Antidepressants general? Wellbutrin master race, reporting. Crippling depression, bulimia

Antidepressants general? Wellbutrin master race, reporting. Crippling depression, bulimia.

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What do your antidepressants make you feel like?

bout tree fiddy

Get high on life and stop being such a pussy.

I see.

Ive taken 6 so far. Im only taking wellbutrin now. It feels like I can do something today, not cry continually or binge and purge.

Kk dopachad. Gotta take your abilify.

Antidepressents dont work unless you want to get better, even then you probably could do it without them

>just got off of lexipro
>horrible withdrawl, couldnt stand up for days
dont do drugs kids

Used to do Olanzapine, then Venlafaxine and now i'm on Devenlafaxine

I'm also in 150mg wellbrutin, also 30mg mirtazapine at night. Well and I'm addicted to drugs and relapsed some weeks ago so I'm also on coke and heroin, right now. Need to quit again but physical dependence is a bitch. Kinda wanna die.
I got depression, social phobia, borderline personality disorder and these substance issues

Lexapro dear. Yes they do work. For bulimia at least, they do.

Mirt is helping you sleep right? Id never take it though, too scared of the weight gain that comes along.

The sleep inducing effect is bigger at lower doses but yes. Yeah the weight gain is a common side effect but I seem to not get it.

lexapro made me a cuck slaving my thoughts to doctors
then i realized life aint that bad

I was depressed and had horrible social anxiety as a teen then i stopped smoking weed, drinking and jacking off 5 times a day and my life did a 180. Im really thankful i didnt end up having to take drugs to make my brain process things normally.

30 mg lexapro 40mg adderall 8mg buprenorphine

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This fag gets it

I spent the previous week on amitriptyline I requested for insomnia. Worked like a charm, after 3 months of sleeping for 5 hours a day with waking up every 30 minutes I finally feel alive. I'm off it for last couple of days and my sleep schedule is flawless. The best thing is I've been prescribed quite a large supply so there is no risk of my insomnia coming back for at least next few months. Years, hopefully. No side effects, no daytime sedation, fixed me quick and right.

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The older it is, the better it works tbh.

mushrooms and lsd got me off zoloft 10 years ago, best antidepressants ive ever had, and i actually give a shit about life when im on them

TCAs are associated with a lot of side effects, especially antimuscarinic. Actually, I had a bit of dry mouth and I was taking very low doses, usually 5mg, once I took 10, over a week I used 5 tablets only. I specifically asked for amitriptyline or mirtazapine/mianserin since I needed it as sleep aid not an antidepressant. But I guess it improved my mood, not only by making me sleep properly. And they say SSRIs (joke drugs) take weeks to work.

Have you tried not being sad? Like really tried?

venlafaxine, lithium and mirtazapine here
hows it goin lads

thats ridiculous

20 mg latuda, 300 mg bupropion, 5mg escitalopram and 100 mg atenolol. Schizfag reporting

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U have bipolar my nig?

Anyone taking clozapine?

30mg Citalopram

Fucking great for anxiety man.
Seriously, it takes off that edge.

Not that it's perfect, there's always ups and downs but overall I'm able to actually function like a normal human being should.

how long have you been clean from opiates?

As ridiculous as an imaginary disease. "I'm so sad that life is so hard and hate my dad. Give me attention."

Citalopram here

Not op, but for me they make me feel normal.

Quit taking ssri bullshit meds and get benzos. Benzos are always the answer...

took zoloft for 7 years,
fuck SSRI's they ruin your ability to care about anything

my nigga.

do you ... take ages to cum when fucking? it's kind of a bummer

>ruin your ability to care about anything

That's kind of true.
Sometimes I find myself not caring about a fucking thing and actually getting myself into dangerous situations.

prozac, 30 mg

other drugs:
clonazepam, 2mg
clozaril, 600 mg

>elf not caring about a fucking thing and actually ge

I felt like a zombie man, never did anything. never felt sad or happy, just constantly numb

20mg fluoxetine 70mg vyvanse 300mg Seroquel 300mg clonidine 150 doxycycline 30mg Temazepam. Its a good life

Shit, how's that working out for you?

i dont think so, i just have diagnosed severe depression and dysthemia
when im stoned i feel likeshit but more like...myself. my therapist is really pissed about me getting stoned. anyone know the effects of that stuff on in a depression?

Damn my nigga

Like I said, it's a good life. Surprisingly. I'm a happy motherfucker. And I attribute it to the drug cocktail. many people will hate on that, but they seriously do work, and they work wonders.

Jesus. Christ. Why the doxycycline?

It probably doesn’t help but I don’t think it has much of an effect. I have major depression with psychotic features, my pdoc has been trying to get me to quit since my episode but it makes me feel nice and I don’t see any negative effects

I used to have that problem but now its gone away, and that was my only sode effect. Im looking to get off it. I just last a long time now

I bet it's acne.


kill yourself

zoloft 50 mg Welbutrin 450 mg

feel like shit just zombie mode 24/7 when i dont take it i blow up over random things and get really tired

depression ptsd and autism (although autism diagnosis is old and new doctor says i dont have autism so idk)

Venlaxafine here - it's great- I wish it didn't slow my metabolism though

just coming off 30mg of citalopram, this is my third day of cutting down to 10mg, then i go to 0mg tomorrow, then i'm being put on sertaline.

the citalopram did FUCK ALL for me.
i also take about 50mg a day of propanalol for physical anxiety symptoms.

