Is Trump really a racist?

Or is the media just full of shit?


His supporters are. But he's not.

Everyone is racist.

Racism is not a bad thing.

Do you know any racist statement made by him?

He's about as racist as your average American.

So mildly. Yeah. He's no where near full on Sup Forums though

I don't care if he's racist, since I'm racist as hell, but I'm trying to argue with some liberals that he isn't racist.

Racism is a bad thing. So is racemixing and chimpouts.

go away, racist, /pol is an intolerance free zone

>racism is bad
>so is racemixing

Isn't it a little too early for you to be this drunk?

he is just an asshole because he is from the NJ, NY area. he is your typical white male from NJ, NY.

The closest thing he's ever said to being racist is "the blacks love me" which isn't racist

Shut your whore mouth you filthy serb.

These arent mutually exclusive things
A lot of things mix in politics, but jews want you to believe its always either/or instead of and

they aren't contradictory beliefs


Shut up cunt. Not everyone can use local wildlife to practice being tolerant

its better to do the one on the southern Mexico border
Mexico has a wall on its southern border.

He's way less racist than the people calling him a racist.

>muhamad ali openly advocates against racemixing with whites and saying that allah is the only true god
>great guy because he was good at beating people up

>trump wants to make america great again and keep out illegal immigrants
>terrible racist who will quite literally start world war 3 and destroy america

hello, i'd like to get the crazy pill antiserum
oh, this is reality? then i'd like to get off this ride, please.
oh, the ride never ends? that's ok i guess. im used to suffering

>racism is the belief that certain races are superior to others
>I'm not racist if I don't want to mix because that would downgrade the genetics of my offspring

How the fuck is that not racism?


Pinches cerotes

>would downgrade the genetics of my offspring
Who are you quoting?

ITT: replying to BLM b8

There is no wall on that border. Just a lot of rainy forest and some lakes.

I actually walked form mexico to guatemala, with no need to show a paper nor anything.

And ironically, many mexican farm owners seek guatemalans to work their lands, ilegally, because they ask for way less money than lazy mexicans.

If someone likes all races for the diversity they contribute to the world, and an area has two or more races, one of which has a low population, then race mixing will significantly reduce the proportion of this population, destroying diversity. This position is not mutually exclusive with racism.

Other reasons to not want to race mix are: increased incidence of psychological disorders (e.g. child has problems identifying with the culture of either parent), even if both the parents and their child all love each other, or because other people may alienate your child if other people in the country are racist, etc.

There are plenty of valid reasons to be against race mixing without necessarily being racist.

you can do the same thing on the American / Mexico border. the fence is not complete by a long shot. there are gaps all over it.

people also use meme arrows to mean "implying"

People call Trump a racist because they equate illegal immigrants with Mexicans, a lot of them are fine with illegal immigration and don't have a problem with them jumping the border in droves.

It's the basic "anything negative said about brown people is racist", pretty simple.

>is the media just full of shit

It's the current year, is this really a question that needs to be asked?

Who cares?