Why do muslims and jews mutilate their penises?

Why do muslims and jews mutilate their penises?

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It gets really, really boring in the desert. Nothing better to do. Sometime long ago they got so bored that they started looking for bits to cut off. Embarrassed about having to explain themselves to their women (those who weren't raging homosexuals at least) they justified their actions as having been called for by their various imaginary friends, or 'gods.' There's probably a bit of an effort to rid themselves of dick cheese involved too.

So you're saying muslims and jews cut up their penises to save water in an arid enviroment?

Because they are retarded psychos who like to hurt and torture infants.

better aerodynamics. didn't you pay attention in health class?

Dicks go in pussy user.

cause they don't like ecchi

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To curb their sexual desires. An ashy penis has been desensitized

cause circumcised dicks are nasty

I don't know why the normal muslim cuts their penis though I have been circumcised because I am a Muslim but if you think about it in Islam we are taught that We are made perfect by Allah and changing something that doesn't help us in our health is a sin
so Circumcision is actually bad
>but the Prophets did it
Prophets are people that are more important to us they got their Orders from Allah themselves,

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muslim, jews ... and americans?

les fourskin means les cheese so is best for healt

You don't get cheese if you runyourpenis under some water every few days.


>Why do muslims and jews mutilate their penises?

They want to be only half men.

Because it makes it better.

Why do Eurocucks leave their penises ugly and stinky?

Religions have a lot of rules to keep you away from having fun. Less fun during sex is just one example, not enjoying the meat of various animals or fermented beverages is another one.

Personal experience, taking showers is good for your health.


There is such thing as hygiene. Just as there is genital mutilation. Which do you prefer?

Water is too expensive in desert, it is much cheaper to dry penis instead of washing, that is why they cut it, so it dries fasta

Who says we do? Don't you have running water in your shithole of a country?

Hygiene and genital enhancement.

Sorry you're stuck in the stone age with your primitive foreskin

Centuries ago some 'genius' thought it made your junk look bigger and desensitised your cock end so you last longer before coughing your filthy yogurt. Then it somehow made its way into religion

Most women dont like foreskins

ancient jew shaman tried to prevent rape that way , dry dick cant penetrate without lube / its harder

>genital enhancement.

Where is this part located?

As annoying as Jehovah's Witnesses are, I think the one thing they got right is circumcision. Basic gestalt: If you aren't from birth, don't. That's about the only branch of that sandnigger religion that got it right. I believe the story goes that early Christians/Jews became something much different over time, having changed the way they work for God, and so practicing the old way when you are no longer worthy of the old ways is meaningless and may actually make God spite you.


Fixed it for you user

Because they are retarded psychos who like to hurt and torture infants.

I dont know about you, but i shower every day, and part of that shower is washing my fucking cock.
>hurr durr instead of teaching my child about hygiene im going to cut off part of his fucking body so he's ridiculed in later life
Neck yourself

Never met a girl IRL who prefers uncut in the US. Most prefer cut, some "don't care".

>following ANY sandnigger rituals

Like you'd know what women like

>actually worried about what women think

Beta detected

>procedure that has a short healing time
>Doesn't hurt sexual pleasure, has a bunch of benefits
>everyone gets angry because it involves the penis

If it was any other body part nobody would care.

Yes I'm sure you run around and date women long term who think you're ugly and you're comfortable about it

>dating long term
>caring about looks

Is this what you believe women are going for?

>Sucking a cock daily they think is gross
>Having a sex life beyond the rare mediocre fuck

Not gonna happen

>when it does actually hurt sexual pleasure
>when its unconsented
>when your only angry because you didn't have the same options in life that everyone else got because some retard cut part of your dick off

Enjoy your cracked calloused uncomfortable cock because you don't want to take a shower lamo

Yes. Men who travel get fucked by other women because they have a clean peccar

>has a bunch of benefits

What are these magical benefits?

>Doesn't hurt sexual pleasure

Aren't you cutfags usually the ones making jokes about uncut dudes cumming fast? Guess they must feel better.

>neck yourself


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So you travel to the desert where you don't have water for days?

Medical professional here. Two statistical facts (despite what hardcore anti-circumcision websites say, both of these claims are backed up by substantial evidence):

1) curcumcision drastically reduces the chance of the most common penis cancer (squamous cell carcinoma of the penis), because the foreskin is the site of development of the majority of cases.
2) circumcision vastly decreases the chances of contracting virtually every STD. There are two reasons:
-the more “exposed” head of the penis becomes more resistant to the microtears that occur pretty much whenever you have sex, which is how virtually all sexually-transmitted infections get inside you.
-fewer organisms get trapped under the foreskin, decreasing their chances of sticking around.

I have never met anyone (outside of the internet) who believes circumcision has hurt their ability to enjoy sex, including every single patient I’ve met who had a circumcision after becoming sexually active.

That being said, you should probably get it done by a urologist instead of a mohel, but that’s none of my business

Typical /r9k/ action.

Most the men who get it done when they're older seem very satisfied with it.

Debate over. It's not a big deal.

>Medical professional here
>penis cancer

Care to cite your sources doctor?

I'm very satisfied with being uncut

>debate over

Yeah maybe in the filthy United Cucks of America but in civilised nations women like un-mutilated dicks

When you search about it online, all the medical organizations say the benefits outweigh the risks, and the ones against it are anti circumcision websites and a couple of Eurotrash countries.

Literally the first google search result is a meta-analysis of the subject. (For those who don’t know, a meta analysis is the highest order of evidence).


There are literally hundreds of papers on this subject, with different speculated mechanisms, but virtually all come to the same conclusion.

It’s also tested in the second year medical school curriculum and on every medical board exam in the country, so there’s that, too.

One benefit is that they can use their rough bellend to sand a door thats a little too tight for its frame

makes sense, while we're at it we should get all women to chop their tits off so they don't get breast cancer

So thousands of years ago they knew that circumcision prevented std's and cock cancer when germs were only descoverd in the 1800s.

At least they had a choice to get it done or not
Fucking rabbi's just wanting to diddle baby dicks


So this kind of thing is just unimportant?

read the bible & find out, fuckhead

>to reduce sexual pleasure


You are aware that the human brain is capable of weighing the risks and benefits of a decision and coming up with a conclusion, right?

And when the risks and benefits are unclear, we do rigorously controlled scientific studies to assess them?

Anyone with half a functioning brain realizes that comparing male circumcision with FGM is dishonest for exactly this reason. FGM isn’t wrong because you’re cutting genitals. FGM is wrong because it offers no identifiable benefit and causes a ton of physical, social, sexual, and psychological harm.

The religious reason is that it is a symbolic declaration that a man stands apart from the other animals in that only a man had a soul and could know god. Women aren't going to like this but at the time this thinking came about a woman was considered an animal in the sense that her path to god was only through her husband.


Yet you continue to mutilate

Jewish women won't touch anything less than 25% off.

ayy lmao

oy vey

That’s not a research article, it’s an opinion piece by a *psychologist* who speculates on mechanisms for potential psychological harm. Note how he repeatedly cites his own previous opinion peices (and those of his coauthors).

Why you think that’s relevant to anything is beyond me.

Bond University, Australia

Circumcision Resource Center, Boston, USA

Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, Berkeley, USA

Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA

Did you even read the article?