How do I stop being such a nice guy, Sup Forums?

How do I stop being such a nice guy, Sup Forums?
Ever since I was a young fag I've been raised to believe people are supposed to act nice towards each other. I can understand why, but when you're nice people take advantage. People think you're weak. This is especially true if you're a man; you're supposed to act big, strong, tough.
I really don't want to be an asshole, but the reality and actions of this fucking retarded world we live in is pushing me to not give a fuck anymore.

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You’re already an asshole, but nobody gives a fuck because you’re so obviously insignificant and pathetic. Nobody thinks that you are nice. The one thing you could have accomplished to influence others you have already ruined.
I’m saging this post just because you are a fuckup, not because the tread is shit. And what can you do about that, pussy?

>one thing you could have accomplished to influence others you have already ruined
What would that be

Being nice, obviously.
You obviously don’t have any charisma, the one thing you could have done was be a beta shoulder to cry on. Instead you’ve decided to be an asshole AND a pussy.

It's clear you don't know anything about me, and are just throwing accusations.

Just what a defensive pushover would say.

Eventually everyone hits this point OP, you need to be at least 20% ruthless asshole to make it in this world. Stop being mr niceguy and youll see things get better

>How do I stop being such a nice guy, Sup Forums?

Become a heavy substance abuser, like an alcoholic. It's a slow process, but eventually you become a real lying manipulative asshole who doesn't really care about others. You will still be nice to people sometimes, but by then it's really more about managing them and keeping them happy so they stay out of your way.

Shut up brony faggot. The fuck do you know about it?

Im slowly beginning to see it that way

Google Jordan B Peterson and start watching his videos on youtube

well hurry the fuck and get it through your head already cause the world aint gonna wait around on you to get an understanding of how it works and whether or not you can survive in it.
keep up or die so others can live

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It's way more helpful to state God's honest truth than to make people feel good.

Ik about it cuz i used to be like OP, so how about you take your bronies, shove them up your ass, then go an hero for us
Eventually everyone hits a point when they say 'im done taking shit, im doin things for me now'. Not everyone does, and those are the cucks that enjoy being walked on. So it's time to decide OP: you going cuck, or would you rather try for alpha?

Next time you get laid, punch your top in the face after he fills your boipussy.

you don't really give a shit about OP or whether he really is a nice guy or not you just decided to be overly mean to him because you could

This, Topkek

What a fucking trash post. But I bet you still reply to me because pussies like you always want to say the last word.

You can be a courteous person without being a doormat. Set your boundaries and stick to them

OP is my bitch. I’ll do with him as I please.

You asked, I answered. It's really that simple whether you can wrap your head around it or not.


Who cares if you are nice or not if it isn't at your expense. People generally like nice people, and nice people tend to get further in life than total dicks. What you need to do is be assertive. Live by your values and don't let yourself or others compromise them.

You're right. I've been trying to help others instead of just myself for too long now.

He's projecting, don't worry about him.

And i came here to try and help OP a bit, have all the last words you want from here on out cuck. Pick a fight cuz you have internet-nuts, congrats

>How do i stop being such a nice guy, Sup Forums?
First off, stop calling yourself that. Secondly, just stop being nice and start being more honest, be brutal if need be. Honesty is a good start.

can be kind and assertive, its all about knowing yourself, your priorities, and your principles

Sort of. Don't completely forget about others, thats not what I mean, but you gotta look out for yourself first. Your happiness shouldn't be based on making others happy, but if you genuinely enjoy it, obviously continue to do so, just dont be a doormat in the process

he's not projecting anything

Gotcha. If people can't take my honesty then too bad.

look whos all grown up now. life hurts dont it you fuckin yancey

>He was behind..

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Be dominant. First, rape your father. Then, work your way through your family's power centers. After taking over your home, begin to rape the neighborhood. The knowledge that crossing you will end in humiliation will get you far in modern society.

>Your happiness shouldn't be based on making others happy
It shouldn't. Sometimes I just want to do nice things and give an inch without them taking a mile. If i can't do that I won't do it at all.

There a good book about this it's called No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover, I highly recommend you read it OP. I'm reading it now I like it, it's pretty eye opening.

Nothing wrong with being nice OP.

follow this simple guide to improve your life

>Be nice to nice people
>Be mean to mean people

>Don't be nice to mean people
>Don't be mean to nice people
and that will cost you $120 for 1 hour per week for 52 weeks if you seek out an average psychotherapist so I will settle for a steam game.

Thanks in advance.

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Almost kek
Yes, most ppl take a mile or 12 if you give them a millimeter or less. Its partly about knowing who you can offer help to without them being a fuckwad and taking advantage of you. Also partly about you knowing when to tell them off if they try and take your kindness as weakness

This will get you walked on...never give advice 1st if you want payment user kek

go through enough trauma that you stop caring about what other people are going through and get the crabs in the bucket mentality.

