Lolbertarians/ancaps hate thread

Post anything cringeworthy from them.

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You should have the right to. The community and the family should enforce values and how we conduct ourself instead of letting the state.

>people wonder why nobody takes them seriously

This is your brain on libertarianism.

hahaha what the fuck?

I fucking hope this is real. What a fucking lunatic.

>average lolbertarian

cringe compilation, here ya go



Hardcore shit or batshit insane?

Probably good old lies

That's not how quantum immortality works.

Libertarians used to run this place, where'd they go? Seriously?

Voting third party in USA is like staying home and not voting at all.


They got red pilled.

they got hardcore memed out of existence

What made you change your mind? Are you still anti-authoritarian, or did you do a 360 on that because of a celebrity?

Some libertarians only care about being an ideologically pure libertarian, and not about actually shrinking the government. That's why some of them embrace open borders, despite open borders being a death sentence for small government.

don't you mean 180?

it's a meme, you dip

Demographics. Also, religious adherence to free markets is stupid.

How do open borders destroy small government exactly?

wew lad

You have anything against voluntarism, Vilhjalmur?

Huxley got it right.

based Living Meme McAfee

Open borders has nothing to do with being a "pure " libertarian, that's just literally one of the things you believe in as a libertarian because libertarians believe in self-ownership over state ownership

>buttmad statists

Pushed out by Trump fans the same way they pushed out Nazis before them.

Everybody turn into fascists.

>Open borders has nothing to do with being a "pure " libertarian
>proceeds to explain why all true™ libertarians believe in open borders

Just awful. How can they build roads if they can't even hold a simple convention?

Because the people who come in are not libertarian. And their future children won't be either. Look at the demographics of people who vote libertarian.

no borders means people will come in who will vote in a bigger guburment

all libertarians believe in open borders idiot, even the Republican ones.

Here's a revelation, Trump isn't a libertarian.

>no true scotsman again
Okay kiddo.

low quality b8


If your kid is buying heroin you're the problem.

well the name is embarrassing because of the depths the LP sank to in order to get attention in DC.

So what the fuck were you disagreeing with me for then? Your post makes no sense.

what is libertarian about closed borders? Absolutely nothing, which is why every libertarian philosopher was for open borders. Read a fucking book for once.

Libertarians don't reply to non arguments.

Stop spreading this lie.

They SERIOUSLY had no good answers to questions a five year old could think of, all within the "In a libertarian society, what is stopping me from doing X?"

Are you fucking retarded?

Small Government is actually the solution for most of our problems though.
Funny how people here all seem to hate the idea even though early America was basically Libertarian in most sense.
You're all dummies.

>banning child prostitution violates the NAP

Off the top of my head, Hoppe isn't exactly for open borders.

Anyways, you're missing the point of the Brit's argument as well as mine.

not an argument commie

They finally graduated college

No, I actually support smaller governments in general, but religious adherence to the non-aggression principle is stupid. Coercion is not automatically wrong.

child prostitution is an initiation of force. Children do not want to be prostituted.

The Trump contingent is the Nazi contingent desu. Half the libertarians became Trump fans and abandoned any pretense of consistency and the other half migrated to 8ch

>he is a minarchist
>doesn't think the government should own the land that borders foreign countries
>that should belong to its original owners, private citizens
>private citizens have a deed which lays out their own property borders
>the government's job is to secure his private property, among other things, against aggression, because that's libertarianism! private property rights!
>but they shouldn't build a wall and stop people from just walking right over and into their land! closed borders aren't libertarian!
you guys aren't even libertarians. you're just insane.

A significant number of people are too stupid to raise their kids as it is.
You think removing all these laws would somehow make society better as a whole?

I became an anarcho-primitivist

>this guy lost to Gary "Open Borders" Johnson
>Gary "gun control is libertarian" Johnson

A lot of libertarians are just micro fascists. They prefer the absolute power of propriety to the arbitrary power of the state.



does anyone have the video of OP's pic or a timecode for it and the video?

I'll make one if there isn't one on youtube yet that shit is gold.

>What's adoption

yes it is. government isn't a moral institution. your opinion is that coercion should be used when warranted, and that's fine, but that will never be Morally Right. it doesn't have to be, to have a functioning society, even if it ought to be so when a utopian idea is being expounded. who says we can build a utopia? nobody serious, no matter what their politics are.

but, the fact of the matter is you will never do anything right unless you have these facts straight in your head first. government is force. resorting to force before it is warranted is aggression.

if instead you try to rewrite the rules of morality to think what you are doing is blessed by god -- for what else is the point of moral behavior? -- then no matter how small of a government you start with, you will end up with an islam-like religious state and you will fail.


Why would you even need nukes in an ancap utopia? There would be no war.

to set them off for fun, obviously. somewhere safe.


Government is stifiling the elements of humanity which prevent less intelligent human beings from making better choices.

Without the government, raising children would be a job done with about a hundredfold of today's responsibility.

Funny how you are avoiding the argument of local voluntary participation in communities forcing people to make meaningful choices in wether or not they choose to participate or be ostracized due to bad parenting.

Life would be much much better for children. They would spent much more time with family / people that are supposed to fill in family roles.

Today it's daycare and daytime tv and government subsidized tenure-up-the-ass-teachers.

Good luck breathing when I own all the air bitch

>ha statists r stoopid
>how r u questining me u cant ebin driv in her

Don't you realize you yourself are literally guilty of the exact same thing you accused me of? Have some self-awareness.



Ah yes. All because we've banned the sale of heroin to children.



i've never been full libertarian (anarchist). I lean libertarian economically and socially.
but the biggest change is I'm realizing non-whites are mentally unable to sustain a civilization. i still don't like the republican party on most issues but Trump isn't a republican.



darryl perry has my vote

>Hoard water
>Don't trade
>Die of hunger, weather conditions, lack of safety because everybody else voluntarily chose not to offer you a single thing

>Le unstumpable froggy pepe meme

Schools are an ancient institution
They spend too much time in daycare because women spend too much time working because kikes and feminists wanted to double the labor force

assuming that people are allowed to leave Rapetown, what's wrong with this?


The correct answer would have been
>I believe the person selling heroin should have the moral fortitude to deny the sale, however, if he still completes the transaction... Then the community, small group of individuals, or maybe just the parents or relatives of the 5 y.o. should find resolution.

True Kekbertarian A.M.A.

>Be american government
>Nuke the shit out of Japan
>Destroy middle-east

>complain about ancap society having potential nukes and shit

Libertarians sacrificed their integrity to win the Meme Wars and STILL lost


Do your realize how many kids would try drugs just out of curiosity? Half of the fucking population would be worthless drug-heads in 4 years.



this please.

The party is in complete disarray, and most of them hate their nominee. He got booed at constantly. If it weren't for the fact that they are trying to be a catch-all for protest votes, they'd be dying along with the major parties.

>worshiping the constitution
pick one


What's the secret to the magic trick? And gun guys know?

Nothing wrong with that

>sociopath gene dies out

>tfw you live in a government ruled society and your sociopath gene continues and spreads because of government funding for your 7 improperly raised children.

How does it work then?