How do I fake mental illness?

How do I fake mental illness?

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Get an American passport

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Lookup and watch documentaries on it, study how they move, how they talk, what makes them tick. Common triggers. Slowly emulate those behaviors, incorporate it into your behaviors experimentally

vote for Trump

Hammer hit to cereal cortex

Attached: 91d6cIN13yL._SY550_.jpg (394x550, 52K)

I imagine it wouldn't be too hard

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there's lots of them so just pick one and fake it till you make it

You're on Sup Forums so no faking required.

Buy a MAGA hat and wear it around. People will assume you're retarded.


you literally don't have to fake anything, look up the Rosenhan experiment

Go on Sup Forums and act like a sex fueled driven lustrous pig.

You don't. Real mental illnes fakes you.

Why would you need to fake mental illness?

Do you realize how many things actually qualify as mental illness nowadays? Just go get checked. They'll diagnose you with SOMETHING.

So that I can make it to an institution.

enjoy your benefits check

alternatively: go to a hospital and tell them that you have been feeling suicidal and plan on acting on your urges. you will get committed.
good info ;)

Congratulations; Faking mental illness, or the desire to do so, is an indicator of mental illness. You've already succeeded.

Tell everyone you know that traps arent gay

But thats observably true. Gay men don't sleep with traps, they sleep with other men.

Gay men will sleep with anything

They are try sexual, they try anything once

Your Premise:
>Traps ≠ Other men.
>Traps = Other men.

You browse /b. You don't have to fake anything.

they don't keep you in an institution unless you're dangerous or completely delirious.

source: I've experienced mental health problems, they'll dump you in outpatient the first chance they get.

Go out and get syphilis. You'll have fun getting it, it's easy to do, and you won't have to fake it.