Crabs in the bucket? Thats a new one...explain plz?

that last part about payment is a joke you retarded nigger faggot. Are you that fucking dim you couldn't surmise that I never intended to receive compensation for my time and input or are you simply trolling on such an inane level you think that stating the obvious will get a rise out of me? You think that one little comment is going to derail my carefully crafted argument...I sure hope you think twice before you post next time.

No one is ever going to take your comment seriously and it is a waste of time even by Sup Forums standards, The least you could do is bait me proper.

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You are right tho, this is what i meant by hitting that breaking point

It got a rise though didn't it, you wouldnt have responded with this genious-tier post otherwise ; )

it's basically the nigger mentality. i see this person with money and i don't have it so i'm gonna go steal everything. like how crabs pull each other down in the bucket trying to get to the top and never actually get out.

Understood, thx user

Best advice I can give you OP is to talk to a professional about it. Or at the very least do not consult these people. Unless you find yourself in agreement with them or actually enjoying Sup Forums. In which case you have social issues far beyond the repair of mortal men and will end up going for the high score at your local shit hole.

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user you can be a nice guy, just know your limits and learn to respect yourself over others first, there is going to be assholes everywhere anyway, why fucking bother being a dickhead.

Leave them to their poor existence and enjoy yours.

Honest advice OP. Save your kindness for only those closest to you who have actually earned it. Be polite to everyone but the assholes. Either ignore the assholes because they aren't worth your time or unleash all pent up anger on them and use them as a way to let out any pent up stress or anger you've been holding. I was always told I was a nice person and yet those same people would screw me over. Once I got revenge or took them out of my life, theyve literally called and begged or apologized for realizing they have no one nice to comfort them.

go and meet nice people. wen you see people are cunts. just say you have a thing or something everytime they want to hang out. pick your firends carefully

We arent all subhuman pieces of shit on here. The majority doesnt represent all of us.
>why bother being a dickhead
Because sometimes you need to be a bigger one to get the others to learn they cant walk all over you

Will look into it, thanks
There are obviously trolls here, but some of the responses are genuine and helpful.

Go back to Sup Forums you alt-right dumb ass.

Some of us do try to be helpful OP :), especially because ive been there, and know the alternative(standing ground) is much better

Just find yourself a good slut, and start the practice of being a dominant. It'll help in other areas of your life as well

There's no need to be some kind of tough guy all the time, it's tiring and fucking stupid, that doesn't let you enjoy the best things in life, anger doesn't guide you anywhere nice, just be smart, know yourself.

People will try to fucking stomp you always, it's your decision if you take it personal or not, be a fucking asshole to people that are assholes to you, be kind to people that are kind to you.

They will learn to respect you once you let them know you don't give a fuck about people like that, that you know who you are and that you know when it's gone too far.

We need to be tough sometimes, not always, life is more than that user.

Fuck, this hits close to home.
Good insight.

I meant to teach the other dickheads that he wont be walked all over, not to just turn into a complete asshole. Thats why in an earlier post i said only 20% ruthless asshole, not 100%. Life isnt about being angry all the times, and i know that, which is why i came into this thread. By the sound of it if hed continued at the current rate OP wouldve either turned into a rageball, or continued being walked all over. None of my advice was to be a dick to everyone, just those who deserve it

Just stop being a faggot OP

See, this is someone who decided itd be better to be a dick to everyone kek

underrated brutally honest truth

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That is decent advice, i just forgot to tag it. Also, that 'girl' pin is a liar

There is nothing wrong with kindness, OP. Kindness doesn't make you weak.

What makes you weak is not knowing where you should draw your lines. So just think about that. What is asking too much? What will you NOT do for others? If you have begun to resent people, they have overburdened you.

And after you've thought about that, you just need one word: No. You can say no. It's like a super power. You can say no to anyone, at any time, for any reason, and there isn't fuck they can do about it. If they get mad, let them. If they insult you, let them. If they tell nasty stories about you, let them. None of that's actually going to hurt you, at all, and they can find someone else's back to piggy on.

And if they really, really insist on you helping out, and it's a huge inconvenience to you, ask for a little compensation. Gas money, lunch, whatever. It'll make you feel much better about the whole ordeal.

Fuck leeches.

born beta. die cucked.

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Well phrased user. On that note, I'm outta here. Good luck OP. Hopefully you can find a way that works for you to get the best of both worlds so you can continue being helpful to those that deserve it without being taken advantage of by those that dont

Effort post. This was what I was looking for.
Thank you user

Thank you for your contribution

nice user

yeah the pin is a lie
from a thread a while back OP sharing pics of people at some trans party or some shit they found

this. if you don't have boundaries and learn to say no, not only are you not going to be respected, but you will also be used and people will hate you. They won't even think you are nice. You need to be fair and nice to yourself before others. Once you are like that then you can be respected. Then people will recognize your kindness and respect that to. I used to make this mistake alot. Until i got some self esteem and wasn't an attention seeking cunt. Now things are good. And people think im genuinely nice because i am and don't fuck me around.

live stream when?

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