Hello Sup Forums, final straw time

Hello Sup Forums, final straw time.

I live in Hungary, and without any form of racism (although it wouldn't be far from me) we have a serious gypsy problem.

Most if not all of them live off the government, have about 5 to 15 children and every time one family moves into a neighborhood, they slowly start making it un-livable. They intentionally live in these sort of "trashy-compounds" in order to look poor if the government ever decides to check on them in order to see if they need welfare (also they don't seem to mind) and they somehow always have the newest tech, leather handbags and jordans, they are violent and disregard any and all laws, even police are sometimes afraid to interact with them.

We have succesfully opposed immigrants moving into our country, but we are being eaten from the inside out, and with the average hungarian family producing 0.8 children, our fate is really looking dreadful.

I know that this place isn't the best, but the exposure means that there might be that one helpful user or good advice that I can try to go on from or to inspire my friends and aquaintances.

TL;DR: Hungary, too much gypsies, halp

>inb4 race war/organized extermination (wouldn't work because of the EU fun police)
>inb4 back to Sup Forums (they suggest race war, see above)

Magyar anonoktól is várom a tippeket!

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This is why we are going to build a mother fucking wall.

Cut all forms of social welfare until they go somewhere else, just have to make sure they don't get let back in. No social welfare they will leave.

yea, but you guys have the same problem, many of the fuckers are already inside

Record video evidence, send directly to governent. If nothing happens, protest. Worked in Ukraine, might work in Hungary too.

Gypos and pikeys are worse than niggers in my book.

We keep them in their own areas though. And we sure as shit aren't letting any new ones in. This is why liberalism doesn't work. The human condition just takes advantage of liberal policies and destroys nations.

our prime minister already implemented a bill proposing "social work" which would have served to reinstate their workethic, but there was a huge fucking revolt

its the same shit throughout the Balkans

not a bad idea, will def get on that

Then smash them with tanks, surely Hungary has some old slavshit laying around.

Really nigger? Fucking embassies are giving visas like craxy

we could pull something out from our sheds from the commie era, maybe that's what comrade Rákosi intended

I like Frans Liszt. Tell him to come to America

Lot of badly tarmaced driveways in Britain too, mate. Preaching to the converted.

Sounds like black people in America. All on welfare, but some how have latest Galaxy or iPhone and expensive cars. And all wear Jordans

will do, but he only plays his symphonies backwards. you see... he's decomposing

This. Get the old Soviet rustbuckets into running condition and have yourself a field day. Bonus points if you form an impromptu air force.

its good if youre a sex predator

I'm from Chile and we got the same problem with haitians. We got inmigration laws but the fucking goverment and the fukcing progressist people and the communist don't do anything for support the law.

If it doesn't get broadcast on the internet/media as they say it doesn't happen, at least according to the Jew bolsheviks. Non Govt forces give at least deniablity.


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they at least have some decent members plus they have a culture of fearing/hating police gypsies just disregard them completely

Start protesting in front of their house to bring awareness otherwise there's nothing you can do. When you gain awareness, either the government will fix the problem or there will be a mob.

Your frickin gippos have been spilling in to the rest of Europe for years we even get them in the UK, there as bad as the paddy's .

This. They're all in Page Hall in Sheffield. It's like Hungary mk2.

it's the same in the balkans and many european countries but unlike immigrants, gippos are already generationally integrated into society. they came to hungary from fucking romania, where they lived for about a dozen generations, but essentially it's middle-eastern people mashing with romanians

