OP has been battling depression for years and wants to end it all, whats the best way to do this quickly and painlessly...

OP has been battling depression for years and wants to end it all, whats the best way to do this quickly and painlessly. Guns aren't an option in my country.
Pic unrelated.

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You need to talk dude?

Jump off a tall building

You good man? Also got source?

Time for talking is long gone

Well humor me. What's up?

I have considered it but would rather OD or just hang myself

sadly this is all she sent me ever

Don't do it. It will fuck up people around you more than your life could possibly be fucked up. Try therapy, if not that then try looking into a religion or something. Life has enough joy in it to get by... just try to find it

It gets better. Once you're in your mid twenties, it isn't so bad.

I just hate my situation and have done for a while, hate everything and cant make anything improve no matter how hard I try

Fuck, been looking for anymore of her for ages.

Do you mind if I ask what that is?

OP here, I see a Therapist every week, but telling someone about whats going on isn't helping me

Then why the fuck are you asking idiot

Helium my man

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No busted relationship with a chick is worth suicide user. Go play GTA online and kill people

Therapists don't help man. Getting out and doing stuff helps. I was in therapy for 10 years it never did anything for me. Meds never did either. Going out and just doing what made me happy did.

TIL You shit when you die. Best suicide prevention. If you think you’re so edgy and suffering and a martyr remember you shit when you die.

Tbh I feel so alone and just don't think anyone or anything can save me

What did you do? If you dont mind me asking, OP here

Best way to end it painlessly...
Move to another country, to a small town, learn the language, learn a creative craft, socialize, become part of society as volounteer fireman/streetcleaner/helper.
>This ends the pain

I actually have been considering being a firefighter for a very long time just never been able to do it

Join the military,

Highly considering this.

I started doing stand up which I always wanted to do. I was bad for a bit but I got better and now I tour, I've been on tv, I get paid to make people laugh. It's great. Find what you're passionate about and just do it. No one can help you except yourself.

You can save you

That's a concept I'm really struggling with at the moment, I don't know what makes me happy. I just work eat and sleep

Surely you have something that interests you? When you were a kid what made you wide eyed? Movies? Music? Paintings?

that's fucking bullshit

There's something that money chick Suze says about paying yourself first every paycheck. Set aside $25 per check starting with last check and give yourself a traveling day off. Leave the city. Leave the county. Go discover something new and clear your mind. You need a recharge, bro.

I just don't know whats me, I have lost all my originality. I went from being a shepherd to a fucking sheep real quick


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Shut off the computer go outside and talk to someone.

Hope these make you feel better op

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Anything volounteer. That is where socializing and social acceptance starts. It is hard work. It is ungrateful. It pays off in feeling better than being a selfish average, and social respect of smart people. It opens doors to opportunities and buys flexibility in social engagements for special people, think slightly autistic and speech impediments, social awkward is also given more patience and understanding.
Added bonus for doing well at volounteer work is word of reccommendation to otherwise closed social engagements. Its better to be judged for doing good than to be judged for doing nothing.

i read something from survivors of suicide that hanging is relatively painless, particularly when you tie the noose in front, so the knot is over your throat. it puts more pressure on the veins on the sides rather than throat, so you just kinda pass out without suffocating. a lot of people actually do this for fun/sex (autoerotic asphyxiation). takes longer to die tho and that's part of the reason they were survivors.

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I don't trust anyone enough to talk about this shit

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Except total strangers on the interent apparently. I didn't mean talk to someone about your problems anyway, I just meant go out and be social. It does wonders for mental health.

this fucking sauce has made my night

Some slut in new York.

This one is my favorite

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You don't have to know what's you. That's the beauty of it. When you leave the county for a day, you say "today's my fuck-it Friday all day" and breathe fresh air, go buy yourself something you wouldn't ordinarily buy but kinda wanted. Google fantastic places to eat that get high user reviews. Let Google be your guide.

Mmm I have read this before as well, thanks for the advice though

Carbon monoxide poisoning or helium
Inhale that shit and its like going to sleep, no pain

Your welcome faggots,

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I am in love with this chick

What’s her name

Thanks for the advice, I will try my best to make the last week of living enjoyable

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No idea.

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OD on heroin sounds like the best way to die. Pure bliss I'm told.

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I wish they were bigger pictures

im in love

Yeah, thats rather difficult to get a hold of...



Alright boys, I'm going back to work.

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Wake up tomorrow, call your parents/good friend and talk to them, not deep stuff but just how stuff is, think about how it would hit those around you, your parents and friends will be completely fucked by your death

Don't leave us

Yeah, I told my close friends and family yesterday/today and they all acted differently and I didn't feel like it helped in any way

Think of what it would do to your mother, she would lose it, that her son killed himself

>your parents and friends will be completely fucked by your death
Yeah no shit, you think every single person with depression or an awful life (dying, horribly painful health problem, lost everything, etc.) hasn't already thought of that?

When someone finally kills themself it's often after years of holding on, day after day, hour after hour, through unending awfulness before they finally do it, precisely because they are trying not to impact anyone else's life.

But eventually it's just too much.

Dude she’s all over the inter webs and gets posted here daily lol

I just want to disappear and I know people wont even notice when I'm gone

Got a name or way to find more?

Get a credit card before you do it and have fun maybe you will realize life is worth living.

Back for a min faggots.

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If you're not being discouraged by other people, you're not angry enough to drown the depression out of your system,or conquer it for once and for all. Go mad yo. Live a little. Dont go crying in a corner. GO MAD. GO TOTALLY BUNKERS. RAGE WITH THE FURY OF A THOUSAND NATIONS CRYING FOR WAAAAARRR! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what is your point.

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Life saver

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no stop

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I finally found the trigger xD
Yay weee happy joy joy

>So..He was behind of it...

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Jackie shallcross thread?

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name confirmed?

Jackie S


She's the typical instagram thot and to make it worse she works at Chipotle

jim carrey?

Not op here, actually this is helping me righ now. I've turned sadness into anger. Not always good for others, but it does work for me

Op here, maybe I'll become angry instead of sad

Belive me, shit is great

Ill take your word for it

I mean I’d say it’s the better option if you’re truly suicidal. At the same time it can turn you into a complete asshole and you’ll end up upset with yourself, but that’s the key.

You have to learn how to use the anger, there’s a big diff between hate and anger, anger can yield positive results, hate can’t. Use that anger to fuel your passions and motivations.

I know you don’t wanna hear it OP, but seriously don’t go that dark path of hurting yourself, it hurts everyone around you and causes a reverberation and chain reaction way further and deeper than you could imagine.

It’s a literal miracle any of us are alive. Life is taking for granted far too often, we have amazing things around us every day but are so into technology and shit that don’t matter we don’t stop and appreciate it, and when you do you realize how amazing it can be.

I know that sounds preachy but I’m struggling right now with the same issues, hope you see this and hope you follow dudes advice and don’t be sad but at least try using the anger to fuel whatever fire you have left

Btw if anger doesn't work, u can try eating sleeping pills with alcohol (I suggest weed as well) atleast make ur last moments slightly enjoyable. (Also try weed in general if you haven't yet)
