Guys, these bumps have been on my scrotum for the last 3ish months and they itch. Wtf is going on?!!

Guys, these bumps have been on my scrotum for the last 3ish months and they itch. Wtf is going on?!!

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Can confirm its aids, i'm sorry user


genital warts or herps

you got a nice herpes outbreak there user


Thats the bcash virus

Nigger aids and herpes

OP here.

No blood, puss, nor blisters. Just these annoying-ass bumps that resemble bug bites, but are only on the god damn balls! It's hell yo!

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Looks like you fucked a girl who had two aids but only used one condom. Next time you need to use two or more condoms to protect you from that many aids.

bed bug bites buy a new mattress

Well, You seem to have testicular herpes. Starting stages, don't itch them,see a doctor, and you may be able to get them to a point where they are unnoticeable.

If you have an active sex life, notify all of your partners. If not, notify your parents, to see if one of them has it, as it may be passed down biologically.

That is what happens when you make things go bump in the night.

Agree. If I even think a girl might be sleeping with other people I double up, at the very least. I've triple wrapped a few times, too.

its a kind of lynphoma its not rare but the removal is a bitch
look for dr. sandra lee on youtube, she has a couple of videos where she removes them

Hooo boi, Ricky. Those look like some big fackin crabs to me! You gunna need some nice amount of lighter fluid to get these off of ya, eh!

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Yo it might be Mollescum, nothing to be too worried about

I had it before, looked like that. I got it when i was sick and my immunity was down, went away in like a month.

i think it's irritated from shaving

genital cysts, super common in men, not life threatening and can be removed easily by a doctor, but most guys leave them cause they're harmless. Tend to develop around mid 20s

Not often I see a case of leprosy posted here

stop having sex with ant hills and you'll stop getting bombs on your junk. Despite what your church teaches you, they aren't ground vaginas.

OP, do / did you eat undercooked meat or sushi in the past? these can be worms, a friend got worms in his body and his scrotum looked very similar. even if meat was cooked, there is a chance that some part of it was undercooked and the parasites survived. do you clean the meat with tap water before eating? judging by the color of your skin, the water conditions in your country must be bad, therefore worms may even lurk in the water (tape worms). I would highly recommend visiting the closest doctor or shaman as soon as possible....

what happens when you join the dots?

Wash balls with MEK, might have to do it twice just to make sure. MEK can be bought at lowes/home depot. Handy stuff.

A disc sander will get those off

If youve been sitting in grass, probably chiggers

dip the sack in bleach to eliminate the cysts and remove the overall brown color



Med Fag here. that looks like Scabies

Hope you are never able to reproduce nigger scum

That causes them to break easier retard.

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I'd be more worried that you're a nigger

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Fordice Spots. In am a med student

Genital warts caused by HPV infektion (Human Papillomavirus)

Or cancer..
Either way you really should go to see a doctors and get rid of those, they are not going to dissapear without medical treatment, they are only going to get worse If you just sit there scratchin your balls.
Im actually suprised how fucking moron you are, you had those kind of buckfuckcrackhore-bumbs on your most precious body part and you wait months before you start worrying...
Fucked up dumbass, i hope you never get laid again.

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Big Pimplin...

Space AIDS. Get your affairs in order

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You mean these?

>genital warts

This nigger been fucking toads

This is no time for your keys, they are about as useless as your thoughts and prayers.

Ant hill fucking is a serious matter and if you aren't careful you can get an entire colony living in each of your testicles and before you know it they'll go to war with each other, that's why girls have vaginas.

time for the rope

got shit like that for years, DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH IT OR IT WILL GET BIGGER AND BIGGER, it's fucking cyst

>This KILLS the white race