Infinity wars is going to be 2 hours 36 minutes long

Infinity wars is going to be 2 hours 36 minutes long
Whereas it should be 10 minutes long including the intro, the movie, the credits and the post credit scene

>picture related

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the reason that it worked with dormomu is because he's not a physical entity, he doesn't experience the change in time, thanos does

So ? Strange still could keep him in a loop,

Yes, but he shouldn't know where and when he will pop up.

And that's why he sends one of his minions to handle him. I think he gets countered by acupuncture

There is a member of thanos crew who is breifly shown in the trailer who has powers similar to strange which apparently makes him able to be invulnerable to this and can be seen killing strange with some weird magic splinter torture thing which is why that wont work

But why wouldn't the avenger assemble to protect dr Strange from said minion ?

>He can control the time
>He can go back after Thanos lands and be ready for him

Maybe because they weren't even aware of the threat, or at least prepared for it in that time?

It could be the attack against Dr. Strange that alerted them to the threat.

Thanos has stood at the end of space, time, and reality with Adam Warlock in order to speak with the One Above All and have Warlock become the Living Tribunal.

Thanos pisses on the concept of time.

Why does he needs the stones if he's so badass ?

I think that Ebony Maw fails to get the time stone from Strange, but Thanos gets every other stone. Then right at the end of the movie after a bunch of fighting, Strange uses the time stone and does some timey stuff and reverses shite, leading into IW part 2.

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why drive a car when you can walk?

But if doesn't give a fuck about concept of time than he doesn't need the car.

The only way strange can control time is with the eye of agamoto (The time stone in the mcu) which he left behind until he thought he was strong enough to properly use it. Thanos will nor than likely steak it before strange even knows what's happening.

Oh give me a break, Strange reacted to Loki in a matter of minutes, but he misses Thanos ? None of the books in the Kamar-Taj mention the Mad Titan ? Or the Ancient one didn't know about the guy ? Did she fail to mention him to all her disciples across the centuries ?

She is shown wearing the damned thing the whole time, in Thor Rangnarok and in all the infinity ear trailers


What have this place done to me



so basically you dont like movies?
yes you can tell the story in 10 minutes and if you leave out enough stuff you can do it in 10 seconds, but for some reason people would rather watch a 2 and a half hour movie than a 10 minute movie and people pay for it too.

I fucking love the MCU, wish DCEU wouldn't suck as much as it does. But I want to see how do they solve this.

there goes the point

oh so you are one of those "my opinion is the only correct one" type of people, i understand now.
people like different things, get over it.

suck my dick I am god

Not what I said at all. I don't hate DCEU, I just wished the Justice league wasn't OK.
They assembled the best heroes there are the result was OK.

the difference between MCU and DCEU is Marvel had their ducks in a row and then made the movie instead of throwing out 4 movies in 2 years and being like "look at my universe"

Robert Downey has been playing Iron Man since 2003 DC cant compete with that

>They assembled the best heroes there are the result was OK.
but it IS what you are saying, you are sad because its not good enough in your opinion, meanwhile large amounts of people enjoy it.
I would agree with you any day, it could be better, but me or you arent the ones paying for it and the success of the movie isnt dependant on our opinions.

Completely agree, DCEU is in full panic mode, they are way behind and try to catch up and it's not working.

I did enjoy it, but I could and should have been better. DCEU didn't set up the characters enough, it threw away the Doomdsday and death of superman in what 3rd movie ?

cant like everything it should and could have been better, but why pick this movie to say that about when pretty much every movie could and should be better (objectively), but at the same time better for you might mean worse for someone else.