Merkel has been leader of Germany for 23 years already

>merkel has been leader of Germany for 23 years already

is germany really a democracy?

yes it is, in democracy people can reward a leader by re-electing him/her

yes, she's just that good.

critics literally can't bring her down because they have not a fact to use against her.

Yes and no.
They voted for her but it feels like (((they))) keep down the other challengers via media

only fascists and communists dislike based merkel


Typical kraut blaming poor irrelevant juden for his own failures.

so you subscribe to leftist notion that people are retarded sheep that are gullible and easily controlled by the media?

If that were the case, as opposed to every person making up their own mind, how would you explain President Trump?

Germans like stable government.
Angela simply knows how to embody that.

Did I speak for all countries? No!
Learn to read.

With (((they))) I refer to the elite.

Why you care aobut democracy. I thought you were a republic.

I'm sorry, I was working with assumption that Germans are at least equal to other peoples in respect to their autonomy as individuals.

She's the core of the refugee crisis.

Then what do Brits want?

Sorry that I triggered your autism but it literally stands in the OP that this thread is about us.

[Anarchy for the UK starts playing]

To hang their politicians.

Kalegi was a respectable, decent and moral man desu. No amount of fake or out of context quotes can change that.


Ze first choice iz alvays ze bezt choice in Germanee.

Pic ist ein related.

You have a problem, Aussie?

It's not fake nor out of context. Look it up.


I'll wreck ya cunt

>23 years

It's 12. Since 2005.
How has no one called OP out but earnestly tried to talk about Germany's politics so far?

Can you guys stop making threads about this shit already? Or at least take it to Sup Forums
These threads always are heading in the same direction

Germany just isn't politically schizophrenic like other countries. Having long stable governments must be nice rather than wild swings in policy every cycle.


>newfags born late 90's and early 2000 shitposting about Merkel when they don't know based Schröder


Merkel has done more harm to Germany than Hitler. She will manage to achieve the destruction of Germany in a way Hitler couldn't even dream of.

Doesn't he have a cat to put down already?

I was born in 2003

Provide link to credible source.

Assumed OP unintentionally hit 2 instead of 1 to be fair. Seemed more likely than forgetting kohl and Schröder exist

I'm sorry you had to be born in the shittiest timeframe ever.

No, I think he just didn't know any better.
It's an American post on European politics after all.

How to cause butthurt and get instant (You)s:

>make thread about Germany

This is getting old. If you want the (You)s, think of something original instead of

>Germany is _____
>Le destroyers of europe LOL XD
>Germany blah blah muslims blah blah
>Haha xD cucks lol epic xD

It's fucking annoying, ok? Just stop please

In case you're referring to this:
>Der Mensch der fernen Zukunft wird Mischling sein. Die heutigen Rassen und Kasten werden der zunehmenden Ueberwindung von Raum, Zeit und Vorurteil zum Opfer fallen. Die eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse, Aeusserlich der altaegyptischen Aehnlich, wird die Vielfalt der Voelker durch eine Vielfalt der Persoenlichkeiten ersetzen. [...] Der Einfluss des Blutadels sinkt, der Einfluss des Geistesadels waechst. Diese Entwicklung, und damit das Chaos moderner Politik, wird erst dann ihr Ende finden, bis eine geistige Aristokratie die Machtmittel der Gesellschaft: Pulver, Gold und Druckerschwaerze an sich reisst und zum Segen der Allgemeinheit verwendet. Eine entscheidende Etappe zu diesem Ziel bildet der russische Bolschewismus, wo eine kleine Schar kommunistischer Geistesaristokraten das Land regiert und bewuÃt mit dem plutokratischen Demokratismus bricht, der heute die uebrige Welt beherrscht. Der Kampf zwischen Kapitalismus und Kommunismus um das Erbe des besiegten Blutadels ist ein Bruderkriege des siegreichen Hirnadels, ein Kampf zwischen individualistischem und sozialistischem, egoistischem und altruistischem, heidnischem und christlichem Geist. Der Generalstab beider Parteien rekrutiert sich aus der geistigen Fuehrerrasse Europas: dem Judentum.

then I'm not seeing anything like a dominance plan, I'm just seeing a man shitposting his political theories and trying to cope with atrocities.