UBER Crash with autonomous driving car and bicycle

UBER Crash with autonomous driving car and bicycle.

One man dead.
Anyone got the original video from the car camera? Would like to know what happened but can't find it anywhere online. Can my Sup Forumsros help me find it?

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I highly doubt uber would release on board footage, especially if they're in the middle of an investigation into the crash

right but sometimes these things get out nonetheless..

so does anyone know whose fault it was? was it the cyclist?

Who wouldn't hit a bicyclist...

SELF-DRIVING!! Technology is the DEVIL. Whoa, thank GOD normal cars driven by normal people NEVER hit bicyclists!!

how in the hell is a computer going to see a fucking bike?

i see in the future though that we will have nothing but cycles for the average joe, as fuel will either run out, or be linked to so many deaths from deadly fumes that governments will tax the living shit out of it and then say we are working on the pollution problem by making it hard for anyone who hasn't a legitimate reason to be driving stay out of their cars

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Ah yes great, now people will freak out over autonomous vehicles being dangerous even though the chance of a sophisticated computer with top of the line sensors is VASTLY less likely to make errors than an unskilled human being, especially considering how many people are barely functional retards that have easy access to a drivers license despite the danger to other people driving a vehicle poses.

This is actually being debated in the UK right now.


good. i see our job of trying to fuck with google's
new captchas is working

not sure, only thing I heard so far was that the cyclist was not using a crosswalk

Shit yeah, imagine if it was because of something like that.

We're bad people.

So it was in the USA?
>be illegal to get hit by a car

Cyclists are legally required to follow traffic laws.

cheeky cunt

OP here. They say that a human driver would not have been able to avoid the accident too. So apperenrly it was the bikers fault... still we have to quastion what they say!

That's why I wanna see the video footage in order to see the truth.

I am kind of into this autonomous driving stuff, but still see the risks if it's going to be a mixture of both self- and "normal" driving cars. I think it could be almost accident free if it was only self driving cars.

What do you think?

Yeah, I also think that way, people cause accidents, machines cause way less. I'm into the self driving also because I hate driving myself.

But I can also smell old crusty people complaining about this specific case and bringing it to global scale as in technology is bad etc

Yeh a mixture of the two sort of ruins the full effect autonomy could have. That being said even in ideal world where all vehicles are autonomous and communicate with one another there would still be accidents. However you'd be looking at significantly less accidents that could be greatly reduced in severity by the vehicles being much better at correcting during an accident to best mitigate the impact and damage.

I actually kind of hope that really is what happened so they go back to the old captcha

Truck Driving is the last middle-class wage scale job that you don't need a degree to do.

I wonder if that has anything to do with companies pushing autonomous driving.

Lel, saw the news in french media yesterday, they were saying it was a pedestrian not using a crosswalk. Looks like they are as good as video game journalists

So much this.
Human progress will be hampered once again probably because some group named 'moms against robots' will hold a teary eyed speech on television about how we need to keep out children safe. Cue in the small child with down syndrome saying 'I waaaant be astrobot when I grow up, but can't because evil street robots'.
Entire country claps and we agree to go back to the stone age because it was so much safer back then.

Well, it is already set, that during the next 10-20 years WILL loose a lot of their jobs because of software, robitics and AI or autonomous solutions...

... in my opinion this could be a good thing! Think of a possible chance there would be a basic income for everyone! Machines would do the work we don't really wanna do! Humans could finally concentrate on stuff that matters! Or that they in fact want to do! Working a 50-60h job a week is not exactly how I see my life in the future! Would love to spend more time doing things I actually like!


If it's the last to go then wouldn't you expect it to eventually be automated like everything else has?

Wait, is that why they Are always asking about crosswalks and street signs?

I don't think it's that.

I think it's that the technology isn't ready. And it's being pushed as though it is.

Also, there's the legal standpoint of responsibility. If you have one of those cars that can parallel park itself, and it hits something, who is responsible? The driver?

It sure as shit won't be the manufacturer because they'll have covered their arse from the fucking beginning.

So if you have an automatic car, but you're still responsible for anything that it does, what's the point of having an automatic car?

keep fucking up those captchas. automation is cancer and a poor substitute for human accountability.

Until the machines decide they don't wanna be working a 50-60 hour week either and then make us do all the work again ..

That was the bullshit that they fed people in the 50s. Three-day-weeks. More leisure time. It's all lies.

I wish it were true, but it's never going to be.

Yeah. It's inevitable "progress". But I don't think it's truly ready.

And bridges
And other cars
And store fronts
And signals

you'll find that it wasn't on autonomous driving when it happened. the driver probably accidentally turned it off by hitting the brake or something. just wait until the investigation is over

>I think it's that the technology isn't ready. And it's being pushed as though it is.
Even these very early prototypes that are currently being tested on the streets are proven to be vastly safer than regular drivers. We have enough data now to calculate their risk compared to how we calculate these risks with human drivers and their respective vehicles.
The thing you have to realize is how many idiots/old people/Asians are out there on the streets. It isn't a high bar for a robot to surpass the amount of accidents that currently happen every single day.

id trust a robot before a retard when it comes to driving

the amount of people that die due to wrecks is appalling, and it's crazy how there's never any debate of making this better but lord forbid if someone is shot or stabbed then it's a catastrophe.