Hát figyelj, ha csesztet hogy sok a cigó akkor azzal sokra fogsz menni, hogy a 4chanes autistáktól kérsz segítséget, amúgy is 2/3 felhasználó az oldalon egy kőagyú seggfej náci, ha érted mire gondolok :D Amúgy a legtöbbjük tényleg szegénységben él, csak még azt a kevés pénzüket is a csicsára költik mert a társadalmi rétegükben ez számít a rangnak, ettől lesz szociális státuszuk. Ha a problémára megoldást szeretnénk találni, azt mindenképpen azzal kéne kezdeni hogy a pujárókat valamilyen más értékrendre neveljük az iskolákban, ki kell emelni őket abból a szarból amit otthon meg a soron kapnak, és idővel, és tényleg IDŐvel, mert a társadalmi változásokhoz az kell, majd látni lehet egy javuló tendenciát. imo

Tudom hogy nem a legjobb hely, ezért is írtam azt hogy TALÁN lesz majd valaki, mert tényleg ritkaság itt az értelem.

(Sajnos) elég sokat jártam cigány putrikban és házakban (bútorokat szállítottam, egy évet a szomszédjában is éltem egy ilyennek). A házuk belseje kivétel nélkül gyönyörű volt, baszottdrága csempékkel, hatalmas led tv-kkel és ezüst meg arany mindehol (ezt úgy értsd hogy ékszer meg evőeszköz nem pedig aranytálak meg ezüsttéglák kek), mivel az a bevett, hogy nem engedik be a házba a gyámügyiseket, hanem megmutatják hogy "igen itt a lyuk amibe 30an szarunk, igen itt a pitbull koponyája aminek 3 hétig ettük a húsát, itt a 15 puja, adjá forintt gyorsan mert megböklek". A pujákat nem járatják iskolába, és ahol igen ott aggresszívak és nem tanulnak, (engem 11 évesen egy cigány lány szúrt combon például, nem egy szar iskolában). Családonként milliókat kapnak HAVONTA, viszont dolgozni egyik se fog, lopni viszont igen.
Az idővel az az egyetlen baj, hogy egyre többen vannak, és ha nem teszünk valamit gyorsan, akkor igaz lesz az a vicc amikor két cigány ül a parlament előtt 2030-ban és azt mondja az egyik a másiknak "Te Gazsi more, kénne valmit tenni ezel a maggyarproblímávall".

Bár sok mindenben nem értek egyet, azért jó látni olyan honfitársat aki racionálisan is tud gondolkodni és nem egyből a "HOGY MERÉSZELSZ CIGÁNYOZNI!! BIZTOS HOLOKAUSZT TAGADÓ IS VAGY!!!", szóval egészség!!

Ask the bulgarians and romanians how they deal with gypsies. Treat them like the dogs they are. If the police is afraid and they are taking over, you should not have to much troubles getting people behind you, even in law enforcement. Remember, if they are afraid, chances are they don't go in these parts.

>without any form of racism
>all these people I know nothing about but have made superficial judgements about are all the same

Why on earth did we let eastern European scum like you into the EU? It was a tall price to pay just to fuck with the Russians...

eastern europe is the least of our problem fucktard, you must be from the UK

Fuckin Bozgor you talk about gipsys but you have to integrate in romania first after thst we can tslk more bozgore

Your situation is proof that when you feed cockroaches more of them show up to infest your home.

the roma??

you need to throw them back to india, and cut their welfare

what is every developed nation?

Somehow we are lead to believe the people running the country is just expressing the will of the people by feeding, clothing and protecting lawless lazy scum. Yet when you talk to people, most of them agree death penalty should be back and the lazy fucks should die or move their fucking ass

This motherfucker gets it.

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So you do the same to us/me by assuming that I have never seen or been a victim to their toxic nature which they expend upon society? That I have never been among or close to them? I'm not about to go into "What the fuck did you just say about me..." copypasta territory but I have been stabbed by gypsies, I have been beaten by gypsies, my dying grandfather was robbed by gyspies and I saw their fucking compounds where they "live".
It's the "CURRENT YEAR" which obviously means that if I want to live in MY country, that MY grandparents and great grandparents and so on fought to keep, (oh and which was also ripped into pieces in 1920, reducing it by almost 50%) and I want to live in it peacefully and want to bring my children up here peacefully and I KNOW what is the only reason at large which prevents me from doing so and I want to do something about it, that means I'm a racist. You know what? If that means that I'm racist then I am. Fuck the EU, our leftist scum commie politicians are only allowed to fucking speak because we are in it, and they steal every cent of the EU money we recieve anyway.

