This noise woke me up it's almost 2 AM i think someone is in my house

This noise woke me up it's almost 2 AM i think someone is in my house
what should i do,cops are useless

Attached: 30.jpg (298x277, 38K)

Phone an exorcist very quickly.

Shoot the intruder you pathetic excuse for a man.

I had an entire glass dome spontaneously explode while I was sleeping.

Gek naked and run like a mad man around the house. Get your dick hard first though.. It will produce maximum scare effect

Should'a supported the 2nd, manlet.

Fight him in onw on one CQC or relinquish your petty life.

Shut up

Forced prostate massage orgasm!

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>1. Could be brown power (shitty power grids creating fluctuations in the house's power that fuck with equipment) causing a power surge
>2. Could be a thunderstorm or similar leading to a surge
>3. If they were in your home at 2am, they're gone now. Call the cops and don't worry. You have time to wait
>4. Buy a gun

Attached: cPUIIzI.jpg (1137x387, 125K)

dont have a gun
someone turned the lights on

Attached: 34.jpg (2000x1333, 992K)

Was op’s mom taking a midnight dump

My sides... Lol

I'd say "get a gun" but that Cuban lesbian is taking smack about guns.

This was only not properly docked so it happened

call police

I can see it in the top right corner

Let the bull terriers check it out. Duh

Get an AK-47, keep it under your pillow.

Sides into orbit topkek

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Take off all your clothes and run towards him really fast, holding a big purple dildo would help a lot more but if you lack one then just yell really loud "UGA BUGA BUGA BUGA" while running towards him.

Get your dick hard and ask if they want to fuck

Start a thread on /k/ you idiot. They will be better suited than us to tell you what you should have done years ago.

>someone in the house
>takes photo
>opens Sup Forums
>solves captcha
>waits for advice (on Sup Forums)

maybe its time to call an electrician


was it an energy saving bulb???

Shoot em

Fluorescent. OP is probably tripping off mercury vapors.

yeah. should definitely open some windows and leave that fucking room.. and go see a doctor, if stayed some time in this room.