Fat shaming, good or bad?

Fat shaming, good or bad?

Demotivator or Motivator?

Lets discuss it because i'd like to know your thoughts

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Fat shaming isn't good but fat "acceptance" is way worse for people

Forgot to add:
ESPECIALLY fat people

people will probably respond to the "it motivated me to lose weight and in turn made me feel good about myself" argument, any thoughts on that then?

If you are fat, its your own fault. The fat gene is only there due to your parents eating fucktons of translate. It's your responsibility not to eat garbage if you have the fat gene... stfu and gtfoh with that shit

Smoker shaming, good or bad?

Demotivator or Motivator?

Lets discuss it because i'd like to know your thoughts

Being fat is an appetite dysfunction or more like I don't care attitude
Now fat people want us to accept them for having a big appetite .
Fat shame.
Nobody in the past b4 the 70's was fat u less it was induced through food.

your trips annoy me for some reason

We don't need to fat shame, their lack of success in life will be sufficient. However, it should never be accepted that being fat is okay.

fat shaming is good
nobody should be fat

fat gene? Pretty sure people could power through that

tell that to all of america

the shaming should push themselves to try to get thin, and be kept for really fat things (a bit of chub is fine)
but yeah, fat acceptance is an absolute cancer

smoking is retarded. if you want nicotine effects, vape

I am not fat but I smoke and I use this argument all the time and no1 has a response to it.
I love it when people just don't find an argument to respond with and start screaming insults makes me fell good.

I live with an obese person, I beg to differ. The fat count can't even go down the hall without losing his fat ass breath. I live with 7 people and he always tried to eat first and I mean his portion sizes are fucking ridiculous. I have to remind his fat ass that there's 6 other people here. No willpower these lardasses have.

Good to a degree.

I used to be 300lbs and it was debilitating.
Being called "tittyman" and "chunk" were derogatory, but deserved because my weight was wholly within my control.
Took me 3 years to get down to 185lbs.
At that point I was able to get a girlfriend that weighed as much as I had lost, my attitude, health, career, and social lives have all improved.
I'm not a finely chisled Chad, just average now.. But average is a mighty step up from morbidly obese.
"Fat Acceptance" actively pisses me off because I KNOW it's bullshit personally.

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people are getting addicted to vapes now too, the cycle is new but it continues

gotta put warnings on your smokes about cancer but doubt they will ever slap a warning about the diabetes on a box of little debbie's

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I don't care if they're addicted to vaping though, cause it doesn't really bother me as the person standing next to it.

no restraint huh, not suprised

Bad, dont be an asshole. Its okay to say "youre overwhight and should try to lose some pounds for your health"
Youre an asshole if you say "you should kill yourself you fat fuck" "your disgusting" "look at how gross they look"
We dont talk shit on burn victims, to some extent becuase peiple feel as though being fat is a persons fualt 100% of the time and with burn victims its always assumed that it was an accident of some kind.

you can't really say veping is healthy there haven't been any long term studies to check for the effects

Smoking and obesity have nothing to do with one another. The reason why we don't harass smokers is they can chase your ass, these fatties cant

fat shaming is great

The original intent seems to have been something along the lines of "accept that you are fat, love yourself anyway, work on making yourself betfer now becuase its easier when you dont hate youself" but seems to have become "dont call me fat, im pretty and healthy even though i use a mart kart to get my dfiabetes pills" shame really.

Burn victims didnt have a choice. My fat ass roommate eats 3 pizzas to himself.

the thing is everyone who smokes knows about the effects it has except idiot and most of us do not care.
I personally know it will kill me but I don't give a fuck

tfw i blow heavenly scented but heavy nicotine laced vape smoke around degenerates on the bus while singing walk the dinosaur by was was not
after enough bus rides they will be addicted to walking the dinosaur
i am a man of patience

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I'm going to make jokes about you being fat. I'll do my best not to let you or anyone else but who Im not talkng to hear, but being fat no one can really take you seriously on anything. There's no discipline in your life. Chubby and beer gut is pretty normal. Fat people know who they are.

Making laws against that is like getting a bigger penis - everyone talks about it and says it can happen, but nothing works and it is a waste of money

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depends on the smoker

>tfw im a little over 300
>tfw im 6'2 so im not a hhorrible nlob monster
I need to lose like 50 pounds of fat though, got muscular riding a bike everwhere, now j work all the time and eat crap food. Also too addicted to caffine to give up soda, i really think cutting soda alone would be good enough for me to be at a better size again.

it doesn't, the amount of criticism a person receives has been shown to directly negatively affect their self esteem, you abuse a person psychologically long enough it doesn't matter if they change, they will continue to have low self esteem likely for the rest of their lives

It doesnt work becuase people with money dont want it to, they might make a little less money and capitlism doesnt allow for that.

