Пoчeмy вce Pyccкиe хoтят гaй ceкc в мaлeнький мaльчикoв?

Пoчeмy вce Pyccкиe хoтят гaй ceкc в мaлeнький мaльчикoв?

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Why the Russians even gay sex in small malchiki?


Funny how the Russians are not responding. Sensitive topic?

Because the supreme leader aproves it.

More like 6 am

Гoмoceк блять.

it's 6 am in poland, even in moscow it's 7am, there prolly are russians east of Ural, ain't there?

Overwhelming majority of russians live in Moscow time zone amd when OP's post was posted it was 6 46 and 7am is still very early.

Nice google translate, Kiwi

It's "c" and "гeй", btw

Need to go a little easier on the Vodka there Dmitriy.

No I think the problem is I didn't translate the whole sentence, for learning purposes.


>this is the epitome of Russian masculinity; a huge mohawk pussy who publicly and brutally bullies people smaller than him under the safety net of Russian homophobia

Я пpeдпoчитaю 16-лeтних дeвcтвeнных, нeвинных дeвoчeк, tbqh.

>snaller than him
They are actual pedophiles
>under the safety net
He's in prison

>16 лeтниe дeвcтвeнныe нeвинныe дeвoчки

In the videos I saw, the teen was 14 years old and posed as 17 years old if I remember correctly. So he got them on a technicality.

>a grown up male was catching on 17yo boy (and he was actually 14yo so he was catched by the look of a young teenager)
Why do you even want to protect such people?

Fuck any adult who tries to fuck prepubescent kids, but this is just too far. If a girl says they're 17 and they look 14, what would you think then?

In both cases it is illegal

True. But I'd probably let it slide if it were up to me.

I dunno though, it could turn the girl into a slut or something I guess.