The report says it was in autonomous mode

I guess you're right.

They're safer than a base statistic of existing accidents per year. They're not perfect, but they're within an acceptable range of being flawed.

I don't think that sits right with me. But who the fuck am I?

The rise of the machines began today.

I, for one, welcome our new mechanical overlords.

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>An autonomous car kills 1 person
>Meanwhile a few hundred killed the same day by driven cars

Be quiet. Grown ups are talking.

How could an autonomous vehicle just drive into a human? all those fucking sensors and advanced computers that respond thousands of times faster than a human could, and it does this? how could it happen?

it didn't happen. it was either turned off or the computer malfunctioned. it wouldn't have been in operation.

ya it was in Tempe Arizona USA. p.s. my comment not suggesting cyclist would be deemed at fault, just sayin what the known info is so far

well afaik it was a cyclist, but then cyclists are considered pedestrians if they ridin a non-powered bike

I can see what you're saying.

I'm optimistic about where technology will lead us, because it can genuinely be used for a lot of good things. Take computers for example. They have brought along with them the internet, arguably one of the largest technological advancements since electricity or artificial light. the internet and computers are used for good things - fundraising and making medicine, for instance. But they're also used maliciously. Terrorism has become a global phenomenon with people being recruited and paying for it worldwide. Stolen pictures are distributed far more easily. It gives potential for extremeists (religious, cultural, even just things like extreme right and left wingers) to connect to like-minded people. despite having access to more information than ever, people have put themselves into more of an echochamber than ever before as well.

So, while AI and robotics has the potential for good, I seriously doubt it will be used that way. It WILL have downsides. Whether they are overall beneficial or not is a different story.

Until recently I worked for a major auto insurer and this was water-cooler chat- how the industry would evolve to handle self-driving autos. Will be interesting to see


Stop reading at "top of the line sensors." I realized here you were fucking thick.


This is what robotic assisted evolution looks like.

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Part 2:

I dont imagine the rich and powerful are just going to up and donate their money away in extreme taxes to cover things like universal income.

People who dont want to like just off universal income are going to have it tough too. How do you compete for jobs? How expensive will everything be?

Sure, manufacturing will be dirt cheap, but we all know that companies tend to price match and the government is owned by them.

It's like the idea of trickle-down economics, the idea that if the rich have more money they will spend it on investment which eventually makes it back to the lower classes. It's just too optimistic.

The rich aren't going to get access to dirt-cheap manufacturing and use it just so they can pay money back in taxes. They're going to use it to boost profit margins. they'll abuse their leverage over countries, they'll abuse tax loopholes, they'll abuse pricing, they'll abuse manufacturing processes. Anything they can do, they will in order to increase profit margins.

Not to mention AI usage in terms of weaponry and predictive capabilities. That's a whole other can of worms.

So, is it possible that AI ends up being a godsend? Yes, but - and it's a big BUT - it's in the hands of corporations and governments. Neither of which is going to put the interests of society or the common man first. The commoners aren't even considered in these peoples' equations, except as a barrier.

Well I hope they arrested the dead guy.

Actually the reason this happened is because the vehicle ARE NOT fully autonomous. Although they are fully competent of doing a complex maneuver to avoid a collision, as prototypes they are only designed to brake for any obsticle and it is up to the driver to do any maneuvers required to avoid a collision.

At the end of the day, it is simple physics that governs what the vehicle does. No matter how much faster than a human the computer can apply the brakes, it will still be 50 feet before the car comes to a full stop.

The sad thing here is that the computer in the car was fully capable of avoiding this collision, but they left it up to the driver.


Was in america, who the hell care about some fat americunt?

Sounds like BS. Why would they remove a safety feature of doing a simple swerve

Because if it has to swerve to avoid something, then that opens a whole new can of worms and legal junk, it has to go on the wrong side of the road, has to choose what it hits instead, blah blah... It's designed to adhere to the road rules even if it means it could kill someone.

What would you take?
A) Emotionless machine that is computing algoriths in nanoseconds to get to point a to point b in the safest way possible
B) Easily distracted, emotionally driven primitive beings who constantly make bad choices knowing it could ruin many lives

Cameras and sensors you dumb fuck

i am a college educated electronics expert you cretin
you are just some fat uneducated autist
prove me wrong

protip you can't

pic related it's you

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autonomous driving has already proven to be much safer than human drivers, but it's a new technology and there are going to be bugs that need to be ironed out.

The kind of accidents that you will get from autonomous driving are going to be fucking stupid but that's because it's not human mistakes, it's computer mistakes.


Computers don't make mistakes, asshole. They receive instructions, process them and give an output. The human who programmed the device is at fault.

I took over his car. And an heroed him

but who do you blame? who does the surviving family sue? the "driver" or owner of the vehicle? or the manufacturer?

it's like the first planes that were flown by computers. they just did stupid shit like try to land in a forest. but in the long term, the computer flown planes have saved probably thousands of lives