The Giants disappeared, but the giant structures they built remained...

The Giants disappeared, but the giant structures they built remained. Who were they - wise teachers or monstrous tyrants who used people as cattle? How are they related to the nuclear war of the XVIII-XIX century? We, a group of scientists from Russia, are trying to understand.

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What nonsense is this?

Russians? Online? Yeah, we know what you're really doing...

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Traditions extracted from the racial memory of races throughout the world, say that the very first people on Earth were powerful and huge, but later they grew in size and vigor.

For example, at present, the inhabitants of Kotoko Chad, Africa, claim that their ancestors were giants. "In those days people were so tall that they could look at the trees," they say.

"Men are twice as tall as us" once inhabited the "realm of rapture," they demanded a story about old China, but they lost it without living "according to the laws of virtue."

God became angry with the giants, say, the Montagny Indians from Canada, and sent floods on them.

The fact that the whole world seems to have captured hereditary memories of the giants. Since then, you could have named many legends.

Here are some of them:

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*cue the pillar men theme*


Jotunn were great giants.

The first people of creation were as big as the mountains.

3. GERMANIC MYTHS: forever
occupied by giants - these are the myths of the Germanic tribes.

The Giants drowned in the Flood. The survivors gave birth to a race of giants.

talk about the giants of Gargantua.

There are stories of giants called the Fomors.

We find Gog and Magog and Albion, the God of God.

8. CLAUDIUS AELIANUS (2nd century):
on Atlantis there were "men twice as high as usual for our climate, and they lived twice as much."

Titans, who, according to some, were the first people on earth, were great giants.

Cyclops were huge growth and were considered builders of huge masonry in Greece, Italy and some other areas of the globe.

11. Sicily:
Enceladus, the giant who fought Zeus, was buried under Mount Etna.

12. Sicily:
Typhus, the giant of the mountain chain of Asia Minor, was also buried in the mountains of Etna.

13. Sicily:
The giant Lestrigans were said to have lived in Sicily.

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14. CHED:
There once lived in the Chad region black giants with smooth hair, from which the present tribes originated. (Legends of the current tribe of Kotoko)

"Huge piles of large stone blocks near Gulfey were taken to San, people so tall that they could look at the trees." (one tribe)

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Also, in southern Chile there are myths about sea giants.


15. CHALDEA: The Izdubary
were giants.

"Ancient Babylon was founded by giants who were saved from the Flood."

The Babylonian Talmud mentions the prehistoric race of giants who had double rows of teeth.

The race of giants dominated the land before the flood.

Before the flood, there were 4,090,000 giants.

The Danavat and the Daitians were giants, like the Rakshasas of the Hindu epic.

21. CHINA:
"Men are twice as tall as us" once inhabited the "realm of rapture," but they lost it without living "according to the laws of virtue."

22. TIBET:
Giants play an important role in the mythology of Tibet.

23. TIBET:
Medical lamasies in Tibet claim that Tibet was inhabited for a long time by a giant race (males averaged 15 feet in height and women averaged 12 feet in height).

The earliest men had a colossal size.

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The secret city of Burrung in the northern inner regions of Australia was inhabited by gigantic white men with red hair.

There are many traditions of giant men and women who lived far away in the "time of sleep."

Tamatecapua, the ruler of Arava-Maori migration, now buried on Mount Meohau, Coromandel Peninsula, was 9 feet high.

Traditional stories of Vella in Papua New Guinea tell of a group of Europeans who tried to colonize the area several centuries ago. They tried to build a temple in the hills, but local giants went at night and threw out all the stone work. However, the temple was built and still exists from the most beautiful marble. Skulls of five of the giants (brothers) should also be in the bushes. It's about a foot (30 centimeters) across.

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The important questions are, "how big were their women's busts?"
And could they accidentally step on you if they were here today?

and could you drown in their pussies?


"In those days there were giants on earth."

God was angry with the giants and sent floods on them.

31. United States:
Some Indian tribes worshiped "people with huge growth" who inhabited the region before their arrival.

petroglyph, depicting a mammoth attacking a man: a man must have been more than 10 feet in height, according to the perspective used by the ancient artist. (Indians in the vicinity said that the drawings were made by giants long ago).


Before the flood, the land was inhabited by a giant race of Tsokullikseko.

Xellua and his giant brothers survived the world flow and built a pyramid to reach the clouds.

