Be me 20 minutes ago

>be me 20 minutes ago
>mom calls me downstairs
>says we need to talk
>tells I need to move out of the house by the end of the week
>tells me it’s time to be a grown up
>mfw I turned 18 last week
>mfw I have less than 1000 dollars saved
This might be it for me boys

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this is why I don't respect women

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By the end of the week? Wow that's super shitty, user

Tell her to fuck off

Only posting on Sup Forums for a week and you got kicked out. Didn’t realize we were that bad.

You've got a month before you really have to leave my dude. Sell as much stuff as you can, if the items saved are small enough to fit in a PO box, just store it in there. Apply to homeless shelters now, and attempt to get NEETbux from your state. Apply for Foodstamps NOW. Get a gym membership for daily activity, start applying for jobs. After all of this, look in ads via newspaper/facebook/craigslist for rooms for rent, or shared living with a few roommates. Since you dont have college, or parents to send you there now, look into trades. Call up your local unions and try to join one/find work, even if it's just apprenticeship. In 5 years, you'll have enough $ to live on your own.

Other options, Joining your countries militar, or reserves (and going to a community college in the mean time) $$$ from the reserves alone should be enough to pay for half your rent.

Good luck and if this is serious, ask fags on reddit (or search for similar posted situations). They're nicer and the dumb upvote system/archival system will give you detailed answers and help.

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be an adult and tell her you need more time. Negotiate a month to move out and decide on weekly achievements which will demonstrate you are actively working toward moving out.


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thanks, I was going to write something like this. Assuming OP is telling the truth, and not leaving out some critical shit ( eg: He told his step father to go fuck himself yesterday ) - this is the way to go. To be fair, no one ever taught OP how to act like this. His parents clearly didn't, you know?

I was kicked out the day after my birthday at least you got a week life is just suffering for most people learn not to rely on anybody but yourself

Are you cute? I have extra room.

Tell your mom you need more time. If she kicks you out now, you’ll be homeless and without a job. If she cares about your safety and well being, she will understand. The whole “moving out at 18” shit is a retarded meme that will set most people up for failure.

get on with it
i was out the door by 17 moved continents
key is finding a bride

move to Germany, get free and top notch education, fuck scandinavians goddesses.

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thank your mom for the free "get-out-of-jail" card

become a trap if you're cute you could find a daddy

I am always looking

Sell your shit and move to cambodia. It'll take about a grand for you to get started, and if that's all you have it'll be tight... But even 1500 will be way in the clear. Get a job as en english teacher for a grand a month.. Work there for a year, marry a hard workin cambodian Qt, get her a job in the US, and be chill. The extended stay will
give you everything you need for 900 bucks a month too; so getting a job and working it out that way is just good enough. Be tight as fuck with cash, really tight, and you'll be okay.

You've gotta be kidding me. You live in Sparta or what?

Can't believe Americans do this shit, you clothe and feed your blood for 18 years and soon as they hit 18 you throw them out, how are you supposed to continue your legacy? This shit makes me so angry

They were stupid enough to born you now it's not your problem.

my negro, i had a similar problem, but i got 1 month to get out
sell everything you own that you don't need
get a full time job doing something manual. cleaning, moving boxes, construction, all those things are well paid in the US, in my country it's the opposite.
work there while you learn how to fix AC machines or fridges or how to be an electrician or how to fix cars in a trade school at night
forget about social life, forget about exercise, forget about a gf, just do that until you land a job with that trade
use your savngs to pay for 3 months of the cheapest, smallest, most unconfortable room you find anywhere
learn how to make spaghetti cause that's all you're going to eat. If you work at fast food, learn to love that fast food.
or you can just learn how to wash cars, buy a small vacoom and everything you need to wash cars and go house by house washing cars, charge 10 bucks per wash, wash 5 cars a day and call it a day, that's what i did when they threw me out at 16 for 2 weeks

french legion then, huh?

good luck Sup Forumsrother your shit posts will be missed

tell her "i wanted to go to my community college, i was going to pay for it too. all i needed was a roof over my dead"

>all this effort
>just to live miserably
>just to eventually die slowly and painfully
>while never really lived
really, why the fuck bother..

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