As a fatass, formerly fatter ass. A happy medium. Fat acceptance is the worse than shaming for sure, but making people feel like shit isn't great either. Don't hate yourself but lose some fucking weight.

Smoking doesn t make you fat, this thread is about fat people. Kys fatty

Yes cut that sugar water the fuck off now

people talk shit about burn victims all the time same as people with any other deformity or injury.
I don't know what special person you are but people are like that


switch to coffee with a bit of milk if you need the caffine

I lost my first 60lbs by adjusting my diet.
Switched from soda and latte's to water bottles and caffeine pills (WAY cheaper and zero calories.)
Also started looking at the nutritional content of what I ate, tried to keep it reasonable. Wasn't always easy, but the adjustment can be made.

Yes but you could say that about anything. There is a way with work and effort

It just seems so awful and if i load it up with creamer then its not worth having done. Any idea if "high caffine tea" or any such are alright?

Careful with water bottles lads, BPA ain't good for you either. What I'm sayin is don't go overboard on water from bottles

Fat accepting isn't saying it's necessarily okay to be unhealthy or to discourage people from getting healthy.

It's telling people that you shouldn't hate yourself if you're fat.

You can still work towards a more healthy body weight and love yourself.

People who are pro fatshaming just don't have guts to admit they like to bully people and want to keep doing it

This seems entirely true and I have experiences to back it up. It's much more likely you gain someone's trust and love, then say:
"Hey let's get healthy together"


Noblody ever improved without admitting that they needed to improve. They can admit it due to looking at themselves and deciding to do better or they can have an outsider look at them and tell them they need to do better.

If you are already a ham-planet then you quite clearly needed someone to tell you to put the pie down some time ago as you aren't capable of unassisted improvement.

Fat shaming = good

ITT: Thread where fat people push how not fat they are

Just get a fucking water filter and nonbpa bottle... heebus

hasn't happened

ITT anger bias is identified

Good luck with that, half of america and the currently dominant political party are agaisnt the idea of regulating the bullshit we eat. They get paid to make sure that our store bought snacks can have anything in them that will make us buy more.

Being a fat fuck does not alter your DNA. There is no fat gene. Only gluttony and lack of will power.

Depends on their psyche.

Some people will find it motivating, and some will delve deeper into self-destructive behavior/habits

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Non boa bottles are pretty standard, not really much of a risk and a total non issue where its cold.

Only the strong will survive

It's ok but depends on the tea try a few with half a spone of honey or 1 cube of sugar

found the fat piece of shit. kys or lose weight. we shouldn't have to accommodate your huge ass everywhere, plus you fucking SMELL

1. Put down the fucking fork, 2. If it ain t water don't drink it. 3. Take your ass outside. 4. And this is a big one don't fucking overeat. Simple rules of losing weight

Helping someone to control their weight and helping them lose extra pounds isnt the same as "fat shaming" you dont need to tell someone thatg they are a fat loser that cp uld never be loved and should just shoot themselves to help them lose weight, it doesnt work it just hurts them.

Tbh if they just shot themselves ut would be eaaier on all of us, well maybe cleanup might have a hernia but hey, someone's gotta do it.

>millenial generation can't agree because every word or phrase has seventeen definitions

the use of social justice at work

they need to be hurt. We experience pain having to look at them and sit next to them and hear their fat mouth noises when they talk.
seriously, fuck all fat people.

The only fat people who need to be shamed are the ones that are around 500lbs and scream about how fat they are then do absolutely nothing about it. The ones that are 100% waste of space. the ones who does nothing for anyone but eat and complain they deserve to be shamed into turtle. They do not deserve any kind of sympathy what so ever. It's their job to lose weight it's not our job to do everything for those lazy fuckheads. These kinds of fat people disgust me. Not man enough to eat 3 meals a day they need at least 5 fucking big Macs in the morning, A fat piece of chocolate cake weighing roughly around the same weight as them. To me these Fat lazy, out of shape, attention seeking, disgusting pile of fat

Poison a local fatty, it isn t hard

>>i called my friend fat and he lost 30lbs and thanked me for it he said if you wheren't such an ass I would have never lost the weight

I will take a look, thanks.

offer themselves up to predatory animals on the endangered species list?
kind of an irony in it, them offering themselves up as food to help feed a dying species.

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Yeah man, let me telk you about how much of a landwhale i am, seems like projection m8.

depends on the personality of the fat person.

Sure thing, Tonnes of Fun. Also telling kids that they fucked up a spelling test shouldn't be allowed and they should be allowed to spell things how they want.

