What are Sup Forums political views?

What are Sup Forums political views?

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Taxation is theft

libertarian socialist

No one gets free handouts for being alive.

I wish for greatness, peace and prosperity for all human race. That being said, I hope we don't go down as the civilization that had the most to lose but did the least to prevent its happening. Therefore I call upon my brothers of the western world to finally get your heads out of your asses and start making sense. Trump is a good way to start, though extreme it was necessary to turn things around and wake the masochistic cucks of the west wake up.

US needs to:
>take in fewer immigrants
>build a border wall with Mexico streamline spending budget for the militar
>use the leftovers for better veteran assistance
>privatize healthcare
>root out voter-fraud and gerrymandering
>switch away from electronic voting booths that can be "miscalibrated"
>raise the voting age to 25
>crack down on States flaunting blatant disregard for federal laws and the Constitution
>put policies into place that enable citizens to obtain military hardware as the 2nd Amendment intended
>disallow the mentally ill or unstable from being anywhere near firearms
>eugenics/abortion programs to rid the country of Downies, spergs, autists, and other undesirables. Specially those with crippling physical disabilities that compound their uselessness.
>have less concern for the opinions of countries like the UK and Canada whose policies have clearly served as detriment to their people.
>pull away from non-renewable sources of energy and divert funding to nuclear facilities/research
>recognize Puerto Rico as a state
>force politicians to only run their campaigns out of pocket
>universal income for Congress and elected officials only. If you are found accepting donations from foreign entities who would be affected by the policies or bills being voted on, you are fired and all your funds are rerouted to infrastructure
I'll think of more, I'm sure.

Well shit, didn't expect to see a solid plan from someone on fucking Sup Forums.

Aliens are real, politics is m00t

You are now aware that this is the Trump platform with a moderate libertarian skew.

Any political plan that hastens the demise of the already crumbeling american empire.

Face it guys!
You're already fucked!

This 2 party system was only the start.
Now you have identity politics that is breeding an entire "Us v.S Them" mentality operating inside your country.

Internationally you are a joke.
Your leadership,
Your policies,
Your military "peacekepers"
Your "influence"
The rest of the world is just crossing it's fingers that eventually you'll either self destruct completely or finally build a wall around the entire country and stay inside it.

>libertarian socialist
Dude, those are polar opposites.

You must be a lot of fun at parties.

Dumb phoneposter

I want boring people so I dont have to hear people bitching about politics every day. kasich or the colorado gov or something like that.

Female supremacy.

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parties are for hipster soibois and their fishsauce ipas.

>going to Sup Forums
>going to parties
Mutually exclusive.

Come at me bro.

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Alot of good ideas in that one user, some need tweaking. I'll remember you for my cabinet when I finally grasp world power. We need good people.

anarcho fascist

I don't waste my time with such practices. I'm working to better my Country and fellow citizen, not getting crossfaded and wasting the best years of my life vomiting and waking up in stranger's beds.


Read a book. Read fifty fucking books.

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How's getting fucked by muslims treating you eurofag?

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Yea, Keep believing that bullshit your're being fed buddy!

Break both pills in half. Take with water and a grain of salt.

Moderately left, anti-authoritarian, a bit feminist but not over the top.

I like tax when it's used properly and hits the rich harder. I'm totally happy for my health service to be government run, better a government who wants a healthy people for a good economy than a private company whose primary concern is their profit.

Actually, it is an oxymoron. You either believe in the universal application of property rights, or you don't. If you are a """""libertarian socialist""""", you believe that human beings somehow own their bodies, but not their property or the results of their actions.
If you believe that human beings have a right to their bodies, but still think that the redistribution of wealth is somehow moral, you're a hypocrite and you need to study philosophy.

Voluntarist. Everything else is wrong.

Yeah, that's pretty much me too.

Socialism = more government
Libertarians = not like big government

You're like a sort of living irony kek.

Libertarianism has been around a lot longer than the form the US sees. You wouldn't recognise European libertarianism from a century ago.

Very anti establishment and anti false dischomoty designed to divide us
And gas the kikes race war now, just because

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Since the 1980's and the introduction of right-wing "neoliberal", "Neocon" economic policies in the west by Reagan and Thatcher, working and middle class people have been getting bent over and fucked deep in the ass.

