I'm on my second day of no-weed and I'm dying for just a hit.
Just one small hit.

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try vaping? see if the nicotine rush can help?

weed isn't physically addictive, only mentally. just keep yourself busy :/


but OP, marijuana isn't addictive! It cures cancer!

Just fucking stop, faggot. When I turned 18 I quit cold turkey cigarettes, pot, and opiates and never looked back. Am 27 now

One day, you understand how this shit destroy you inside, you will stop easy

3 nicotine patches on each arm and thigh.

my education was shit and I'm 18 and I didnt really know weed wasn't addictive, thanks school...
for literally telling me otherwise

nicotine patches can give you skin canser tho

Replace it with another addiction. Try heavy drinking or gambling
or heroine

Dude take some time off. I did and now I barely smoke, I work in a creative field so sometimes it helps me get shit done but it feels so nice to be clear headed. After a short break it was pretty easy for me to smoke next to nothing.

I've been NEETing for the past 4 months and realized all I did was getting high. Hours, days and weeks passed by without me noticing.

Do some Mushrooms

Lmfao when I went to school they warned you left and right that marijuana was extremely addictive, worse than cigarettes and a gateway drug to everything else.
Honestly, pot is fucking addictive. I don't care what stupid liberal stoner hippy walks up and tells me, fuck you. POT IS ADDICTIVE. All I fucked with was pot for 5 years straight and when I quit, that shit gave me a derealization episode for a month. It was fucking scary. I felt like I was not real, like I was living in a movie. I didn't think it would ever stop. Going from smoking everyday and getting baked practically 24/7 to sober fucking changed me, for sure.

This is pretty much what happened to me before I quit.

Just make it about a week, user. It's not even as bad as cigarette withdrawals. You can do this.

(Kava tea and valerian root can help a little bit.)

Honestly the best way to stop is to just keep productive. Get a job, get an education, go on dates. Anything that can keep your mind occupied, except vidya games. If you smoke "as a way to kill a few hours" you'll notice that you will smoke a lot less, and in controlled amounts. Hope I could help, good luck with your abstinence

About as addictive as caffeine. Which 80% of the U.S. population consumes daily, but pot does not compare to opiates, benzos, amphetamines, alcohol, etc. withdrawals.

lol, don't smoke when young

I did not do anything except marijuana. Nicotine is also reportedly as addictive as caffeine...soooo??

Thanks for the tip.
I forgot what clear headed feels like. Sometimes I can't tell if I'm going insane or not. Sleeping is a burden and staying awake is worst.

Well, my point is that pot is mildly addictive. But only mildly.

Cigarette withdrawals were lightly more intense and lasted three times as long as pot withdrawals did (having quit both at different times, around 6 years ago).

I still haven't kicked caffeine, though another attempt starts again tomorrow.

did some research now, and I've been vaping after I quit tobacco, and they say nicotine is more or about as addictive as cocane, and it actually does harm to your body, wich THC dont?

Be a man and quit cold turkey
Ya turkey

>I forgot what clear headed feels like

I remember that feeling.

Try reading a good book now that you can pay attention long enough to remember what you're reading. I've replaced drugs with book spretty successfully.

>replacing weed with book
Sup Forums is literally the cuck board now

a fucking book bro, what

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> they say nicotine is more or about as addictive as cocane

The reason they say that is because the percentage of people who successfully quit cocaine or heroin are much higher than people who quit nicotine.

But that's probably largely because treatment centers exist for hard drugs and even marijuana, and cigarettes are cheap and plentiful; you're never going to have withdrawals for more than a couple hours on the basis of being unable to find any.

For myself, quitting cigarettes was easy, and I even managed opiates, pot, and benzos without rehab, but I still can't kick caffeine.

And a large part of that is because it's so easy to rationalize myself into having "just one" energy drink or cup of coffee, and the next day it's two again, and so on and so forth, just because I don't view it as damaging. I knew what I was doing to myself with the nicotine, though, so I just quit cold turkey.

I'm leaving the country in a few months. Got a job oversea. I know I won't be able to smoke while there, so I'm getting back to the surface now while I can, while at the same time thinking fuck it and still get high until then.

I did. With my stoner friend and his mom on a trail for horses in a forest. Horses are huge.

Nah replace it with something silk like pumping iron

Stop acting like a dumbass and go outside..

if still young does /b recommend quiting nicotine and pot now?

Can't tell if trolling, or just retarded. Not just weed, also hard drugs, this was me: I still smoke weed once or twice a month and smoke cigarettes around the same amount.

I do hard drugs maybe once or twice a year.

And there are some good books out there. If you're not reading, you're missing out.

>Having weed withdrawal
Weak ass nigga, it's easier to quit than fucking fizzy soda.

I'm reading War and Peace. Almost finished it.
Honestly it got me thinking there's more to life than getting high and cloud my thoughts with seemingly profound reasoning but still be unable to express them. Be it via writing or voice.

>War and Peace
Sounds kinda gay, but I have an allergic reaction to anything that sounds like high literature or respected by academia because it usually sucks and academia has bad taste. Not always the case; stopped clok is right twice a day and all.

I recommend:

Meddling Kids

John Dies at the End (and its sequels)


120 Days of Sodom

It (the book really is as good as all the hype, moreso than anything else by Stephen King)

Twilight Eyes

A Game of Thrones (yeah, the show sucks and the fanbase sucks harder, but the books are surprisingly dope)

Aghora trilogy


The Knight of the Swords


Let the Right One In

Anything by HP Lovecraft

Gleefully Macabre Tales

Necrophilia Variations

City Infernal

The Haunted of the Threshold (Lovecraftian porn)

A Clockwork Orange

Interview with the Vampire

Satan Burger

Illuminatus trilogy

this man addicitions

I'm sitting one feet away from enough weed to stone out a fucking stone.
Outside, it's well bellow my bong water freezing point with nothing but corn fields all around.
What's the point not to fulfill my brain requests for an escape. That's the hard part.
Sometimes it's kinda gay, but it definitively falls into the Not always the case category.
I've read Anna Karenina before it. 18 century Russia noble society is a enjoyable escape.
I'll let the book worm take over me, thanks for the suggestion.

Do cocaine instead

"Muh weed isnt addictive"

Just quite gradually man.

Start off with your normal amount
next day cut that 1/5
another 1/5
and another
last day you take 1 hit

next day 1 small hit

next day. no hit.

then boom. done.

anyone knows where to find any weed in thessaloniki greece tonight?

going cold turkey for a month myself, on day 4 i think, it was worse the first 2 days but now I just keep busy at gym at work and with studies, I recommend you do something like that