What is Will Ferrell doing in Kong?

What is Will Ferrell doing in Kong?


Staying relevant

Looks like he was captaining a boat to me

Kong Prepper

Best part of the trailer tbqh

Hyped for the new Alien because of him, can't hate that man

for your health

He was good in even almighty

He's great. I think he'll really balance out the worthlessness of Loki, "Why do I have an Oscar?" girl and the token chink girl/black guy who look like they time-warped out of a 2016 college.

So I'm actually hoping this Kong film is just an elaborate ruse to fool the masses into watching a Dr Steve Brule feature length.

b r i n g o

That's well ferralls much more talented brother, John C Reily.

Underrated post

>BvS is a super-serious mess that critics destroy
>Hollywood panics and makes everything goofy

It's so sad


remember cirque du freak or the vampires assistant or whatever

whos fuckin idea was it to cast steve brule as a vampire

For your KONG

wtf how come noone in hollywood is upset about this blatant whitewashing?

I knew the akira live action movie was gonna be shit

As soon as his face showed up I lost all hope for this movie. Too bad, because I was actually excited about it.

>John C. Reilly

Now you're just making shit up. Hollywood doesn't cast the Irish.

what, no, please, no, dont let him ruin alien. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

>having a few genuinely funny moments in a serious movie is a bad thing

Are you implying that Scorsese is a goofy hack?