America does not have a gun problem, as evidenced by the Austin bombings. It instead has a white male problem...

America does not have a gun problem, as evidenced by the Austin bombings. It instead has a white male problem, I feel that all white men should be interned for orderly disposal.

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lol ur mom gay

America does not have a gun problem. It instead has an Ashkenazi Jew problem, I feel that all Ashkenazi Jews should be interned for orderly disposal.

highest crime rates are where?

delete the ashkenazi, and i agree.

When it comes to killing jews, more is always better

Guess it's time for me to move.

White people don't have brown eyes OP. If anything, these various attackers prove that race mixing is no bueno.

Nice try Moshe

Where is there the highest concentration of niggers?

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Frank (((Joyce)))

Eh, your average Jew is as cucked by the Ashkenazim as you or I, they don't get to be in the secret club either.

blacks commit crimes because of being systematically kept down by whites, if there were no whites blacks would not commit crimes.

>if there were no whites blacks would not commit crimes
>blacks in Africa don't rape infants to cure their own AIDS
I envy your naive innocence

You know who needs to be stopped?
Neckbeards pretending to be hot 17 year old European chicks with daddy issues.

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again, you can not use africa as an example as they were under white control for centuries.

would be nice, i mean, TVs computers facebook electricity, imagine how much better we'd be without all this shit?

No, we have a Jew problem.

For decades now people have had their rights, freedoms and ways of life stripped from them in the name of re-ordering the world. There is no where to run anymore. Every facet of your life is under control.

jews are not white.

>they were under white control for centuries
They haven't BEEN under white control for over a century now; so shouldn't they be Wakanda at this point?

So white people ruined their morality? You're a faggot.

That doesn't mean they aren't THE problem.

you don't get it, wakanda only existed BECAUSE whites never showed up. if we left the africans alone all of africa would be legit wakanda right now you fucking white invaders.

>wakanda only existed BECAUSE whites never showed up
So, what you're saying is closed off, xenophobic ethnostates work & aren't racist as fuck?

how can they be the problem if they aren't white, are you stupid?

This thread again, huh?

This nonsense again, huh?

they only work in a non white environment, whites are like cancer and destroy everything they come in contact with.

>white male problem
That's ignoring how awful the males of other races are.
All males are a problem, not just the white ones.

>I am not as racist as a bucktoothed, backwoods, sister fucking hillbilly
Yes, you are.

>they only work in a non white environment
>tfw Switzerland

So, if the whites had an ethnostate of their own, where they kept to themselves & didn't let in any other races they could oppress, that'd be ideal, right?

you can't be racist if you aren't white because racism is hatred plus power, and only whites have the true power right now, look at out kkk president

yes, but only if the whole white ethostate is nuked soon after all every white is put there.

Lol tell that to the aboriginals that we haven't made contact with

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aboriginals are in australia you fucking retard.

>you can't be racist if you aren't white
fucking lol, the king of brainlet arguments
>racism is hatred plus power
look in a fucking dictionary, the definition of racism is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
Anyone of any race can do that towards any other race, retard.

Who's the nazi now?
You are.

you can't be a nazi if you aren't white.

>it's not the system guys!
>capitalism is NOT the problem!
>l-look! there's identity group X! they're doing it!

this is why we communists always opposed this shit and are advocating to put liberals into the gulag as well
as soon as you start emancipating a minority while preserving the capitalist system they will emancipate into the bourgeoise and do what capitalists do
infighting and trying to get benefits for themself while dividing people to control them better

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>you can't be racist if you aren't white
> I really, really want to be racist, but not a hypocrite, how can I accomplish this?

Or we could just eliminate all other races because we own America

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Fucking PLEASE; someone post one of the pics of blacks & asians serving in the Nazi army in Nazi uniforms, PLEASE

no one will because those pics don't exist except with photoshop

>except with photoshop
You mean like every pic of blacks being lynched by whites that were all photoshopped?

it's almost like the development of industrialization and fabrics somehow boosted one part of the world ahead of the rest
almost like previous slave holder societies had an advantage to feudal ones before they collapsed into themself eventually

weird how that works, it's almost like some kind of dialectical materialism is at work, really makes you think

photoshop did not exist then stupid whitey.

Didn't exist during WWII either you fucking mongoloid

not talking about ww2 im talking about photoshop

>because submission as inferior is something nazis would've never accepted

>look at muh pictures!
>dont look any further and read Mein Kampf or any other exposing literature though lol!

Eliminating jews & faggots isn't the same thing as eliminating any other race but your own
It's pretty much on the same level as the white genocide OP is calling for
Can't decry one without decrying the other

Don't worry kike, the day of the rope is coming.

hahahaha im sure it is ahahahahaha

Almost, schlomo. Divide and conquer will work one day.