How can a country that has done so much for Science in general can have a population that is so anti-science?

How can a country that has done so much for Science in general can have a population that is so anti-science?
This isnt murrikan hate thread.

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Why do Euroleeches want to suck away the sun's life-sustaining energy?

>TRYING to kill the sun
only ruthless, disgusting, greasy little low-lifes would do such a thing

>How can a country that has done so much for Science in general
they literally stole everything from others/or bought from jews

Well they do get energy from the sun, the manufacturing of solar panels is extremely carcinogenic, and they steal business away from fossil fuel electricity companies which end up requiring government subsidies to operate because you can't have 100% solar which causes taxes to increase which decrease house prices because nobody can afford to live there

Most of the time people in American politics make weird claims like that to cover up their actual reasons ( bribes by companies/lobbyism) and the average local burger will eat it up. You have to be really stupid everyone in the Trump adminstration actually thinks climate change isn't real and don't just deny it to get more money from big companies.

>and they steal business away from fossil fuel electricity companies which end up requiring government subsidies

Or they can go out of business like any company should when it can't compete in a free market.

Then civilization would collapse because the power would go out when some clouds travel over, or it becomes night time. You could supplement with wind but then the power goes out when the wind stops. Or you could just use a nuclear power plant but nobody would build it because it's not profitable

I wish we had such democratic powers. U just jelly, lol.

we're a very hetereogenous nation

For every genius there is an average man and an idiot. Having the finest minds and institutions on earth doesn't preclude having a number of morons too.

>How can a country that has done so much for Science in general can have a population that is so anti-science?
Immigrants, it's not even a meme

There are towns full of dumb people everywhere.
Is this story real, though?

The US will never lose its superpower status so long as it pays the best salaries in the world for scientists/engineers/professors. Would you prefer to be a college professor in Russia and make the same salary as a street sweeper?


No, see except not stolen. People left their countries of birth to realize their ideas in a place where they could be the most successful. Having greener grass isn't stealing from your neighbors.

Mm, you did steal quite a lot from us...

I don't think you understand how cultures work.

>be Nazi Germany
>kick out all your best scientists/professors because they're Jews
>they all go to the US
>and help us develop an atomic bomb

Because the average person, not just American, is a fucking idiot. People live for pleasure, familiarity, and comfort, and the average person couldn't give a damn about anything else so they are quick to dismiss or attack anything they don't understand.

Industrial espionage is a fundamental part of American culture?

US patent offices were notorious for literally stealing inventions though.

We're already going to be draining enough of the sun's energy

good posts

bad post


the USA has over 300 million people.
the crazy Obama-may-be-the-Antichrist are only about 35 million people, but over represented politically because of their electoral system.

Like Solyndra

Solar power is a giant fucking meme.
>"""green""" energy

Wew lad. Is The Independent US, another publication like The Onion?

>are only about 35 million people
Only? In both sheer numbers and percentage of overall population that is an alarmingly high number. Fringe extremists are supposed to be outliers of a society, not some 10 odd percent.

Not really

Yes really


Now try 2017, you'd be surprised how fast wind/solar improves.

Science is the enemy of liberty.

What the fuck ahahaha

it is hard to get number, but the USA has dozens of millions of Baptists and Evangelicals. For many of them, ideas like the State of Israel exists because of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, Israel belongs to the Jews because they are Gods chosen people and God gave them that land, God blesses those who support the Jews and punishes their enemies, and Israel will play an important role in the end of times (antichrist-second coming) are acceptable beliefs.
smaller groups, but still in the millions, may believe the earth was created only milleniums ago or other things or other strange things.

they are a minority, but big enough to affect politics, especially because they are very important in some states.

Nuclear cheaper than coal soon

>they are a minority, but big enough to affect politics, especially because they are very important in some states.
The Evangelical movement is dead (at least as a mainstream thing). This isn't the 80s.