Amerifag in italy. want to kill myself painlessly in the home country of my grandparents...

amerifag in italy. want to kill myself painlessly in the home country of my grandparents, preferably in napoli or at least somewhere in campania or sicilia. currently in parma. what's the best way to do it, and where can i get stuff like sleeping pills here if that's the best way to do it?

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Simply go to mafia control blocks like Scampia (Napoli), insult someone and get instantly shot, no pain (hopefully)

best insult should be "terroni di merda"

i like this one but im not sure i want to say terroni di merda as my last words, considering i'm one of them

dont kill urself

fuck bitches and eat spaghet OP

that is not fulfilling in life

Take shrooms first

Do it faggot

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not napoli please.

Ma quanto cazzo sei frocio per spostarti da un paese che ti offre possibilità,ad un paese che se sei povere e inetto puoi anche morire di fame? OP va a farti fottere nel culo da qualche negro

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Sleeping pills don’t work. You need Nembutal.

italiano pezzo di merda

Your life is all you have, really. You're just borrowing everything else. Don't intentionally throw away the one thing you truly possess. Think about how it would affect everyone around you. How many people it would fuck up. It might be hard to imagine now, but someone would cry for you, no doubt about it.

Please call the Suicide Prevention Hotline. Talk to them. Life gets better. Don't throw away the only chance you have to prove that.

Come tua madre quando ti ha concepito da quell'hamburger marcio che tu chiami vagina razza di ciccio bastardo

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In bocca al lupo!

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No triggerino my friend, we're neighbours ;)

Trieste è nostra!

non mi sono spostato

trieste merda

We can have it if you don't want it anymore

prendetevela subito

you cannot compete fags

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>rubber prosthetic

Italiani froci di merda

Quando leggo commenti simili do per scontato che tu abbia il cervello di un dodicenne. Che ridere

grazie mille!
Slovenia will prevail again.

sidenote, nice dubs

Parli tu americano del cazzo,che odiate i negri,e poi siete i primi a promuovere il cuckolding.


>quando leggo una reply del genere mi viene da pensare che i froci devono essere davvero sterminati in una riapertura dei campi di concentramento

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Tu lo prendi in culo dai negri

oh i know someone will cry. i know a number of people will. i just don't care


where get

è vero

>è vero

why not


Bad city, bad people.
Go in a nice, quiet, little town and reconsider your life. Go on a trip on the mountains, by the sea.
Just don't kill yourself in naples.

And do you know why you don't care? Is it to get back at people? Society? Yourself?
I mean, either way, if you don't care, then just fuck off somewhere, you don't need to kill yourself to separate yourself.