Are there any neurologists on Sup Forums right now?

Are there any neurologists on Sup Forums right now?
I think my brain is broken.
>inb4 see real doctor
I'm a socially anxious loser who doesn't go outside when there's a chance of encountering other people. (Yeah somehow it's possible to become an independent adult with such an affliction)

I was laying in bed the other night watching Youtube on my phone like I always do before bed and suddenly I just felt really disoriented and discombobulated. Like I had this sense that everything looked wrong but I was able to rationally see that everything was normal. But you know how like if you close your dominant eye for a long enough time your depth perception gets all fucky? It felt kind of like that.

And then some random little array of flashing red and green "pixels" appeared as a fixed point on my vision kind of like a retinal burn, and I was still in the middle of being all confused and disoriented. Eventually the disorientation lifted and I realized that obviously it wasn't something I was looking at. After a while it kind of blinked on and off and then went away completely.
Yesterday I would occasionally smell unpleasant odors and now today some things are just tasting a little off. Like I have some kind of sinus infection but not really.

Am I died?

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It sounds like you had a mini stroke my friend

Not a neurologist but my wife is a nurse and she’s described pretty much that exact thing other patients (elderly ones who have small strokes)

CIA got you OP, good luck

No you're just autistic and prob dont have a good diet. Since youre a pleb you need to have a good diet to live normally.

What's a good non stroke diet?

For one not staring at your phone all day. It can cause blood clots on around your neck and cause disorientation, which you experienced. Maybe do something other that stare at something all day. Do some neck exercises. Do some cardiovascular activities?

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I don't stare at my phone all day. I just like to watch youtube before I go to bed. I work a physical job so I'm not completely inactive. I'm chubby which I know isn't good and I know my diet sucks :\
I don't want to die

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smoke weed

Nobody likes your garbage posts.

You have a ruptured brain vessel. Untreated high blood pressure is a major preventable cause of brain hemorrhages. Aneurysm. So if you have high blood pressure that might be one. But since you have had these symptoms.You probably have a brain hemorrhage,(Hence the "stroke" you possibly had). Physical job maybe you over worked yourself?

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>over worked yourself
you mean they over worked me.

Whats your daily diet?

Idk you tell me. Did you do anything such as forcing yourself to left move a heavy object?

Go to a real doctor idiot. They can actually do stuff the sooner they're able to see you after a stroke


i live almost every hour of every day in that state of confuaion and cloudy headedness dude. shit sucks
ive gone to doctors and all they do is blood tests and ultrasounds on my heart like they think im joking or that i must be stupid when i tell them my head feels fucked.
the worst part of all of it is the stuck thoughts. ive had many relationships end because i tell them i need to leave for a couple of houra because i feel like im gonna break things or hurt someone. they just call me a psychopath and break up with me.


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Im afraid you've got an advanced case of NEET FAGGOTY. There is no cure.

Except I work. I'm not a NEET. KYS.

Do they have to cut my brain open?

no of course not

The surgeon will if you have something wrong with your brain.
>The doctor will probably just molest your rolls lol.

>He was behind

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How does molesting me help?