Trying to get Rom gyp trash to work by choice is like trying to get a Muslim to switch to a bacon breakfast.

You had to google that word didn't you? And also, romanians need to integrate into hungary as it was OUR FUCKING COUNTRY, until you decided to change your fucking mind and let russia buttfuck your own people you dirty gypsy dog, I swear I'm sticking the first romanian I see in the fucking eye.

too true, but a kalas pressed to someones temple is a very strong way of reasoning

I heard a gypsy will suck your dick for 10 cents.

I wish we had a few in our neighborhood.

I'm an American who spent two years living in Austria, and the gyps that overflowed into Vienna were worse than ANY niggers back home. I mean, even the niggiest nignogs won't throw their own child under their brother's car to increase their welfare payouts and then kill the kid to avoid having to care for it.

They'd take the ten cents, say you never gave it to them so you'd give them ten more. Then they'd bite down on your dick and have their children steal all your shit, take pictures with the cocksucker crying, and blackmail you forever under threat of pressing charges for rape. Every gyp in the country would show up as a witness saying they were there and they saw the whole thing, then they'd sue you and while you were in court they'd send a caravan of Rom trash to your house and rob you blind. A buddy of mine got raided by gypsies that way and they even took his fucking toilet.

It shouldn't be the government to check them.
There are more suitable organisations out there for the job.

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A nemes Gárda. Vitézek, egytől egyig.

Családi pótlék csak adóvisszatérítésként, bentlakásos iskola a gyerekeknek akiket nem tudnak eltartani, kötelező közmunka a börtönökben, esélyegyenlőség a munkahelyen névtelen álláspályázat gyanánt. Miből? Ha a korrupcióra van pénz...

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Crofag here, who are these gentlemen?

Gondolom nem pesti vagy, én sajnos cigányok között nőttem fel, megjártam hajdú-bihar,szabolcs,borsod legszarabb helyeit, és csak csatlakozni tudok az előttem szólóhoz, megoldást csak az oktatáson keresztül lehet találni..meg kell szüntetni a segélyrendszert mert maga a segély az ami fenntartja a nyomort..amíg a 10 éves cigánygyerek azt látja otthon, hogy dolgozni nem kell csak gyereket csinálni, azt várni a hónap végét meg a családit addig nem lesz változás...

Welcome to Romania’s life.

Now you too will be called gypsies even though you aren’t. The obvious thing to do here is to commit genocide or very strict laws to put the native people first but neither will happen and if genocide was to occur you’d be called a racist and blah blah.

Same thing in Romania. They will exceed the Romanian population by 2030, sadly

these fine gentlemen are the modern "betyárs", the betyársereg. If you have some problem with your gipsy neighbours the are happy to help you

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Try poisoning their water supply, OP.

You *can* buy mercury in small amounts, and if you allow water to run past it in a one-way valve sectioned piece of pipe running to where gypsies live, you will very quickly render their men infertile, the women unable to bear children, and people will get sick and die.

Think about how pest-controllers do their job.

We're actually starting to have issues with gypsies in the US now. I got a gig working for a woman who was pretty well off whose husband had just died. She was having me inventory her stuff for sale on E-bay. The problem? She advertised for the position on Craigslist, so on the day of inventory and photography all of a sudden about 12 gypsies (2 adults and 10 gyplits) break in and the kids start running around wild inside the house just breaking shit. While we're distracted by the kids the adults start pocketing jewelry and watches and then bolt leaving the kids. When the police show up the little fucks start throwing shit at the cops and scatter. They catch a few, but most of them get away. Then, a few hours later one of the adults shows up WITH COPS looking for some rings she dropped in the front yard when she booked it out of there. She claims they were her property and the cops help her look for them. We tell the cops what happened and that the rings were stolen, but they say that the hag is on the right side of the law unless we can prove that we had the rings first. Fortunately she grabbed them out of the pile that had already been photographed and inventoried, so once she found them we were able to show the cops photos from earlier in the day that proved ownership, but she almost got away with it!