>manufacturing jobs moved abroad because corporations can pay lower wages
>de-regulation of the financial sector and repeal of Glass–Steagall legislation led to widespread amoral betting by the banks and the financial crash of 2008, plus a wrecked housing market that hardly any young people have a hope of getting on
>Increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of a few
>Unions were broken, now minimum wages are scandalously low and miles behind inflation
>Multi-National corporations have merged and bought out competitors leading to monopolies in every sector
>Levels of tax avoidance by the super-rice are disgraceful
>The media is profit-driven and tax-avoiding, they are also owned by said big multinational corporations
>said multi-national corporations have also bought out 99% of the politicians, they therefore write laws to serve themselves

This particular brand of capitalism serves a rich elite at the expense of all else. Profit is valued before all else. Self-interest is valued above all else.
Capitalism, especially Neoliberal, de-regulated capitalism is inherently flawed in 2 ways.

1) Capitalism creates the conditions for its own destruction through monetisation of the environment

2) Infinite growth is not possible on a finite planet

we need a new economic/societal model cause this one fucking sucks.

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The pill dichotomy is dumb.

forks are going to be the ultimate downfall of the US. that why Ethiopia doesnt use forks, cause they know the truth that forks are evil and that they will kill those who use them. this is why Ethiopia will be the last surviving country after the great fork war (trust me, im a time traveller)

purple pill = idgaf

here your

I really don't fucking know at this point.

Probably a 60/40 split in policy views, conservative/liberal respectively. I'm pro-gun, pro-choice to a certain extent, like smaller government, pro-cannabis legalization, pro-gay marriage, dislike refugees

The idea of universal healthcare in the U.S. has been appealing to me as of late. Although, just because stuff sounds good on paper, doesn't mean it would work in the real world. For me in Canada, it took my step mom 3 months to see a specialist after having, what was basically, a stroke. Because of this system. I feel it can be way more efficient if implemented properly.


>Socialism = more government
are you actually this retarded?

um no sweetie, that's still blue pilled.

I'm just a person. Some issues I'm left on. Some issues I'm to the right on. I don't associate myself with a particular party. I'm generally pro freedom(s) and for small government. That being said I don't think everything on the left makes any sense. Like I'm pro choice and think all guns should be legal.

This is the important stance I wish everyone had. This is why we are failing as a country, not racism and political correctness, that shit is just the perfect distraction. The 1% need to rot in prison as megalomaniacs.

At this point I don't give a flying fuck. The world will continue to turn without any input on my part. I have no kids and thus am content to spend the rest of my days watching the world burn, should that be the case.

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Left v right is broken af
Left has the personal freedoms but also complete retards
Right has the national ideals and economic policy and for some reason freedoms that relate to guns, but tends to be far too authoritarian

Let the nukes fly and we'll start from scratch

You need to get laid

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Your time is up, pinhead Larry!

seconded. I'm sorry you have so much hate in your heart. I understand your nihilism, but its okay to have principles & ideologies whether or not they will ever happen I guess.

I wish tbh fam

You've hit the nail square on the head!
Racism, Religion, skin colour, anything they can do to keep the lower classes at each others throats while the rich keep walking off with all the money...
I just wish more people had the power to see through it

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ITT: soyboys have invaded the chins and it's finally time to let Sup Forums die

So you understand, we won't be able to even have scratch to start with if the nukes fly. A large chunk of all the materials mined from the Earth, the easily accessed ones, will either be horribly irradiated and inaccessible or rendered unusable with even about-level scratch ability. We will have less to start with than we did the first time around in terms of what is directly in front of us.

A fate worse than just up and being obliterated. A self-inflicted, futile struggle to re-obtain what we barely even had the first time around.

he probably wouldn't recognize anything from before the limited time he's been here

Yeah it was more a metaphor for world war. The elite know this too and they would prefer to keep their enemies infrastructure intact, nukes are just for dick measuring / insurance policy nowadays. I'm sure classified future tech designed with exactly this in mind exists in a few countries though.

It's hilarious hearing the word "soyboy" used unironically. Did you learn that term from Paul Joseph Watson? He's been proved to be so badly ignorant on the subject it's painful. And he's still touting his energy pills, the two main ingredients of which are both derived from soy.

>i'm a triggered soiboi cuck, the post.