35. TOLTECS, MEXICO: "The First Century" was interrupted
terrible destruction due to "floods and lightning", and in the "second century" our land was inhabited by giants - Cuinametzin.

Before the great Flood, which occurred 4008 years after the creation of the world, the land was populated by giants.

The first race, created by the gods before the flood, was a giant. The two outstanding giants were Atlas [Atlas?] And Teitani [Titan?]

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, whose civilization stretched from the Pacific to the sources of the Amazon, were giants.

long race of gigantic people arrived from the Pacific Ocean on ships, invaded the lowlands of old Peru, forcing the Incas high into their mountain fortresses in the Andes.
These giants were so huge that "from the knee down they were as tall as a tall man."

The city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia was built by the survivors of the Flood; it was built by giants.

As you can see, the whole world seems to capture the hereditary memories of the giants.

41. A manuscript entitled "The Apocalypse of Baruch", a pseudepigraphic work written around AD 100. and preserved only in the sixth century Syrian vulgate (and which seems a bit obscure in parts), it seems, hints at the origin of the giants:

"People have become giants. These first giants were very developed, intellectually, artistically and physically: they had power over birds and animals ... they behaved badly and were abolished by God, and ordinary people took their place ... "

So many legends remind that humanity also lived much longer - even hundreds of years.

Interestingly, this is what the ancient Bible writings have been talking about for so long. From a high, blissful state, a man fell and steadily deteriorated. He was created with a noble physique and a powerful brain that degenerated because of a wrong life.

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8. Giant processed stones, including huge stones installed in buildings: for example -
§ 200 ton blocks in Ollantaytambo and Ollantayparubo, Peru.
§ 100 - 200 tons of foundation and wall blocks of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia.
§ 340 tons of height 65 feet of stones in Brittany, France.
§ 2000 tons of foundation stone and 1,000 tons of 180-foot stones set to 20 feet in

building in the Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon
§ From 50 to 300 tons of Saksa'uamen blocks, Peru, installed precisely without cement
§ 20 000 tons block the size of a 5-storey building in the same village.
§ 50 tons of building blocks transported across the lake in Mexico
§ Walls of 40 feet thick, Chan Chan, Peru
§ 50 tons of building slabs, in the Amazon jungle
§ Stone head size of 7-storey building, cut, moved and erected, on Easter Island
§ 25 to 50 tons of blocks in Stonehenge, England
§ 233 20,000 pounds in geometric form blocks in El Endrilari, Chile
§ 23ft thick walls in Magdalensburg, Austria
§ 240,000 pounds of stone cross 30 feet long above 18 feet in height, in the Peloponnese, Greece
§ Wall thickness of 50 feet in Tirince, Greece
§ 170-meter-high stone tomb on Tonga-Tabu, Pacific Ocean
§ 65-foot giant statues and one 900-ton statue 70 feet high with a 3-foot-long thumb in Thebes, Egypt
§ Monolith 40 tons at Vanua Levu, Fiji
§ Columns 65 feet high on Rimatara
§ Statue of 18 floors, Bemian, Afghanistan
§ Also buildings hundreds of feet high

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On April 12, the US Air Force dropped the largest conventional bomb in the Pentagon's arsenal to dump Islamic state terrorists in accordance with official Pentagon reports. However, the insider's indications indicate another reason for using the MOAB bomb. The undisclosed goal is to dump, capture or destroy the giants hiding in the ancient cave system of Afghanistan, which have technological secrets that go back to the origins of human civilization.

President Donald Trump seems to agree with his promise of "bombing shit" from ISIS. But he? Are ISIS terrorists a realistic goal or just a cover for an undisclosed enemy?

A number of informants spoke about giants hiding in Afghanistan and other places where these giants are now awakening from the "drinking chambers" that they slept for thousands of years.

The secret space information informer, Corey Hood, was one of the first to publicly disclose the existence of "drinking chambers" that kept perfectly preserved giants for millennia.

In an interview on August 4, 2015, Gude discussed how he got access to information on "cushions with intellectual glass" during his secret service about these sleeping giants and stagnation chamber technology that kept them.

