IN DEBT you dumbo, debt is mostly private owned and privates do no accept junk money

>that will cause problems like inflation

Which is preferable to insolvency. Money today is a numbers game with governments and central banks having all the power since 90% of all money is not even printed, it's just ones and zeroes in banks.

Don't u understand how those fuckers aka the state contract debt? They monetizing your birth certificate from the day u born.
So you are really in debt wanting or not, were all Rothschild propriety

Governments cannot go insolvent

You own country proved otherwise

I was gonna say unless we bomb them to death, or they get disassembled from inside.
Germany the perfect example on both occasions

>tfw the only good thing that came out of gomunism was your dictator wanting to erase the country's debt so he did by fucking people even harder if that was possible but at least now it's technically trustworthy and it has become even more so because of the EU backing you up so the retarded salary raises of your neo-communist government could be endured by the economy without immediately greecing yourself
also what happened to hungary?

tell that to Argentina

A country first needs to be rich for it to endure years of socialist rule.

i never said romania was rich nor that it would continually endure it
i just said it wouldn't go to shit immediately

It's actually reasonable to take up debt as a state for a lot of reasons. First of all, things might be more expensive in the future or your debt is devaluing over time. In the case of Germany, the state doesn't even have to pay interest on German govenment bonds, yet people buy them anyway because they know they will at least get their original investment back (minus inflation, of course).

Then there's investments that pay off over a long timeframe. You could, for example, finance a road infrastructure project through taxes. That would put a heavy burden on a generation that will probably never be able to fully enjoy the benefits of it, while future generations would get it for free. To level that, you can make the latter pay a part of it through debt and interest.

There's a lot of good reasons that make any sane state take up debts. Of course that turns out better for some and worse for others. But if you have a roaring economy which will likely be better off five years in the future, there's no reason not to take up debt now and fuel that fire so you get it back in taxes later.

I meant Hungary. I don't have a beef with Romania, atleast you shot your commies, here they still pull about 10-15% of the vote.

Why not:

>loan as much as possible
>buy stuff
>inflate the currency to hell
>sell stuff for foreign non-inflated money

It fucks over common serfs, but it benefits their masters who have the power to make such decisions.

It's funny that today germans are the biggest defenders of the debt-based economy, 80 years ago it's a totally opposite system that got your country out of its turmoil, you went from 6 millions unemployed to 300k while having no debt. Times change

>here they still pull about 10-15% of the vote
holy shit
i remember that's the same in croatia
was gommunism in chechnoslovenia lenient enough not to scare people permanently?

Hans you're being a collectivist. Just drop it.

Only Sup Forumstards are obsessed with austerity and leading a state like familiy household because they lack any comprehension of economics and finance. I guess the whole debate about the ECB doing a reverse Pinochet to get money flowing again just went straight past you. This magyar cigany is another perfect example.

This is wrong on so many levels, I do't even know where to begin

Germany also used to be the biggest defender of killing people that are different, and now we take in 6 million refugees to harrass our women, and steal our smartphones at night when we walk home from a party and a group of 10 refugees gangs up on you and demands your smartphone and wallet. oh wait i might get arrested for saying this, shit, it was just satire

*blocks ur debt*

Explain to me how debt is benefiting every other European country
Not really no, Hjalmar Schacht (the minister of economy back then) was employed by like 10 countries after the Fall of the 3rd Reich for his prowess, nobody ever called him an incompetent

debt is just a tool, we're just using it wrong

Pathetically speaking*

>First of all, things might be more expensive in the future or your debt is devaluing over time

That's because the Central banks are scared of the "deflation spiral" as the boogeyman so they constantly inflate the currency.

>There's a lot of good reason

The reasons are


>roaring economy
>which will likely be better off five years in the future

If you have a roaring economy, odds are there are bubbles in there and you can't know if those bubbles can take it down if they burst. That's what sensible spending is for.

The 50s were awful, after that it got better. Many people grew up during communism and will never have what they had during that time simply because they are not subsidized to hell and back anymore. Pensioners vote for commies like crazy.