Hungarian self-organized crime fighting nationalist group the "Betyársereg" (rough translation is "highwayman army"). Their saying is "Not left, not right, Hungarian" and "For a better future" Mean motherfuckers who are patriots to their core.

Here in the UK the gypsies aren’t as bad but are still annoying. They go to our beautiful Scottish fields and trash the place then at night they go around our streets and steal iron drain covers and sell them for roughly £50+ a piece. They will also take any scrap metal or furniture you’ve left outside.

I once caught a gypsy scouting my house because I left a broken TV outside. If she had just knocked and asked I would’ve given it away but because of that I went out and told her to fuck off.

Pesti vagyok, és sajnos ott is szúrnak, lopnak, kizsákmányolnak, de mi mást csinálnának? Önmagát eteti a probléma és nem is lassan. A betyársereg lesz az egyetlen kibaszott megoldás ha így haladunk.

Basically the Hun version of modern-day ustaše.

forget the adults. work with kids. work extremely with the kids. show them they can have/be/do something better than what they've grown up around, and they can do it legitimately. they can become doctors or scientists or inventors or writers. all they have to do is want something more than what they're raised to think they'll get.

lower classes of society thrive on their helplessness. you can't take charity away from them, thats fucked up. you can't convince a grown adult they could be doing better when they've decided to settle for enough. it's the kids, man. the kids,

Are they allowed to do their bussiness by law?

Először is akarni kellene a megoldást, nem pedig elfordulni a másik irányba. A betyárseregszerűségek csak tüneti kezelések, és még abból se sokat érnek.

Jail time is just a way of life for them. It's expected in their communities to have been locked up. They even have their youngest kids perpetrate the worst of the crimes because they know the courts will go easy on them. If you get mugged by a group, and it's always a group, the youngest kids will have the weapons and will use them, since an adult would get 30 years for robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, but their children will only get a maximum of five, if they go to jail at all. If an adult gypsy stabs someone they'll get one of the children to confess if they get tracked down so the courts will go easy on the kid and as soon as they're back on the street they go right back to it. Even niggers don't force their kids to go to take the rap for them. Gypsies are scum and have no pride, morals, or decency whatsoever.

not quite

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But they raise their kids to believe any outsiders are evil and actually out to get them. Plus by the time they're eight the have a record and have spent time in lockup. From day one they're indoctrinated into the lifestyle and are so brainwashed rehabilitation is damn near impossible .

No but it matters not cuz they're useless and do nothing but talking about how strong and badass they really are...

I'm usually a live and let live kinda person, but there is no living alongside gypsies.

But all cultures are equally good!

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One time in Budapest a gyp tried to snatch my day bag, but it was chained to my belt and I caught him by the arm. I started yelling for the police when a 5 year old out of nowhere stabs me in the thigh with his Fisher Price My First Prison Shank, and when my grip loosens they both take off. When the police get there and I tell them what happened they were basically like yeah that happens all the time nothing we can do about it. Fuck gypsies.

How about instead of ganging up on powerless minorities you revolt against the state (including the EU) and private bureaucracies. Then after hierarchal domination is a thing of the past you forget about the make believe gypsy problem and live a peaceful existence that respects liberty.
Hungary has a much bigger problem than gypsies, authoritarianism (you)
A person is a person, bureaucracies are not people and they fuck with the way they live their lives and allow people to dominate one another. If you think you are some how better than a gypsy because of your socio econmic status, fuck you, you could just as easily be a member of the group getting hurt.
If you want to organize to make people's lives harder fuck you, cowards who want to use state or private power to hurt people deserve violence. Hungarian fascists should get their shit pushed in by gypsies.
Get your priorities straight.

