There are more than 2 Genders. Change My Mind

There are more than 2 Genders. Change My Mind

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See, you are saying gender is on a spectrum. But I think you are mixing up gender for autism.

Dick, vagina, there are to chromosomes that determine sex clearly you had a few extra ones

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no. no one fucking cares about 'gender identity', if you are a red squirrel covered in gonorrhea cum, ill call you a red squirrel covered in gonorrhea cum. however, your sex is whether you brain indicated male or female, which almost always cooresponds to whether you have a dick or a ham wallet.

youre still a goddamn faggot though

I can call myself Napolean Bonaparte, doesn't mean it has any validity to it

there are only two genders, but the way you act is on a spectrum. Nothing saying you can be a masculine male who is a heteromantic bisexual who has a submissive side, but you don't need a new gender for it lol

sorry, meant for OP

so what is pedophilia?

my sides

a disorder as it makes no sense to be attracted to something that isn't even of age to be able to have sex or reproduce

membership to the republican party

There are two genders, and no one cares what you think. KYSage.

so why is it considered a disorder?
what defines it as such?

"a disruption of normal physical or mental functions; a disease or abnormal condition"

sex is meant for reproduction, thus its a disorder, now you could say being gay is a disorder, which would be true but it is not a harmful one as no one is hurt. w

>disorder: a disruption of normal physical or mental functions; a disease or abnormal condition.
What is mentally normal for not only humans, but everything in the animal kingdom is to fuck a sexually mature mate to create offspring. That is the standard in whcih all creatures are made (reproduction) Fucking a 12 year old will under most circumstances (assuming she has no physics reproductive disorders) never produce a child. While doing the same to a 20 year old (again assuming physically healthy) will almost always yield a child. Therefore it is natural and anyone who does should be considered to have a mental disorder

pedophilia of itself is not harmful though. It's the exploitation of minor, you're thinking about.
simply being attracted to children is not 'harmful'

and you just paired it with homosexuality as they both constitute as a disorder.

so why hasn't the left become all cushy with pedophilia?

So being gay is a disorder.

by definition yes, but its not a harmful or immoral one

>chromosomes determine gender
>autism is gender confirmed

it is, of disorder.
do you think humans would have naturally reproduced by being gay?

maybe, if our bodies were perfectly functioning beings capable of detecting times for procreation, but in the real world things dont work that way

moving the goalposts are we
there is a high correlation to gay ppl and being pedos, i wonder why?
the first aids death was an underage kid, i wonder why?

> fixed

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well if it is indeed true that pedo is highly linked with being gay, then I rescind my statement and we should address that fact

it is, and you should do your homework before making assertions whether things are moral and/or harmful

Well, personally, I think there are three. Male, Female, Intersex. Knew someone who was a tall woman with somewhat more muscle mass than normal and very male interests. She told me that, at birth, her sexual organs were underdeveloped and nobody knew whether she was supposed to be a guy or a girl - so the doctors decided, and now she's a guy in a girl's body. Kind of crazy, and it does happen.

Pedo isn't linked with being gay. It's linked with being religious.

what does it mean if u are bisexual then lmao

That is our gender user.

protip: people become priests as an outlet for being gay, since as a priest they practice chastity and arent out in the world tempted by SIN OOOH.
forreal though.

I think
it means you are confused and have an open mind and probably should go lift and stop being a weakling

and either your dad is closet gay or really a gay and you have a single mom.

and maybe your mom sold your soul

I am simply accounting for error, not everyone is able to reproduce at 20 because they might not be able to produce eggs or whatnot.

puberty for women takes place anywhere from 10 to 14, They are still developing at this point and it would be "natural" to only seek women after they have fully developed. So yes, most 12 year olds are unsuitable for fucking and anyone who finds that shit hot should have their dick cut off, becuase they very clearly are not meant to reproduce.

Penis. Vagina.


ok again, maybe if our bodies were perfectly functioning machines capable of detecting optimal age for birthing children.

less than 100 years ago men and women/girls were getting married at 12 years old, if not younger.

you probably still have behaviours that are not optimal or "normal" and are abnormal operations typically attributed to anxiety and lack of focus.

not defending pedos, or gays, just cluing you in i hope

GeNDur aNd seX are THe samE tHinG and U CanT tEAch me NuThn

Well there's male, female, and mental illness so I guess you're right.

Being a massive faggot isn't a new gender, it's your sexual orientation.

>user doesn't realize that females are able to reproduce as early as 12

A loli that makes more lolis, you say? Fascinating! This will make things much easier! What do I have to do to get more lolis from this loli? Oh really! That's what I was going to do anyways! How convenient!

>Change My Mind
Don't have to. As long as you're not forcing it on me you're free to believe in whatever fantasy bullshit you like.

This but unironically.

Don't confuse "ironic" with "derogatory".
It wasn't ironic.

The middle two's is made up name

>It wasn't ironic
It could have been satire, and I was agreeing with you.

not keen on the word "faggot", but this.

there are more than 2 genders. Anything you make up can be a gender. there are only 2 sexes.

