How far would you go to become rich?

How far would you go to become rich?
Would you become the pet of a dog and lick a dog's asshole?

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No, I'd make sure the dog is happy, fed and walked in order to get rich though.
Also how would a dog give orders?

Barking obviously. You would have to learn what bark meant what.

Would it be socially accepted to be a dog's pet?


Attached: doggoplain.jpg (512x342, 74K)

Well that makes it easy then, I'd interpret barks as either "let's go for a walk", "Feed me", "give me scratches and belly rubs", "give me water" or "Play with me".
If I'm the one doing the interpreting, I get to decide what my rich dog master wants.
Also since it is illegal to fuck your pets, I'd be within my rights to deny any sexual advances it makes.

You can interpret them, sure. But if he wants something from you, he wants that thing to happen he has on his mind, it's on you to do it right.
Also, keep in mind that your rich dog master might want you to wear a collar and leash which he pulls with his mouth.

Its already happening, except the dogs aren't rich.

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>"bark bark(wear a collar and let me pull you around)"
>"What's that boy? you want me to buy a ferrari for me and a steak for you? you got it!"
It's a dog, he'll respond positively to things I train him to respond to, I'm the interpreter and vaguely hard at hearing when it comes to submissive shit like you want me to do so you can fap.
The dog will be happy and well cared for, if it's only choices are the ones I provide, it'll be happy to choose between those.

I might do that with a dog that only has average income as well to be honest. I spent my whole life in front of a computer, what do I have to loose? If he gives me sexual orders I wouldn't mind either, at least I would have sex in some way.

>things I train him to respond to
You are the pet. You won't train him to do anything. He will train you to follow his orders and if you don't do what he wants, he will just kick your gold digger ass out.

You still haven't answered my question OP

No it wouldn't. But why would you care if you live in the mansion of your master with 50 acres of land that are walled.

That is an exceptionally smart dog you've conjured up in your mind there buddy.
The dog will be unhappy if it doesn't have an alpha to follow, I'll provide that for its happiness.
Sure I could wear a collar and call myself its pet if it was legally required to get rich along with the dog.
You're just pissy because I'm not conforming to your submissive bestiality fapbait.
No dog in existence on this planet would take some sort of power-hungry pleasure in having a human pet like you imagine.

You took the discussion there.
I was asking how far people would go to become rich and you tried to bend it in such a way that you wouldn't get any of the negatives for that scenario.

Yeah I did, because I'm not willing to debase myself for mammon like that.
That is as far as I'd go, I'd treat the dog nice, but as a dog. Which means I train it, feed and water it, play with it, take it for walks and pick up its poop to avoid annoying actual people.
No dog would ask for more than that, heck they would get confused if you acted like you were below them.
They're bred to feel below us.

Then I'd rather not it, what would my friends and family think?

They would probably thank you for the houses and cars you bought for them.

Well I guess I could claim I work as personal assitant to the dog, right?

Would you lick a dog's asshole for an hour for 10 million?

10 million of what currency? Before or after taxes?

Dollar. There is no tax on dog anilingus as far as I know.

Where I live you have pay tax on every income from work, but it would be still worth it

I'd lick his asshole for an hour every day for the rest of my life if I'd get 10 million dollars. He would have the cleanest asshole on earth.