Communism is a good thing

communism is a good thing

prove me wrong Sup Forums

to be clear here not dictatorships communism yes they are differences

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doesnt matter who you are everyone is treated well and the country is a level playing field

i wouldnt know
i am not educated enough on politics to make an intelligent statement

no one goes hungry because they will be fed by their fellow man and likewise you will feed your fellow man in times of need

on paper it's a utopian ideal, but utopia means "no place"

Oh you want to act smart you splattered fecal matter.

Attached: Communism.png (1439x1924, 785K)

Could only work in a fully autonomous society. People are easily corrupt

haven't been on pol in ages might drop in

not gonna lie communism always sounded cool but your probably just trolling so w/e

>not dictatorships

So how to you intend to build socialism if you don't implement a strong state power?

Even your pic related implies that communism is imposed by the state.

Communism might be okay once more labour is roboticized, but as it stands it is still only good on paper.

Getting sent to a work camp for having an extra loaf of bread is not gucci.

Dying in the collective farm's grain field because you're not allowed to eat any of the food you produce is even less gucci.

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I mean sure communism hasn't worked in the past, but I'm sure it'll work just fine if we try it again!

>to be clear here not dictatorships
did u read op?

>communism is a good thing
>communism is a good thing when you have infinite resources at its disposal
Otherwise you're failing to recognize that humans have different base needs to keep them from murdering one another.

Explain how you will establish communism without a dictatorship of the proletariat.

>good on paper

>the state
You want to tell me what good being a slave to a shitty faggot state is?

in theory
in a perfect setting
you fucking dumb shit

nigger i dont know shit about politics dont ask me

Can you give me some examples of things you think are good instead of throwing an ad hominem at me

Then what's the point of posting?

Who's in charge of the state? I'm gonna guess it's a dictator.

communism is good if everyone is a fucking ant

whats the point in living

that pic present an inaccurate image of communism

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Oh look, another fat, jobless, hopeless, loser NEET that thinks communism fixes everything. Except everybody starves and is dirt poor save for the elite in charge. The irony that is lost on OP is thicker than the plaque in his arteries.

Clean your damn room and apply yourself you lazy slob.

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>verybody starves and is dirt poor save for the elite in charge.
you described capitalism, retard

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seems like you prefer people dying of starvation then and paying loads because companies refuse to pay their share instead of a community owned effort where everyone benefits

k den

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You're image explains why it's a shit idea. The State encompasses everything, the state is the problem, not the solution.

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Oй бля... Иди нaхyй, вoт пpocтo иди нaхyй, гoвнo твoй кoммyнизм. Этo вceгдa зaкaнчивaлocь либo eбaнyтыми caнкциями, либo paзвaлoм

Find a country that embraced communism that you would love to live in.

Depends on the person.

In general, I would say the point is to accumulate enough resources to be comfortable. Raise a family. Pass on your genes and your knowledge to the next generation. Try to leave the world a better place than you found it.

Or... make some cool art and do a lot of drugs. I don't know man.

Attached: Painting Girl.jpg (1280x1892, 539K)

I noticed that no one has a response to this question.

Point and Set, this thread is now done.

oh look who is talking here

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>prove me wrong

Ever been to a DMV?
Ever tried to build a house using all proper permits and codes?

because capitalists are taking money from the working class fucktard

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ever wondered why states ruled by bourgeois are such a shit

Anarchism is where it's at

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>An-com flag

Into the trash it goes.

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Are they taking money? Or are they buying labor at an agreed upon price, and selling goods at an agreed upon price. And then being rewarded by the amount they they improved society. The difference between COGS, Revenue, and Expenses. The profit. The measure by which they've improved society. Take Econ 101.

>To be clear, some form of mythical communism that’s never been achieved and never will be achieved due to human nature in response to being given power over others.