So, you see a lot of drug dealers getting arrested for people who take their drugs an overdose, resulting in death

So, you see a lot of drug dealers getting arrested for people who take their drugs an overdose, resulting in death.

Does this really make sense to you?

If someone give me a knife, and I use that knife to slit my wrist, are they to blame for my death? What the fuck am I missing here?

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>If someone give me a knife, and I use that knife to slit my wrist, are they to blame for my death?
Knives aren't mind-altering, nor addictive. Poor analogy.

Sure, it's not meant to be a great analogy. But the person decides they want to do drugs, no?

I mean, what if you gave me the knife, yet you knew what I was going to do with it?

Nice strawmen

Maybe you'll learn how to make real arguments after your balls drop

in those cases where they try to go after the dealer, it's typically because what was sold was a much higher purity than normal.

Drug users go back general quantities, they know around how much will get them high. If all of a sudden you drastically increase the purity then the user is being put at a dramatically higher risk of unintentional overdose. That's when they try to prosecute the dealer for it, when the junkie is almost set up to accidentally kill themself.

They don't suddenly go after dealers because a 20 year-on junkie final fucked up his dose and died from it

here's what you're missing: the sole purpose of guns is to harm another being

wtf are you retarded, your analogy is stupid as hell. you don't use a knife to cut yourself unless you're suicidal. the only thing you can do with drugs is use them or sell them or throw them away

have you ever met a drug dealer that deals in hard shit?
They tend not to just passively wait for you to ask

Granted, even if they did it wouldn't matter, once you're on something like heroin you're going back to them.

In your analogy here btw, that is assisted suicide in most 1st world countries, if you knew they were going to kill themselves

That makes no sense:
Higher purity drugs are worth more, and therefor cost more - there's no mistaking buying something much more expensive than normal.
Druggies fuck up all the time, that's often why they're druggies. Shoot up / snort whatever, get high, forget you did, do it again, crash down, repeat, OD. It's not rocket science.

>you don't use a knife to cut yourself unless you're suicidal
That's the point.

>have you ever met a drug dealer that deals in hard shit?
Nope. I admit I'm ignorant in all of this. I'm just trying to understand.
> that is assisted suicide in most 1st world countries
Ok, so, is that on par with murder? Manslaughter?

change the knife to gun and the gun will be to blame not you

Involuntary manslaughter.

Maybe they shouldn't leave a fucking information trail on a junkies phone that leads right to them then?

you do that to kill yourself or as a cry for help, people take drugs cause they want to get high, people don't intentionally OD unless they want to. Your point you're trying to make is stupid

>implying people overdose on drugs under normal circumstances
People usually overdose on bad drugs, so getting dealers arrested makes sense.

If you give a knife to someone who's clearly going to use it stupidly, you're just as culpable for their death as they are.

>you see a lot of drug dealers getting arrested
Sadly, no. We see them getting richer and richer.

Attached: trump as shkrelli.jpg (960x360, 209K)

If that knife could make u addicted to stabbing to the point of hurting yourself or others ye its the guy who gave it to you that gets the blame
Law just accepts that you're retarded and ignorant

Is this the same OP that sold M to a guy and he OD'd? U just gotta live with it, I wouldn't recommend turning urself in

If you sold someone a knife that only worked if you stabbed people with it, you are complicit when they stab someone with it. That's what you're missing here.

Drugs aren't knives; knives have thousands of uses. Drugs are more like bombs, if you're looking for a metaphor. Selling bombs is, and should be, illegal.

Note: I'm not talking about drugs that are impossible to overdose on.

Shkrelli is serving 7 years.

Shkreli just got sentenced to prison