>I'm sure classified future tech designed with exactly this in mind exists
Small hunter/killer drones are my bet.

it's not about power, it's about willingness. people buy into the idea that their "side" can "win". us vs. them will never go away, look at this place as an example. most people in a position of power or privilege will never look at society another way if they perceive a benefit for themselves.

you can see it in the racism and the misogyny. white men especially enjoy belittling and demoralizing others because it helps them feel "special". and yet they also are the biggest users of the term "snowflake" as a derogatory term for people that want safety. they HAVE safety in their privilege so they do not need to examine their own actions. most of these people are also leading terrible lives in real life, and need that comfort because they alienate themselves from everyone else they come into contact with. that's why they all come to Sup Forums, so they can have their own "safe space". so don't expect a change in attitude any time soon.

voting per occupation, people involved in finance vote on financial policy, people involved in medicine vote on health issue, liberals can vote on how many cocks to take in ass

And you used "cuck" too! My night is complete :)

Seriously though, when science owns PJW as hard as it does, it's just funny watching the army of followers parrot his word.

>I'm a silicon valley soylent drinking tattooed numale, the post.

literally who?

paul joseph watson, the guy from whale wars.

That would explain the push for control of rifle rounds despite handguns being much more school shooting suited
Stock up on fmj 223 everybody

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Right populism

This was basically Sup Forums's politics before Sup Forums came along

NB4: Rebuttal from sycophantic "economics expert" who once read a chamber of commerce pamphlet.

>I'm sure classified future tech designed with exactly this in mind exists
It does. It's called kinetic bombardment and it's not particularly new, nor is it classified.

No please, keep going! More buzzwords! Your rage is making me smile :)

Is that the "drop a ton of heavy metal from space" thing? It'll still level a city man.

How the fuck can you be a libertarian socialist.

Those two contradict themselves.


Sup Forums is a libertarian board, hence all of the CP

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It is, and yes it will. All the fun of nukes without that pesky fallout.

less-authoritarian communist. like, revisionist or something? trotskyist?

Women already:
>have equal or greater pay
>are assaulted less
>are killed less
>are raped less
>have all the reproductive rights
>have better jobs
>live longer
>have general discrimination on their side
What the fuck else do you want?

And it certainly has it's uses I'm sure but I'm specifically talking about weapons that won't destroy all the infrastructure in the area


legit never heard of him.

it's >inb4, not "NB4"
luckily economics has moved towards keynesian demand side economics

I like this.

Add in more dergulations and a free market.

Also get rid of the Federal Reserve. Give monetary control back to the people. We need a fixed currency that can't be changed by the hands of a private industry for the benefit of the banking elites.
Something along the lines of gold standard.

>Moderately left
You are actually extremist Left, pro-authotitarian. Did you even read what you wrote?

that's not even libertarian, that's just conservative

Our mainstream media want's us to emulate the EU with their socialist bullshit.

Go to third party news out lets including ones being reported by Europeans, saying how the socialist programs and mass immigration is ruining their countries.

Really makes you think.

var1 = {lesbian}
if var1:
print "all male scum to die!"
print "all male scum to report to the kitchen!"

None of what you list is capitalism tho.

Everything should be backhanded compliment

Do more research into an actual Free market.

The goverment runs thing inefficiently and those "rich" people you want to tax so hard.

How do you think they go rich? By producing or providing a service that is needed and being the best at it.

The only people that get rich by not doing these two things are due to government influence artificial benefiting them.

If there is no government influence and a business does not perform well. It will fail.

The free market is the ultimate form of freedom and prosperity and is the greatest factor for humanities increase standard of living.

I see quite a bit of centrists, conservatives, moderate leftists, and authoritarians as well, with a few communists/socialists in the mix. Actually, places like Sup Forums tend to be the most politically diverse areas on the internet from what I've noticed.

But, we already have the technology for that. Drones of that caliber aren't a secret or unattainable. It is absolutely feasible at this point for an entity or a country to develop drones of that caliber capable of being moderately incognito and yet capable of executing tons of people without them even knowing it's there. It already happens with fully declassified, "low tech" known about drones that kill civilians daily, today. Something along the lines of classified future technology would have to be a version of Skynet that does not want to eliminate all human beings and instead is fully subservient. Semi-autonomous, capable networks of machines suited for various tasks, capable of working in tandem. Whether bipedal, flight-capable or otherwise. The soldier, the policeman, the emergency responder you can just dispose of. Maybe even "Terminators". That would be a kind of classified future technology to speak of.

Welcome to the nu-left

top kek, but also stale pasta.

But bad thing happen, so it must be capitalism's fault!

That's because nobody is censored. Most areas of political discussion are highly moderated hugboxes.