Earlier this year, as Brand New was on the cusp of releasing a new record...

Earlier this year, as Brand New was on the cusp of releasing a new record, I asked my male coworkers to Google the words “Brand New date rape song.” We were considering awarding Brand New’s fifth album Science Fiction the distinction of Best New Music, and I wanted my peers to be clear about this unsettling aspect of the band’s history.

Isn't it amazing that music will never be merited anymore if you don't like the person that made it?


>your eyes are fighting sleep while your mouth makes your demands
Yea no

Well now we know he was talking to a 15 year old when she was up past her bed time. And by "your mouth" he meant "my hard drive".

He solicited nudes from a 14 year old. That's creepy, gross, and abusive, and she was WAAAY to young. Yeah, it's borderline pedophilic.

That said, he didn't rape or assault anyone. He's not on the level of Ethan Kath, or even Al Franken. I think people's reaction should've been "dude, that's incredibly fucked up. No. Stop," and then they should've moved on. I don't think his career should end over this.

Oral eruption
Rectal extroversion...

Your vagus implodes, as nausea strikes
Savaging your body in terminal retch
Violent spasms and decaying enzymes
Engulf your throat as you belch

Intestinal disturbance, your ileum turns inside-out
Your duodenum is thrust up towards your mouth
Your pancreas excretes stale septic pus
Your whole digestive system is now a sticky mush

Rectal vomit in your thorax
Retch your anal tract

Liquidized oesophagus mixes with bloodied excretion
As you pathetically gasp for breath
The stench of hot faeces scorch your nose
As you violently vomit to death

Your intestines are rising, up towards your throat
Stale bile escaping through your bloodied nose
Your colon digested into acidic slush
Your tongue gargling on your dislocated anus

Is that what he did? That's enough to be jailed over man. Fuck. This really does make me reevaluate his music. I won't be paying to see them live that's for sure.

Nah the song is about picking up a drunk slag from a bar so she at least must look over 18 to be there in the first place

>your mouth
>his hard drive

>nudes from a 14 year old
Any source yet?

Only thing I seen is person claiming he jerked of in skype video call with her when she was 15 Jesse 24. Jesse was 24 2002-2003 btw and Skype video vall beta launched in 2005

How did they get away with this

So it's bullshit then? What did he admit to? This is just more confusing.

He said he'd treated women badly which is understandable because women are pure evil. The girl who made the claim deleted her post. Her post was aiming to imply that Jesse masturbated over skype to her after they met when she was 15. In reality, the incident in question doesn't seem to have happened until many years later.

So, has this been addressed or corrected? I don't get what the fuss is about. Did he even meet her when she was underage?

Basically a load of people who claim to know Nicole (who made the initial claims) have said she was lying about the whole situation, her timeline doesn't quite work, and in the most recent proof she gave was dated after she turned 18(?). There's enough to suggest that attacking Jesse for being a paedo isn't warranted.

Go back to r/incels

I'm just waiting until anything more happens, there's loads saying Jesse is a creep but the only person accusing him of a crime has no proper proof.

We have an admittance of guilt from the man himself and many accusations that haven't been debunked. It's looking pretty grim for your hero

>women are pure evil

>admittance of guilt
Which has absolutely no direct relation to the case in point.

How have you retards not gotten it yet? They're trying to kill indie rock so hiphop can reign supreme. It's so easy to control populations with mindless trap rap. Not so easy with rock that takes at least a little amount of brain power to appreciate.

Which is even worse because he didn't aknowledge the GIRLS he abused, only the 'women'

You guys must be the most socially inept motherfuckers alive to not realize what's up.

The girl is lying, obviously. As are hundreds of people, since abuse allegations are the new hotness and being "against" a perceived victim, even if just to ask for ANY evidence, is social suicide due to the ridiculous level of virtue signaling that has taken over ever since "journalism" was invaded by spineless, talentless hacks that empower any attention whore willing to tell a lie for a few thousand clicks.

Jesse is an asshole and probably diddled his fair share of jailbaits in his time, so he's admitting a generic guilt to prevent some of these girls to realize they can play victim and actually raise their voices to the media, in which case, some of them could actually have evidence.

Nah, there's an agenda to push and he was probably offered a hefty sum of money to "admit" fabricated bullshit

>says we're socially inept
>writes up socially retarded bullshit
Seems legit

because he didn't abuse underage girl idiot.
where's the proof

not an argument

This desu

she's a woman, that's all the proof you need
welcome to 2017
listen and believe

yeah, because the point of that statement was to put things to an end not fuel them further, and given he was accused of something really illegal he was probably under legal advice to not mention it at all. Everyone else's story is just about Jesse being a shitty guy, and not so tangibly an abuser, and given the point of his music is about how he's been shitty and wants to not be it's nothing that crazy.

The fact that multiple women have come forward and these kinds of allegations are very, very, very rarely false is evidence enough imo

Jesse did nothing wrong.

Women are just weak minded.

Tips fedora
