Say my name

Say my name.

closeted cuck

lanky, limped-dick Larry

Peegan the peepee head

It doesn't really make sense to put barbed wire on a baseball bat. First the barbed wire casues only superficial injuries while it takes aways some of the energy of the bat itself due it its compresability.

You'd be much better off with nails

Some German autist did some science and proved that a bat with barbed wire does more damage than just a plain bat. Nails could get stuck in a body and put you in a tight spot.

Would you rather be hit in the face by a baseball bat, or a baseball bat that's covered in barbed wire?

His wife was named Barb you doofus

I'd assume barbed wire comes off just as easily and gets stuck into all kinds of stuff like clothes, hair and more.

DJ Khaled

*leans back*

I mean if you wrap it like a weak bitch yeah, it's going to come off.
Keep it tight and it's golden.

Please don't make fun of Negan, he is my friend



you smohrt

>It doesn't really make sense to put barbed wire on a baseball bat.
You never read anything about WW1 I take, niggas barbed wired chairlegs and used them as weapons, your arm chair analisis is irrelevant.

I'm offensive and find this post quite german


>Say my name.
"my name"

Evil Jerry Seinfeld