Say your mbti personality type and what you love/hate about it

Say your mbti personality type and what you love/hate about it
>easily come up with sollutions to all sorts of problems
>literally the worst social personality

I wish i was my opposite

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intj. I think these tests are fake and gay.

Life's fake and gay you fucking moron

I love that I can fall in love easily and that its easy to talk to anybody
I hate that falling in love easily and talking to everybody makes me depressed.

feels real. but yeah totally gay.

Geez you can talk to people wtf

Also INTP. Its ok user we dont need to be social because we know everyone else is fucking dumb and won't add anything meaningful.

I really try to put that in my head but thank you


I just hate the hesitation of action. Like I have plans for everything but will they get done?

Shit. Yeah.

I feel like everyone around me likes me and tries to help me out whenever I need it because I'm always there for them.
I'll never meet my own expectations and often set myself back out of frustration.

I’m an ENFP, pretty much same problems, but hey at least we’re not spergs


I come across as conceited, but I actually have extremely low self-esteem and am over-sensitive.

>Sup Forums
Anyone else? I'm shocked

I tested INTP when I was younger, took it again recently. ENTJ. Change is possible user. Love that people listen to me and I get shit done. Hate that I handle other people's emotions poorly at just the time that I need to be considerate. I've been getting better though, I think being fucked with as an INTP and having an antisocial background helps me deal with those kinds of people, but sometimes I still get pissed and impatient because I changed and I think other people can too, and there is no excuse to be a bitch. You're probably not a bitch, you're probably awesome, but if you just constantly act like a bitch because you believe you're a bitch, then you're gonna be a bitch. It's a fucking waste, people can do so much more but they never believe in themselves.

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>don't be a bitch
I really try not to

Actually used to be very introverted, I’ve changed a lot but I still love Sup Forums

Wtf how do you change

rock bottom doesn't exist it's a bottomless pit. recognize the shitty things you do as exactly what they are. you used to watch anime to relax? Well guess what faggot it probably doesn't do that for you anymore, so you're gonna have to do something else. If you don't then you already know exactly where that leads, because it's where you pretty much already are. Read, watch, listen to anything self improvement related and anything related to creative, active endeavors you want to have in your life. Doesn't matter if you're good at it, just if you want to do it. You have to listen to a lot of shit and deal with things seemingly not working for a long time. It's taken me 10 years to make progress that I thought I could just have within a week. You're gonna have a lot of relapsing and a lot of oh fuck here I am smoking pot and watching anime again it's been 4 months since I've done anything else with my freetime why am I like this? But keep recognizing it for what it is and keep correcting yourself whenever you can.

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Had a small group of normie friends who pushed me to meet people.

I like that I am able lead and inspire
I dislike the fact that I'm an autistic energy bomb and people can't take me seriously.

Thank you

Your personality is gross


The fact you replied to it says it all. But it's fine. Only NTs dont like you

One of my close friends is an entp. He doesn't listen to me when he'd should be listening. But eh. He likes me.
Your generalization is inaccurate.

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Is it weird that I like introverts as an ENFP?

My Gf is an introvert, she's INFP. We click well. We play vidya and stuff together.

Completely fine with it

Same here, user. We seem to get a bad rep for some reason, tho -

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Right in the feels nigger


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mbti personality is like the horoscope for aspies who want to believe they are smart

People think INTP's are cute, innocent, nice, etc.

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I dunno. Is it any more weird than all the Freudian b.s. that preceded it? I say if any of this shit helps people think constructively about their personality, it's a useful tool. The problem is when edgelords or narcissicsts cherry pick what they like about their supposed personality type to justify what they already think about themselves.

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>t. not a intp cool hacker schizophrenic

It’s not extremely accurate about every detail of your personality, but it can show strengths and weaknesses.

>I have a strong desire to make relationships
>Feel very uncomfortable in them

>no pros
>literal baby


The good:
> I can quickly grasp just about any situation and formulate an all-around plan to achieve almost any goal. I adjust and improvise on the go. I am confident in my ability to speak and argue and I enjoy acquiring as much information as I can about everything. I quickly find alternatives and flaws in systems, structures, arguments and so forth.

The bad:
> Fuck actually implementing anything. I can't just let go of arguments sometimes and I hurt people just to be right. I have a mindset that's making me miserable because I cannot look at myself, at life and the people around me and think any different unless someone or something comes up with a convincing argument against it and the years of philosophy, science, experience etc. I've put into that mindset. I have pushed my curiosity and thirst for knowledge past the point of no return and I wish I could unsee and unlearn everything that makes me special because I feel like I have no soul and no limits anymore. No matter what career I choose, I will always suck at it because I'm never good at doing exactly one thing and most people don't really need "all-arounders" like me.

goo goo ga ga mothafucka

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intp/entp borderline.
The test is shit and so is Sup Forums.
Why am I here again?
Anyways, minor in psych, test is bs, fuck jung for being barely right.

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do you think there's a better categorization method out there? if so, what?

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