Some things are wrong. Having to buy an airline seat for each ass cheek is wrong. Clearly being gentle has not worked and a new method must be chosen. Maybe if enough people tell you that you have a Roche Limit you will realize that it's not just one person being mean or that it's not really that bad.

Then maybe you will do something about it. But probably not. If Land Whales weren't lazy they wouldn't be trailed by Japanese """Research""" Ships.

irony? that's art

>they just shot themselves ut would be eaaier on all of us
Are you serious? How do fat people affect you on a regular basis? You sound like a cunt.

False. As someone who was actively called fat and a pos every day all day in school, i can promise you this was my motivation for loosing weight.
I took up boxing and every day at the gym is ask myself why the fuck i was torturing myself. Then id go back to school, get called fat, or made fun of by the bitches, and id go bsck to the gym. 6 months, 100 lbs.
If i hadnt been actively shamed I'd still be a fat know it all loser. The shaming made me determine i would never be fat again

Cont:are the reason why so many ppl are fucken lazy nowadays. When they see in the media it's good to be fat they start to think it's okay to let yourself go and potentially be anfucken leech of someone else's life getting them to do everything for them. They are sending a message to our young generation that it's okay to quit because you tried once and failed. This is not okay they need to be taken out of the media.

Fat shaming is good since it creates the appearance that being fat isn't a good thing, which it isn't, but it doesn't motivate, it only demotivates people and destroys their self-image

Depends on the cocurrent diangoses. If they have no other addictions, failings, or trauma their personality is won at the "trust" stage.

Fat shaming means to make someone feel shameful for thier weight, right? My point is making peope feel ashamed all the time gurantees they wont make progress towards getting better. You can make some realise that they need to take care of themselves better without making them feel ashamamed constantly. Youre not someones doctor, you dont have their best intrests at heart, shaming them doesnt help them.

On a daily basis, I live with a fat ass. I've watched him down 4 7eleven pizzas this morning. I really hate fatasses. Then this bigger has the fall to fucking complain about his back all fucking day using it as an excuse not to cleanup around himself. Leaving my living room a fucking mess. You tell me m8

Ever sat next to a Cottage Cheese Mountain on a bus or train? Ever had to share an elevator with one or more Land Whales on a hot day?

Also health care strain.

Fatness is the self inflicted disease of the over indulgent.

>and it made me use anger as a motivator in my life

Congratulations but also I hate people like you.

>fag people occasionally minorly inconvenience me, therfore i should be able to tell them to kill themselves



lurk and watch smarter people are talking

Kys lardass

um, yes

so you're a fit know it all loser now ?

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They shouldn't regulate it. Nobody wants a nanny constantly telling me what to do. There should be consequences for actions like not funding your NEET lifestyle on the government's dime

There are metabolic differences, however the person is ultimately responsible for their eating habits.

>what is epigenetics

These thread used to be good, but a lot of fat fucks on Sup Forums today,

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Do whatever, I had all your chicks already.
t. Fatso.

>Also telling kids that they fucked up a spelling test shouldn't be allowed and they should be allowed to spell things how they want.
Yeah youre retarded, the whole point of my response was to say that you can correct them without being a fucking asshole. Do you "spelling shane" kids that cant spell? I sure fucking hope not, i hope you either go about your bussiness becuase its not your joib to care of you help the child learn if you do care.you dont walk up to a child who spell something wrong and say "fucking loser, propably have a learning disability, should have been aborted, waste of space"

>people should have a little shame

yes well children raised children and now we have a half nation of whiny pansies.

fuck yeah. One of my favorite things to do on the bus is stare at fat fucks with a look of pure disgust on my face. You can practically see them crying inside and you just KNOW that the first thing the animal will do after it gets off the bus is eat something to try and make them feel better, guaranteeing that I will have many years of shaming it going forward. I seriously get off on it.

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>i dont fit into the norm, so other people are wrong

actually that's exactly what other kids do and you know it

you dont need a PhD in med to know vaping is vastly safer.

Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, Nicotine and Food Flavoring is all thats in a vape.

Your only argument would be that we dont know the long term effects of inhlaling food flavouring, but food flavoring is essentially the same chemicals as perfumes, think ethyl vanillin, butyrate etc.

Ever walked into a perfume store? Why havent we seen effects on people who have worked inthose stores for decades?

Vaping is absolutely safer. Its the nicotine patch and gum companies that keep pushing out bullshit studies to scare people away from vaping

I would actually like to see what happens if he fires that arrow, more pics?

>Leaving my living room a fucking mess.
Sounds like youre a weak bitch and need to fucking kick him out or find a place to live, or if you care about him and dont just hate him like your post would imply maybe help him if its so simple. That or just kill yourself.

right? dumb meathead

someone should have spelling shamed your dumb ass as a kid