Intersex is called disorders of sex development, they result from defects and there is no healthy intersex condition that contributes its own unique reproductive function and takes a proportional amount of the population. Disorders don't upend classification systems. For example, humans are 4 limbed organisms. However, there are many people who are born without or with extra limbs, does that mean humans are multi-limbed organisms? Does that mean we treat 3 limbedness as a natural and healthy variant and one as legitimate as having 4 limbs? No. As for gender, what definition are u using? I'm not going any further until you define it.

Are two males able to reproduct together ? Are you saying homosexuality is a disorder too?

A theory isn't a concrete fact or unchangeable law. You get taught in school and by others that this shit is ok. It's called mental illness. Fucking faggots

WUts ThE DiffERence BetwEEn bIoloGY aNd PSycHoloGy noONe KNos

My guess is that “gender spectrum” will become the norm in society and we as anons will have to adapt at one point. There’s not much really wrong with it other than just being confusing. OP isn’t really wrong

ITT: Middle school kids don't understand the difference between gender and sex.

To add to this, most non binarys define gender so that way its synonymous with the masculinity-femininity spectrum, yet still try to then use their redefined word to classify male or female. This is absurdly dishonest because your trying to change definitions while attatching connotations of others so that way you can confuse the concepts your trying to define so you can get your desired result. What I'm saying, is that under their definition, a gender is "kinda manly, but effeminate" or "girly girl" or "ultra tough" but not man, woman etc.. Here's a tip, if you ever debate these people, the first thing you do is ask for their definition of gender then expose how their redefinition doesn't change the concepts they're trying to describe.

>a disruption of normal mental functions
But what if having more than two genders is rather a deviation of some social construct? Who can say that it is mentally “normal” to think spectrum-wise?

Sex: chromosomes, penis or vagina.
Gender: The male/female orientation(“continuum”)
upon which one identifies with,
not that hard kids

>Attracted to men, attracted to women

Its wrong because its illogical, delusional faggots aren't making me throw logic out the window

Define gender, normal in this case would mean healthy, however saying gender is a social construct is meaningless unless you define gender

Yup. With our current gender metrics being rather arbitrary, I'd even refine them further..

Masculine/Male/Yang is anything exertive in nature within our being.

Feminine/Female/Yin is anything receptive, which contains and nurtures.

And obviously any functioning human requires both.

Very keen on the word faggot, but this

Words are subjective, in this case you need to define male and female before I can even debate you on whether its based on what you identify with or not

All reality is subjective, occasionally redundant.

Ignoring the question, what is your definition of male and female

Male is penetrative force, direct structure and power. Fortifies, denies other penetrative forces encroaching on it's femininity. Wants to fill the receptive.

Female is the negative, chaotic void, mysterious, hidden, shadow. Purely receptive, has no ability to penetrate or structure. It's the focus of human desire and pleasure.

In order for the masculine to fulfill it's task, it requires that feminine basis to fire from. For the feminine chaos to do anything besides recept, it requires the masculine.

This is a very abstract and useless definition of male and female, and it kinda defines them synonymously with masculinity-femininity. To back to what another users definition of gender (whatever you identify with), you've essentially defined your terms so that way gender classifys stereotypes and personalities. Its nothing different from what we already have now, not everyone falls under that domineering force or submissive force categories because its just another way of saying masculinity-femininity. Gender=personality under your definition but it doesn't change the concepts your trying to describe at all. I define male and female by the seperate alighnement of sexual traits seen in humans and masculinity-femininity as expressions of those traits. Your definition of male and female and gender is exactly equivalent to masculinity-femininity, therefore, the concepts being described don't change so your argument is wrong

Truth all around. I find the gender construct of society absolutely trivial. To try and define or identify as one side of a coin is fine as long as the auxiliary functions of the other side aren't hindered, but I'd rather just call a coin a coin.

To elaborate into the subject seems more about fetishism than anything else. Identifying terms for ones sex games.

I don't really, the gender construct here really is just the same as gender roles. The underlying physiological and neurological binarys haven't changed at all

The difference is an MRI scan.

It's the right word. Especially if they find it offensive.

No, you're mentally ill and need professional help well before you will listen to reason and fact.

If I had any reason to differentiate and define gender roles or sexual functions of the individuals, I might see relevance. Are your 'masculinity-femininity expressions' pretty much just the societal defined ones? Blue and trucks, pink and ponies, etc?

Even your graph says there are two. Male and female. Gender is an expression of role in society, and no person is a perfect expression of either gender. You can be masculine in one way, feminine in another. Let's look at your graph:

>sex: literally binary, based on biology, with extremely rare exceptions
>identity: self-induced and potentially infinitely fluid, so therefore is not able to be categorized, hence irrelevant. next...
>expression: outward actions/roles in society, either male, female, or a degree of either. but any categorization is literally in relation to either male or female, so these are the only two things relevant to the discussion. Gender expression has only two components: male and female. Everything else is derivative.
>sexual orientation: who you fuck, and how you fuck. matches with sex/expression 99% of the time. It is not statistically relevant to the discussion of gender.

So there it is. If you can find a way to argue for a third (or more) factor in gender, by all means, do it. But literally every discussion of gender has been based on these two factors.

TL;DR: there are two genders.