Be me

>be me
>12 years old
>In Cadets
>Selling tickets for fundraising
>Walking down the street knocking on peoples doors asking if they want to buy any
>walk up to this one door
>it's one of those cheap plastic doors that go in front of the real door
>since it has a window you can see into the house
>it has a hallway and some rooms on each side
>I knock
>"one second!~"
>top naked woman walks out of one of the rooms obviously expecting someone else
>we lock eyes
>well actually you know where mine were
>she lets out a little scream and jumps back into the room
>I autisticly stand there for a second contemplating what I just saw
>Awkwardly walk away and carry on selling tickets

I have some more stories from cadets if you guys want to hear more


Attached: Deer.jpg (716x960, 119K)

What tickets?

It's like a draw kinda you can win a car or some shit

Honestly never cared to look

>saw a naked ladie once
>want more?!


Well I have a story about a cadet getting hit by a plane but I won't bother typing it out if nobody gives a shit

No shit given.
Fuck you and your cadets story faggot!


Oh boy being unnecessarily rude sure is funny!

Alright this is the plane story
>be me
>13 now
>in our cadet band
>our headquarters is at an aerodrome
>we are on the apron practicing our routine for comp
>its a blistering +30
>we decide to take a lunch break
>walking down the taxiway to get to our hanger
>(yes we had headquarters in a hanger)
>2 guys are taking a small Cessna plane out of the hanger next to us
>they start up the plane (while there is a large group of kids on the taxiway) so we start to move onto the grass
>as we are walking off the plane suddenly revs up to max and starts to move
>retarded girl doesn't notice (could have been the heat)
>shes the last one on the taxiway
>the plane passes me and I turn around
>I watch as in slow motion she gets smacked onto the pavement by the wing
>The plane takes a sharp left into a fence and stops
>turns out the pilots friend got in and accidentally kicked the stick
>retarded girl got a minor concussion and stitches along her chest

Attached: toadreact.jpg (125x114, 2K)

dude leave this site at once and never come back....not when you turn 18 not when you turn 25 . This place will corrupt you and not in a good way.

>when you turn 18

What do you mean

i mean this site isn't good for a child's sanity so even in the future after you turn 18 stay away from Sup Forums

Can't tell if this is bait


bait for what? It is painfully obvious op is underage and this site will corrupt them

Found the 13 year old

hey guys we have an authentic internet tough guy over here. making statements they will never have to back up

which branch of cadets?



Implying i'm new and not just autistic



still in?