In many ways, communism was the perfect system

>you only pretended to work, still got paid
>you could be caught stealing at work, keep the job anyway
>you could go to work drunk, still keep the job
>not show to work, still keep the job
>be the guy who feeds bulls, earn more than engineer

LIke all other systems, it was class based exploitation, in this case, lumpenproletariat and communist nobility exploited the rest, but I say it was more equal, because anybody can become lumpenproletariat easily.

>anybody can become lumpenproletariat easily

Tak otec byl kulačisko? A matka dcera živnostníka? Co zlata, kolik jste si ulili?

>Pensioners vote for commies like crazy.
now i get
your commies just didn't change name
ours did
still a nice shade of red on their logo so there's that
what's sparking, loud, and can slice an apple in 3?
the communist machine designed to slice an apple in 4

Federally, we're expected to hold steady at around 30-33% even with increased spending. Even Quebec is expected to go from their horrendous 50% Debt to GDP in 2014 to 40% by 2021

Cooperate with the secret service in this case.

Your post is so dense it's not even funny anymore

>It's funny that today germans are the biggest defenders of the debt-based economy
If anyone is upholding austerity today (of course more so for southern Europeans than for ourselves), it's Germany

>80 years ago it's a totally opposite system that got your country out of its turmoil
The whole boom was financed by channelling Mefo bonds and even just savings accounts into the national armament. The national socialists ammassed an incredible debt even before the war. Miraculously, when the largest part of them were about to become due, Germany started a war against Poland which freed them from the duty to pay them back. While NS Germany never really took up "official" debt, it massively increased shadow loans from various parties

> you went from 6 millions

>unemployed to 300k
Anyone could have done that with a few billion Reichsmark.

You are however right about Schacht not being the biggest fan of that kind of scheme.

Imma the head of Bank of Portugal, I'm supposed to supervise the private banks that operate in my cunt.
UPS they all committed fraud right under our nose, let's bail them out boys.
What u want to offer me to be the vice-president of EU central bank, welll since u asked nicely, I will do it!


>it's Germany

Maastrich criteria are only good for wiping your ass with them I see.

>80 years ago it's a totally opposite system that got your country out of its turmoil

The funny part is you actually believe this. The nazis "saved" economy was probably the most rickety built economy in human history, it would never have lasted.

The mefo bonds ruined the speculators not the people, and I read nowhere that these were due to Poland
Very poor statement coming from your typical faggot, as I said Hjalmar did good in other countries after the Reich lost the war
we're catching up

when the Rotchilds decide to pull the plug and the whole world crashes and burns, then it will be meaningfull

the Dutch debt is growing like a tree(still not so much compared to the USA and UK)

that was gulyás-communism striking back
revenge of the commie mentality

Because of the relatively good standard of living in the Kádár-era (which was because commies had to bribe the population not to rebel again after 1956). What nobody knew back then that it was a scam, they artificially rised the standard of living by taking debts. This mentality is what really wrecked the country. People have become spineless and stupid. After the fall of communism naturally hardships came and the idiots voted back the ex-commie party the first time when they had the chance. Then they lost again and they got so triggered by that and wanted power so desperately that they promised the most retarded stuff like one extra month of pension. So they won, kept their retarded promises and pushed the country intro near bankruptcy. It was almost Greece tier, we needed an IMF loan. And then the world crisis happened, so that didn't help either. Now basicly we are on Romanian level because of all that fuckery, we lost like 10 years of possible growth. That's why we are left behind from the rest of V4 countries and look more like Romania.

you forgot the part when
>we pretended to work
>they pretended to pay

so that's why hungary's purchasing power is smaller than ours?
>implying they were paid
you speak as if the wonders of working with your comrades for the fatherland aren't now
dangerous thoughts comrade

>Ex Soviet hellholes praising communism
>the only one with at least a basic understanding of modern (ie post Great Depression) economy () only gets bait responses

you can say that with your AA++ debt rating but we were thrown into rubbish category this cannot rely on debts with low percentages

we were told to cut back spending, and we did for 6 fucking years, we are so fucking poor romania reached our living standards, thanks germany

Transylvania was always more developed than Eastern and Northern Hungary
Romania proper (Wallachia and Moldova) are still on the same level as Bulgaria