Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong.

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agnosticism :)

Atheism is dysgenic tbh


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Grow up, kid. Do you not see the retarded level of irony in your own post?

I'm an atheist and do agree with you in some ways. Human beings have pathetic self control and willpower when left to their own devices. Religion can accomplish a lot of good. Its just the religions the majority of the world worship now are garbage. Filled with easily exploitable doctrinal contradictions or vagueness. I'll never believe in any religion but I'd like to see the creation or acceptance of one that is better written and less antagonistic than the current ones. It would be good for humanity. Atheism alienates people for certain and makes it hard to find decent partners since most people are incapable of being good humans without the looming spectre of a godlike being.

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I'm not the OP. Also I agreed that religion is useful and that atheism is dysgenic you stupid fuck.

God is a spider.
We're all just inside her.

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Maybe God is real andwhen you reject Him He just goes hands off and is like 'aight it's all you m8 but about those demons'.

Care to cite any major religious text where that is expressed? I know god isn't real but I really don't care if people believe in a god. Life is fucking brutal and hard. Whatever helps you cope.

One's own personalized set of beliefs drawn from everything they've experienced and observed in regards to anything greater than one's self > Agnosticism > Atheism > all else

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>god tier
>god tier

no matter what you choose to habeeb,
you'll always be a massive retard.

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God tier means you are on the same level as a god, that doesn't mean that a god must exist

atheism doesn't exist by your logic

to be on the same level of something that doesn't exist, means you are on level 0.

if there is no god, there's no level to be on.

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actually, god tier would be my level.

i saw the future once and it was a real signal from something that we live in a recording. it required moving to a different state, meeting new people and running into old people in a weird scene that looked very irritating. months later, it happened. i had no plans to quit my job, move, etc.

once that happens--if it ever wants to show you--you know you have no free will. you know that you are not responsible for anything you do wrong. you also know a proper meaning of existence; a recording to experience.

if the higher power wants to "graduate" you, you are closer to its tier than anyone who has silly angst and hates the stupid popular religions that are all wrong because they believe in free will. i'm sure god hates christians, muslims and jews. at least jews don't believe in some bullshit afterlife and enslave their followers to get on their knees or kill for it but they're still fundamentally wrong about our relationship with god.

atheists hate the idea that you can beg for forgiveness (you don't need to) or pray for things to happen (there's no point) or pretend that god cares about you in some interactive way (it doesn't) so they're just fucking morons.

most atheists are only against the concept of a god because they were told what a god was by incorrect religions. they are very close minded and foolish. god simply runs this thing.

i believe we live in a form of rehabilitation/prison. that's what all existence serves. i also bet this isn't my first life, because i've been bored and overmature all my life and this time around, have never been jealous of anyone; and this time it SHOWED me the secret. i might be OUT after this life.

god is just the "warden".

atheism is for peasents

self-theism is for gods
>cant be taken

Perennialism is probably God Tier, since anyone who understands the core of all religions can craft their own. Universalism and Thelema is S+. I'd put Buddhist/Vedic/Hindu/Jainist in S, since they actually encourage human development of spectral knowledge. Absurdism and Nihilism in A. Atheism is at max a B.

what on earth rating system are you using?

a stance on anti-religion
there is nothing to say about religion, only science

level up newfags

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They're rated in regards to the philosophy's reliance to our actual power system.

insert pascals wager

It kind of sounds like you have Schizophrenia but you seem pretty coherent. What mental disorders have you been diagnosed with?

pascal's wager is dumb as fuck

what the fuck is an s?

fallacy = u

>pascals wager

Live in fear of magic cuz what if magic!?! A fool's dipshit way of living.

but magic doesnt end in possible eternal damnation lol

I don't think you understand how I'm using the word magic. I don't believe in hell for the same reason I don't believe in witches, ghosts, and miracles. No evidence.

It's just illumination and enlightenment, it looks like he handled it very well considering it was spontaneous, and retained most of the Jnana.

We're free to ignore our will, but yes after enlightenment we learn our "True Will" which is in the higher self. After full grasp, it's difficult to not persure that - because the ego doesn't have much sway in comparison.

As for free will as a concept, yes every single bifurcation we make on the manifold has the points -already- set before we get there. Essentially it's string theory, we technically practice something like all will.

Early enlightenment is common in schioaffective individuals.

A letter of the english alphabet. Can stand for Special tier.

Well you're definitely Schizophrenic but I won't use that to denigrate you. My own father was which is how I can recognize it. I show some signs of it myself but have avoided the descent into madness so far. Hope you have a good day and make your way through the chaos well friend. :)

>God Tier: Atheism
>GOD tier

I'd say the vast majority of spiritual knowledge comes from schizoaffective/autstic-thinking, and that most religious practices are essentially designed to trigger such types of thinking. Without the ability to put more importance on the inward fantasy than the outward extant, we wont get the neural activity to allow such abstractions.

Oh, and yes I'm schizoid. Autstic-thinking without loss of grasp on reality, lets me play outside the mental hugbox. Likely one of the best conditions for abstraction, I can spend hours on end just contemplating and integrating concepts from theorems or lemmas in abstract algebra..

It's fairly safe after getting stable and I'm blessed to not suffer from ANY paranoia, as it'll eat any schiz. If I felt even a touch of paranoia, I'd perhaps submit to medication.

op btfo

Glad to hear you're free of paranoia my man as that's partly what lets this conversation unfold. I entirely agree with you that most out there religious thinking comes from Shizoids. I think you conflate Schizoaffective and Autistic thinking too much. Most Schizotypal people can readily recognize other's emotions. They just either don't care what they think or believe their mental subversion draws them away from the truths they've come to. I think I've had inroads made unto me becoming Schizophrenic. I've had some terrifying dreams wherein I lapse into paranoia and the inability to think or express myself properly. Not sure if that is my subconscious fear of said affliction or the actual onset of it. I'd like to talk with you more. Throwaway email addresses?

Yes, omnipresence. When someone I know knocks on my door, I usually already 'know' it's them. Often know what they're here for as well. If I don't know them, I'll get some concept of neighbor/delivery/solicitation. I certainly don't put any weight on these feelings and understand they're based on absolutely no objective evidence. It's those kind of odd patterns with no clear origin which starts making the psyche get weird.

[email protected]

Europe is dying because it has rejected Our Lord.

>Checkmate Athicucks

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I didn't have any psychosis type thought processes until my bipolar state rolled over to positive from well over a decade in negative. Pretty quickly started getting the patterns, ellipsing shapes from objects, building fractals out of those, all pretty much unconsciously.

I could see how it can go downhill fast, especially when the patterns 'feel' so important, but actually grounding myself again was easy. Just started reapplying 'suspicion' making my cognition run off perception instead of assumptions of precorded patterns

Emailed you at that address.

You can't be proved wrong on this. Its 100% correct.

Pls respond. :(

Upvote until you email me back.