Any have experience with any of these? why is my sertaline gona be different from my citalopram??

At least depression is real, stop living in some pill-induced fantasy land and wake up you fucking slaves. I'd rather die a man than live like a dog.

I dunno man everyone reacts differently to antiidepressants.
Citalopram took a solid few months to start working with me. It's been two years now, kind of took 1 year to reach its peak

There was a massive review article on SSRIs. They found sertraline pretty worthless IIRC. Get yourself an SNRI, NaSSA or TCA.

Sounds like you need an antipsychotic my nigger.

I take a snri - will it ruinmy ability to care about anything??

i told my doctor about the recent study n she went all
>mm dnt insult my education bitch, i kno, ok? so shut up
kindof way.
can you give some examples of names of snri's, nassa's or tca's??

i'd been on it 4 months and i just can't cum with my waifu and feel kinda laggy and shit.

I don't know about snris, but SSRI make me not care that much about stuff.
You're always like "yeah whatever" and get to do the shit that you want.

For me it's a good thing, because after 15 years of anxiety I'm finally starting to do shit for myself.

I still care about my wife, my parents, I love them. But for example I don't give a shit about my job - I do the bare minimum and I have 0 interests in going up the ladder or whatever.

It also might be just my impression of "not caring", since I've been so anxious for such a long time that I've probably never known what it feels to be normal.

no im not bipolar or anything like that im 99% chill af just sometimes one small ass thing will trigger me


>i'd been on it 4 months and i just can't cum with my waifu and feel kinda laggy and shit.

yeah feeling laggy is not supposed to be normal. I have the cumming problem too but it gets better with time.

Fatty here...put on welbutrin 150mg 24hr time release for its appetite curbing (although sad/bored eating doesn't need an appetite) depression
any weight/appetite changes for anyone on it?

>eating disorder
>given wellbutrin
What the fuck is your doctor doing? Is your doctor a fucking moron?

Prozac made me shit my pants quite literally at work 4-5 times, Effexor made me have night terrors and be moody as fuck, Lamictal seems to be a pretty good + my Buspirone and Strattera to keep my shit under lid at work

This is probably the most I can get military wise but I'm sure civilian side you can make it rain Xanax and all these crazy fuckin' meds

helped my appetite alot i only eat like one meal a day now a normal sized meal prolly still unhealthy but lost alot of weight

im this fag btw

Yeah it's acne. Completely cleared it up. Used to be really fuckin bad

They give you effexor in the military?
I was let go of because of citalopram, not deployable.

SNRI - venlafaxine, duloxetine
NaSSA - mirtazapine, mianserin
TCA - amitriptyline, imipramine
Also I heard agomelatine is fairly promising but expensive af.
There are also MAOIs but those are dangerous, yet very effective. And you can't eat cheese when taking them, which I guess is depressing on its own.

I forgot to mention im also a drug user. But I seem to be quite resilient to addiction. Like I'll have a few weeks of heroin. And then forget about it and move on to a different drug

4mg buprenorphine. 2mg insufflated when I wake up, another 2mg at 4pm. Not it's intended use, I don't obtain it from a dr, it's fucking up my nose and I'm going to pay for it when I eventually have to stop, works 10x better than any antidepressant I've tried and I've tried a lot.

I've actually got fire under my heels because of the Lamictal, to be honest. I've been under an MEB since September of last year but it'll probably be thrown out since I'm showing alright progress. I didn't have a psychologist assessing my needs when I first sought treatment, just a shitty holistic PCM who decided to throw well known SSRIs at me. When I went inpatient I got to try a whole lot of stuff to see how it worked, got Hydroxyzine to take with me so I could nuke my brain at work and not worry about a thing

From what I can read, this seems pretty sweet. Gonna look into it more.
Is it like insta-effect or does it take time like ssris?

I just got citalopram for anxiety but I know nothing about it

Dude, it's an antihistamine. Benadryl with blackjack and hookers.

Ive only been on 3 days....and still figuring out a good time to take it (before work or mid day)...but ive been starving while consciously eating a little im sure any mood change is merely placebo for now

Wellbutrin doesn't work. It does what all other antidepressants do. The shit numbs you and makes you not able to feel anything, makes you okay with being depressed rather than fix the depression.

If it works for you then cool but imo there's better things.

I recommend trying ADHD shit nstead for depression. Vyvanse. Most depressed people actually have ADD/ADHD and don't make enough dopamine so they feel depressed and never fix the actual issue.

oo i c. interesting. Gotta talk to my doc about it. I doubt he knows anything about it' he's still stuck in the 60s

Elontril in Germany. Best shit ever. Now a good therapist and ill have a better life.

I would not be surprised if hydroxyzine was used in the 60s. I'm pretty sure stuff like diphenhydramine (Nytol, Benadryl) and promethazine (Phenergan) were. They are very similar in action: hayfever pills which make you sleepy and relieve travel sickness.

Pristiq here, helps with depression and got rid of my anxiety. PogChamp

So I’ve been taking Zoloft for about three months and while it has helped somewhat with my depression anxiety and OCD, It has made me extremely emotionless mentally. Is this normal? I really really don’t like it here faggot.