>libralism doesn't work
Not yet, humans aren't equally evolved enough to be equal. Even some on the right are of lesser intellect and cannot comprehend even the simplest formulas or fuck even science itself. They're also terrified of change to the point they're deranged over it. Not to mention they need a religious cruch to help them get through reality. But yes, the left is fucking cancer too. They need to stop trying to protect EVERYONE, also, they shouldn't be fucking with the fucking amendments. LEAVE THE 1st AND 2nd AMENDMENT ALONE FFS.

Not as much as they used to. It's primarily because our youth are uneducated as fuck, don't want to do STEM, and think an art degree will make them successful. Asian countries, on the other hand, aren't fucking retarded, so we import their hard working to work for our tech companies and make us trillions. Blame our politicians for wanting stupid people.. It's just like the NSA wanting to devalue encryption keys for their own benefit, it leaves us open to other countries invading.

But yea, back to the emotional bullshit divide and conquer left right arguing.. instead of the logical, we're all US citizens we should fix shit progression.

>how do I get rid of gypsies
its quite easy user

but first destroy eu fun police and all that faggot UN shit then euro bros are set to clean house

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Then take the children by force and form a Hungary-jungend?

>Hungary has a much bigger problem than gypsies, authoritarianism (you)
This, stop your fucking dictator, then fix your fucking country. GO after the source, killing gypsies will only give them more amnesty.

The right is a dying culture and the left is eating itself alive. We'll be OK user.

>They're also terrified of change to the point they're deranged over it. Not to mention they need a religious cruch to help them get through reality.
This is why I can't relate to the righties at all. But I fucking hate the lefties. Can we make a fucking new political spectrum that isn't complete retarded and archaic as fuck?

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>Liberalism is equalitarian
The entire basis of liberalism is state sovernity, representative democracy, private property and capitalism, that is not equality at all.

God (pun intended) I hope so. This shit is getting old fast, I kind of wish they'd just wipe each other out.

Unfortunately we have to deal with the shit that our country has evolved into. I'd say libertarianism but even that's retarded as fuck in its own utopian ass way. I think we just need more center politics and kill off the extreme left and right.

any nudes?

I do like traditional liberalism, I'm against the newage liberals, the people wanting to destroy our amendments, and force us to accept everything they create. I'm for them being gender fluid, but fuck if I have to bow down to them for it.

I mean equally as in economically, and class wise. We can't save everyone at this time. The world is so dramatically uneven. We aren't evolved as a first world species to start thinking about socialistic governments working. We NEED capitalism with socialism mix at this time. Even though it's heading more towards corporatocracy. Which is pretty inevitable with capitalism.

Our only escape is to do just like Russians. There's a reason you don't see many of them there, especially outside central Moscow. Everyone hates them, avoids them and beats the shit out of them if they try anything with any russian native. The state also doesnt give a shit about them so they migrate elsewhere as they've done the past 1000 years

>leave eu
>Become silent muderer
>Race war
Those are your only options.
Good luck!


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ITT: butthurt Sup Forums normies

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start poisoning water bottles and leave them out on the streets

You guys are such racist assholes, electing people like Orban, none of the wealthy and middle class Europeans want to move to Hungary EVER.

You are having problems with Gypsies and 3rd World migrants because you aren't getting any of the migrants you like....because you are racist assholes...which you are, no question.


If you don't like it, change your government and join the European Union ..... for real.

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Gypsies have been discriminated against for at least a thousand years, maybe two.

They have survived by not giving a fuck about normies, and ripping them off. In return, normies get gypsy prostitution, and nice violin music.

THe sins of your ancestors are visited upon you.


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it's time to go back

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