Who's this

Please what's the name of this actor please ?

it says it right behind him
he is The Imita

Sid the sloth.

So he is Imiata Goo ?


Benedict cumberbatch

>What's his name?
You'll have to bargain to get it

Bargain wut ?

Haha funny , cucumberwatch is more appropriate for a troll name !

Bargainbin Sorcerer

Bend a Dick Cucumber

Garbage bin sorcerer ?

Benadryl Cucumberpatch



Mervo of Tulaxinon prime. galactic expolorer and cock taster.

Brennadink Cramplesnatch

Pope Benedict XVI

Bendadick cuminsnatch

Vcam Tobbar Gane

Benefits Coordination

Mr. Doctor

Your mother's a whore

Sherlock Holmes

Benadryl Cumbersome.

Fucking Boy George

Hubert Cumberdale

Benedict Cumberbatch

aka Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Stephen Strange.

Bazinga Ringading


Denglebong Kekklecuck

Benedict ElderscrollsRandomizedCharacter

bennedikt komberbætsj

Beatrix "Who puts this guy in moobies" Camembert

Babadook Cucumberstretch