


Why not?

Bossa Nova is good.


I wish my flag was this beautiful


His flags has words on it.

It's the short bus flag

spain was stupid enough to let portugal colonize south america

Paparapaparapapara clack bum

I like the flag design and colors.

But i wish it was stars only in the middle. Text in flag it's just too third world.


Green and yellow on flags is third world enough


It's one of the most recognizable and best looking flags in the world. Stop complaining.

vai cagar vai

I know, i don't have a problem with it.

wtf I though Brazil was white

The ugly ones always stick out

I'm not.

It just a observation.


Are you implying they didn't? Spain basically gave up on fucking with Portugal when the eternal Anglo got involved

Portugal was a world superpower before spain and everyone else.

If it wasn't for the their investments and sacrifices it would take another century or two to someone else develop the technology necessaire to make regular long-haul trips across the oceans.

Clean your dirty spic mouth before talking about the portuguese empire. Dozens of thousands died on the sea trying to discover a route to the East around Africa. Do you think they gave up? No. God choose this people to do this.

No one "let" them do anything. They let the others do this shit, not the opposite.



>american education

>american education
yesterday I saw an american poster saying that english will be the galatic language in the fure

He's right

Nigga like, 80 years ago the global language was french

Shut up


You don't know what you're talking about. There was a treaty mediated by the pope himself between Portugal and Spain to decide who gets to colonize what. Spain wanted the line to be 100 leagues east of cape verde. which would leave just water to portugal; But the king managed to extend this to 370 leagues which got Portugal the right to colonize Brazil, Uruguay, Africa, Everything in between and parts of Asia.

They did another treaty later on to decided were the line was around the world.

Unfortunately the colonization of continental china was impossible, japan didn't worked out and they lost India to Britain later on.

Still, It was a pretty big Empire if you consider the population of portugal back then was smaller then a million people.

One day we'll all be together again under one kingdom.

Fucking republicans had to ruin everything for everyone

today its english

>a M*narchist