Sup Forums how do you go from being a mommas boy feminine bitch to becoming a man? anyone actually done it before?

Sup Forums how do you go from being a mommas boy feminine bitch to becoming a man? anyone actually done it before?

I'm tired of being a virgin in my 20s, i thought this shit would change naturally with age but it really doesn't. Even after having many different types of experiences.

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either you're taught to be a man as a child or it just won't happen. you're too far behind now to catch up

Well that’s going to entirely depend on what you mean by a man. You mean getting laid a lot of being successful in life?

probably moving out. learning to provide for yourself.

Yeah I did it. Join the Army.

Why don't you just find a femdom type of woman instead? You'll get more and better sex anyways.

improve yourself daily youre not gonna suddenly wake up one day and be a perfect person even if its one small thing

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well, you just drop your balls

You do hard shit. Not sick fucked up shit but hard shit that's truth like smoke weed and self betterment through shit like powerlifting and manual labour. You engage in hardcore ideologies like anarchism and free market economics, philosophy like neizsche or the ancient greeks. You be a man and study jiddu krishnamurti but also the sciences, learn how the world works AMD be able to identify the lies and falsehoods that plague it and be able to throw it I'm the autistic cunts face that delays AMD inhibits otherwise. You basically be Satan, Truth.

And make typos and not give a fuck about it.

I didn't have a father figure or a brother so yeah literally 0 teachings on how to be a man

All the things that assist you in getting laid pretty much. I have no confidence, no self esteem, no passion, no identity (don't even know what my music taste is for example)

I would but at the same time I'm not convinced it will change me. I've had tough jobs, completed a difficult uni degree and had to deal with a lot of cunty people. None of it made me "tougher".

I thought I may as well save money living with a parent

I have a degree that can get me a lot of money, I've always though of going to army but my progress in my academic career will go to waste.

Yeah I've been into all sorts of fetishized porn as u can imagine. Like I've gone deep in the rabbit hole, but that shit isn't for me, it doesn't feel worth it. My end goal is to be fucking hot women that submit to me

moving out on your own with no safety net should be different though.

I am a complete nerd but most people dont think I am because despite me having 8 110 toons in WoW and a steam library that is too long to begin to mention I continue to do "man shit"

I own a complete weight bench and squat rack. I work out and that boosts your energy and testosterone. You wont feel like a bitch. There is a "high" with working out. You do feel great after a good workout. if you cant afford this or dont have it. Get a gym membership.

>eat like a man
Seriously. If youre a vegan or something. Just knock it off. Also no more hotpockets and chicken tendies

>stop being a virgin
Once you accept the fact its a numbers game and you will lose more than you win you will be much better. There is no secret or magic way of picking up chicks. Dont read any pickup artist bullshit. Be assertive and direct with what you want. If you dont think its going how you want with a girl , take your ball and go home. Take the L and move on.

You must force yourself to do shit that you might not want to. In order to meet girls you must be where they go. Should you go to that stupid festival thing in town? Prolly not but guess what thats how you fucking socialize

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I feel like I've tried hard for the past couple years but there's this underlying feeling like my personality inhibits me from a lot of shit. I can bruteforce myself to do things for weeks on end and it doesn't change me in the long run.

Just kill her.

whoa whoa whoa. we're here to teach him how to be a man, not a psychopath

you need to move out. you are probably not noticing it but living at home you are being cradled all the time. take a job on the other side of the country. you can reinvent yourself and be the man you want to be. take a three months contract that can be renewed. if it works you stay. if you fail you move on to a new one or give up and go back home to mommy.

Kill yourself, neoliberal. You're a fucking fossil and a psychopath.

Stop identifying as a beta male and show people around you that you are an adult, simply by not acting like a child.


ok, I have consistently gone to the gym before. I actually managed to increase my weight from ~50kg to around 70 and even peaking around 85 kg. I am thankful for that, but already I'm plateauing, and it is mostly due to my back hurting too much even when I don't go that heavy in weights. Literally i can't go over 70kg on a dead lift or it feels like my back will snap in half

>eat like a man
Probably can improve here, but last time I tried that I was getting way too fat too quickly. I'm not a vegan, never drink soft drinks and avoid sugar as much as I can

>stop being a virgin
yeah I don't know about that at the moment

Yeah I've tried many different things. The problem is when you don't have any assertive presence and can't get intimate with any woman. When I talk to women I literally talk to them like any other person. Am I fucking up for doing that? pretty sure I just have 0 personality and nobody respects that shit

Just stay a virgin until 30. Enjoy being a wizard.

I will probnably take this advice in the near future. If things don't work out after that I'm literally an heroing for Sup Forums on livestream

>SO.O He is behind of it??

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Just kys, OP. You're a mistake of nature. Urban life is just the perfect habitat for your kind to perish, in front of a PC. You're just boosting our extinction, but this is not your fault, we are meant to die. You're just what nature considers weak, play your games and nevermind life.

as much as i want a bata to peace out. if it goes any better don't do it. it's the most pussy thing you can do. "buhu you life suckes, and i dont want to change" you have endless opportunities. all you have to do is to be brave for like a second or an hour or a day. but after the it's just a thing you did on the road to success.