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The giants had cocks the size of trees, and their women had cunts as deep as caves.

tiny people can build big things too

Hood said:

When I was in the "Secret Space Program" program, when I had time to sit and look at the panel with smart glass, there was a lot of information I was looking at. And one of them was that there were creatures that they found beneath the surface of the Earth, under ... usually under the mountains, burial mounds ... Indian burial mounds that were not dead but were not quite alive. They called them "beings of stasis." And it turned out that they used a technology that existed long before, from this group they called the "race of ancient builders" ... Thus, it did not put creatures in stagnation, which many would have thought of as being frozen. But it just changed how they experienced the time ... they are probably going to sleep, maybe in 20 minutes, and in 30 000 years will pass ...

Hood described the size of creatures found in stasis chambers:

And to look down, they saw these very tall creatures or very large giant people with reddish beards .... these tall, red, red beard bands were in Europe and South and North America. And, apparently, at one time, until the last Ice Age, apparently, they had a very large territory in which they ruled.

I heard similar stories from another special forces operating at the McDill Air Force, which served in Afghanistan and is well aware of the secret war to capture or kill the giants. Currently, I encourage the operative to speak with his testimony through a third party
I heard similar stories from another special forces operating at the McDill Air Force, which served in Afghanistan and is well aware of the secret war to capture or kill the giants. Currently, I encourage the operative to speak with his testimony through a third party

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The explorer-historian, avocational archaeologist and public orator Jason Jarrell studies ancient history, philosophy, comparative mythology and religion. In the second half he shared archaeological reports and historical chronicles of a separate subpopulation of large, powerful people of extraordinary heights that inhabited ancient North America for thousands of years. These North American giants were called "High" indigenous peoples and ranged from 7 to 8 feet in height, and some, perhaps even higher, he pointed out.

In the 1880s, the Smithsonians explored the mounds of Aden in West Virginia, and skeletons of great length were found; in 1897 the discovery of skeletons in barrows in Ohio gave another giant, reports Jarrell. Nevertheless, these data were deliberately suppressed, he continued, probably because of the concepts of eugenics that were popular in anthropology in the early 20th century. In his opinion, many of the ancient clans were destroyed by the advent of European explorers centuries earlier, but, surprisingly, the Highs have still living descendants. He cited as an example the late actor / fighter Max Palmer. Part of Cherokee, and standing 8 feet 3 inches, he did not suffer from a genetic disease or hormonal imbalance

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Medieval Danish historian Saxo Grammatik argues that earlier on Earth lived giants and giants, otherwise how to explain the huge cyclopean structures that have survived to this day. Giant people are mentioned in historical documents.

Ancient Greek historian Pausaniya described the find in the river Sront. It was a skeleton 5 meters high. The Roman historian Flavius spoke of people who saw living giants. Their faces were ugly, and sometimes with one eye, and the voice was a thunder similar.

In the years of early Christianity the clergy assured that Adam has four meters in height and Evatri. It's in the Vatican archives.

In the mountains of the Caucasus, archaeologists discovered many remains four meters high. They are hundreds of thousands of years old. In Cumberland, the giant's skeleton was found, and in full military uniform his sword and footpath lay next to him. The growth of the skeleton is 4.5 yards, and the teeth - 6 and a half inches. In Tanzania, traces of a foot 80 cm in length were found. Traces of up to 50 cm were found in the desert of Nevada.

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Giant remains were found in a cave in Pulau Upee, a true historian, thank God, Mr. Mohd, who did not politicize to hide the giant skeleton finds and hand them over to the Darwinian authorities, which are no longer visible, and to be a mum on their finds.

This is what the officials told Lisa Kerr, a student from New Zealand, when the authorities hired her and others to collect giant skeletons that were discovered after washing in Mexico after heavy rains! She was sworn in as a secret and even concerned about her return to New Zealand by the authorities.

But not all media get a note. Either that, or they prefer not to obey to sell more newspapers. In the above article, Zvezda, it was reported that Mohd Fuad Husari M. Said, appointed by the government of Malacca to search for new historical sites, discovered some bones partially exposed above the ground in Pulau Upei, as well as two other unusually large graves located at 1 , 2 km from the cave. The graves are measured about 5 m by 0.5 m and are located approximately 15 m to 20 m from each other. He told Star:

"I reported the findings to the authorities, because we have no right to dig up the site without permission," and that "the discovery can be proof to confirm the allegations that the early settlers in Malacca, including during the Malay Sultanate, were large in their structure. "And" depending on the size of the skull and the length of bones, the remains can be measured from 3 to 5 m in length. "

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