So which one are you choosing?

So which one are you choosing?

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roll for 4 C

A. of course.. only dumb people would choose B or C

A is irreverent. For one i'm not a pedo, a knife useful but i know the jist of making one and three. I can just tell my story when i get off and earn bucket loads. Im going for three.

A. The boy could end up working for me.

Why the fuck would you want a boy and a dildo you autistic faggot?

A but I'll roll for c

Can Kim get pregnant and have a kid that could grow up that I could also have sex with before leveling the island? 20 years subtracting 9 months and 1 day still leaves time for her to become a real person!

B since there is no fucking way people would stop looking for her slutty ass

Tru tho

thats if the baby survives. What you going to feed it with pebbles.

The massive dildo in A really makes it seem like I have to take the little boy for 20 years and I would rather not do that.

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Well assuming kim survives through the ordeal. which is unlikely.

No I would use the fucking gun to kill the wild animals!?

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the boy
the responsibility of raising him would keep me sane
he and i would hunt together and live off the land
we would split up the responsibilities and take care of eachother

The plane would be a treasure, even if I couldn't repair it, It would have all sorts of resources and tools like radio, light bulbs, batteries, plenty of metal to make tools, tire rubber for signaling, cables, glass, for fucks sake somebody has to be retarded not to take the plane.

A all the way.

Also go with A, then we split the money up afterwards because he'd probably be my bro by then.

refer to below
Also pic related.

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The boy is an extra set of hands and company for 20 years. The dildo is worthless.

Not A I’m not a pedo and I’d probably end up killing the kid because I hate mentally retarded midgets, not B because I have shit aim and would probably end up killing myself bc Kim , C because I could train the dog to help hunt, use the plane as shelter/source of materials (ie shanks or whatever) and I’d never be bored/too sober

If Chris Hensen isn't watching. A.

plus anything flight she would be on would be highly likely to have it's flight path logged in the flight plan so they wouldn't have to search all that long to find us, and I'd have gun powder to help me start fired until they got there and kill the wild animals

B and then I shoot myself because I'm not gonna live on a fucking deserted island for 20 years.


This is shitty. I'm in my late 40s (oldfag) so the $10 million would be almost useless. I'd be old af. I hate Kim Kardashian because I like thin chicks but she'd thin up on the island I think. I'll take that and the gun to shoot myself with after she kicks it I guess. This is so much easier if I was 20.

C is the only option for me.
i love dogs and weed.
reading is an excellent way to chill down and kill some time (what i have a lot in this situation).
so playing/chilling with the dog, reading, smoking, repairing the goddamn plane and working for a stable economy would keep me busy.
first days would be rough, but i guess after some days (if i am not dead alrdy) i would appreciate a life like this.
But don't have some1 to talk would be my biggest issue i guess.

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How long do you think 200 bullets is going to last?