Shit tier "celeb" thread

>Shit tier "celeb" thread.

I'll start

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Patton Oswald. He's on the same shit tier as Ariana Grande.

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>taylor shit

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What the fuck is that?

Miss Emma '3rd best Emma' Watson

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disgusting feminazi

he looks handsome but I read his story and probably isn't anymore

Gross cosplay bimbo bitch

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when u stroke her gaping harvested vagina just right

Perfect material for this thread then

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I bet this bitch dont even watch anime

I bet she watches porn all day instead.

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I bet shes a dull skank and watches nothing at all

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her, shit tier compared to Bar Refaeli.

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he fuckin sucks

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Anybody have good pics of her?
She might be annoying af, but damn, I'd fuck that cutie.

Miss " I hate America. I hate Americans". No-talent POS.

Hi. I'm another entitled celebrity who knows less about how the real world works than you. Watch me totally BS the U.N.


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Fuck yourself, he has more talent in his fat guy than in her entire body

Fit as fuck

This overrated uggo takes some beating

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I mean shitty fake filters can be applied to everyone

Many roasties acted like it's "just an ugly filter" when it came out which isn't true. Truly beautiful women still look good through the app, and it also doesn't affect men without makeup.

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She's 20 now. Time flies.

LOL. This is totally inaccurate.
If you google "Ariana Grande no make up", you'll find some pictures of her without make up and she's still pretty beautiful

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Never trust make-up!

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So where are the nudes?

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Feminism hit on that thing hard

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