You dont need to be a body builder. I rarely go for heavy sets or trying to max out. I find just sticking to a comfortably challenging weight for max reps is best. And cardio is key. Its about getting that blood pumping and those endorphines into your system so you dont feel like a lil bitch

As for talking to women, what you are doing is a start. Women can smell desperation. So talking to them like any other person is good. I dont know exactly how you are fucking up after that . Cant move beyond general banter?

Get yourself to a boxing or Muay Thai gym, after 3-5 years, add in some wrestling or bjj. Knowing you can handle yourself will make a massive difference and give you an outer confidence you currently lack.

Watch more Clint Eastwood and the classic action hero movies. Forget that philosophy shit, read history, Roman, Greek etc.

It’s a long process, don’t rush it. My 2 cents.

I guess so dude. I can't tell if a girl is ever into me. Chances are girls really aren't into me, I don't want to make a move and be accused of rape. I have no idea how people go from the being 2 strangers stage to fucking eachother within a night. I witness it among friends/people at parties/ people at work all the time and it boggles my mind.


Note to OP, this guy is a bigger faggot than you irl

He sounds like every other asshoke begging women to touch his penus

I've thought about replacing gym with fighting class... i just dunnno how you get the motivation to want to be fighting people and shit. Its not in my nature. I wouldn't be able to improve when there is a lack of motivationt. it will be a waste. I feel so constricted by time that I can't try these things on a whim

my mindset is inherently fucked up cause any new idea/suggestion never seems like its gonna help. im stuck

You see those people just go for it, if they get rejected then they try with another person, by not doing anything you'll never get laid.

its the only comment i ignroed but im surprised u say that with the colossal whining ive done this thread.
Onlly comfortable to act like that on Sup Forums where there are others far more retarded than myself

First I want to put a lil disclaimer that I give you advice at the best of my knowledge and ability with talking to and getting women. I don't hit homeruns every time . There are times i wuss out. But I have managed to conquer myself in most cases and go for it. Even if i get shot down.

>cant tell if a girl is ever into me
I get that. Its a hard game sometimes because women are fucking retarded. They will like you but not say SHIT! because like us they fear rejection too.

>Chances are girls really arent into me
Thats gonna be the case most of the time. YOu gotta accept that.

Normally Id say let that shit go but in this day its a valid concern.

>fucking each other within a night
Thats fucking really rare.

The biggest way to find out a girl is into you is either ask or make a more than "Friend" move

Like you are talking to a girl at an event or party or whatever. Whenever you think that chat is coming to close for whatever reason you drop the "can i get your number" cliche.

You have to push it along and force these dumb broads to let you know.

(Not the dude you are replying to)

It's all in the body language OP. If you are out drinking with a group and she joins, try to notice whether she keeps glancing at you or stuff like that
Try to isolate her. (Wanna get some fresh air? Do you smoke?) Talk, ask for number if you don't have it yet. Nobody is going to accuse you of rape for that
If she gives you her number she is at least not ruling you out to fucc. So keep talking but don't follow her around. Or just leave it at that and call her one or two days later. It's not rocket science man, just trial and error

tbh i didn't expect so many bros to try help but I appreciate it.

im just having a shit lonely day and venting. All the advice people are giving is stuff I know, but on days like this it doesn't feel possible to do a thing about it. on other days i am working on it

Hate seeing anons suffer when they dont have to.

Heres my story - I have a job that pays well so this helped significantly.

I started travelling, solo. I stayed only in party backpacker places all around Asia. With all the drinking and partying that goes on at these places I found myself getting laid perhaps once a week even though I was shit at picking up.

Chatting to random strangers at these types of places is completely normal - not like at home. I gained the ability to walk up to a random pretty girl on her own and spark up a conversation, without even thinking about it. It became a nornal thing to do. And with this ability and the slow realization that GIRLS ACTUALLY WANT TO GET LAID TOO, I'm extremely confident -
even overconfident.

I've taken these skills home with me and find myself getting laid almost whenever I want. I have regular girls I see and I'm constantly adding new ones (while also losing some who eventually get full time partners).

I can't have a full time girlfriend because I LOVE chasing girls, but I generally explain this to the girls who want me as a partner as "my life is too hectic, it wouldn't work" (which is also true, I travel every month).

I also do 100 push ups every day and try to eat reasonably healthy - decent sized arms with the combination of not being fat is realistically all you need (works for me cause I'm lazy asf).

All the travel stories I have now make conversing with girls a lot easier because I have some interesting shit to talk about too which helps.

That's my story, it's a bit different to everyone elses advice but it's a legit true story. I'm 28 and started traveling alone when I was about 24.

Just date all the land whales or uggos that are interested in you. Set aside your ego. Use them for practice.

I like your story.

May I ask what job you have? I'm close to finishing a degree in engineering

Get a job, move out, go to the gym, and get off Sup Forums