Mandatory loli bread

Mandatory loli bread

Keep your toddler shit out of here you sick fuck.

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any cute loli that are diapered?



>pedophile creates thread for pedophiles
>calls other pedophiles sick fucks for being pedophiles

Not entirely unfounded, actually.

Attraction to women who have hit puberty is normal and healthy - regardless of age or body type. If a woman is 30 but 5 foot tall and petite you'd say she's hot. Why not if a woman is 14 and has the same build?

The problem with toddlercon is that it doesn't appeal to ephebophiles or hebephiles (which are both normal and natural) nor does it even appeal to pedophiles (which is weird but widely acknowledged by psychiatrists as "not that bad if you don't act on it") -- it appeals to infantophiles, which is a neurological disease and severely disruptive to society.

Basically if a woman is old enough to be interested in sex and get wet at the thought of it, she's old enough to fuck (per nature)

Most lolicons are interested in these women. Women in the 10-14 range who are just starting to feel the effects of hormones and just starting to express an interest in bringing a man to the height of pleasure. There's nothing normal about wanting to rape a baby.


You have done some impressive mental gymnastics to try to rationalize your pedophilia, there, partner.

you need to find a brain, then use it to read a dictionary.

You've done an impressive job of failing to support any of your claims or back up your arguments short of insulting others. Bravo.

If pedophilia (or in this case hebephilia / ephebophilia) is bad, then please tell me why

these girls look like girlfriends of mine aged from 18-25

ur just an autistic nobody and a nothin

I never said anything negative about pedophilia in general. I just think it's funny how people who are attracted to children think it's sick for other people to be attracted to younger children. They want to rationalize their attractions by saying "well at least I'm only attracted to 7 year olds instead of 5 year olds like that sick fuck over there" It's just hilarious.

>pedophile trying to justify himself

No one has ever said "7 is okay, 5 isn't". The cut-offs aren't based on age - they're based on physical indicators of maturity and readiness for sex.

If I said "at least I know how to drive a car, even if I can't drive a semi-truck" you wouldn't say that I'm just "rationalizing" my inability to operate large machinery. You'd say that there are distinct and meaningful differences between the two.

If I said "at least I don't smoke, even if I drink on occasion" you wouldn't say that I'm "rationalizing" my unhealthy behavior. You'd say that there are distinct and meaningful differences between the two.

When it comes to infantophilia, pedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia, there are distinct and physical differences. The markers aren't based on age or body type or breast size - but based on both sexual and social readiness.

Infants (the subjects of infantophile) are those considered to be physically unfit to survive. They can't care for themselves. They can't feed themselves.

Children (the subjects of pedophilia) are those considered to be physically unfit for sex. Their sexual organs aren't developed. Boys can't get erections and girls can't get wet.

Preteens (the subjects of hebephilia) are those considered to be MENTALLY unfit for sex. They've gone through puberty and they're starting to become curious about sex - but many times they don't actively seek it out and they don't experience arousal at this stage.

Teenagers (the subjects of ephebophilia) are those considered to be LEGALLY unfit for sex. Their minds are swollen with hormones, they're frequently and even dysfunctionally aroused, they actively seek out sex, and they engage willfully in sexual activity.

These cut-offs are based on nature and science - they aren't arbitrary.

Under this model it's obvious why anyone "higher up" on the scale (attracted to people with greater sexual readiness) may be disgusted by people "lower down" on the scale. The reason they place themselves where they do is because whatever sexual readiness is lacking as you move down the scale, they find it appalling to be attracted to someone without the level of readiness.

I'm a hebephile. I acknowledge that it's weird to be attracted to people who aren't mentally prepared for sex and don't get aroused. That said, I think it's reasonable that a man would get turned on by a wet and slippery vagina - regardless of age. I'm confused and disgusted by pedophiles who get turned on by dry and unformed vaginas which are incapable of sex.

Almost no one thinks that ephebophilia is strange or immoral or wrong except those who are trolling or those who have an alternate agenda. Many laws are passed on the basis of protecting children when in reality they're securing corporate profits or increasing government surveillance. Many people may at first find it weird if you tell them a 40 year old man is attracted to a 16 year old girl, but when they turn 40 they'll realize it's perfectly normal. You don't STOP being attracted to healthy, young women.

As you move down the spectrum (ephebophilia -> hebephilia -> pedophilia -> infantophilia) people make a choice which lines they're willing to cross.

That said, none of these pictures provide any evidence that the women depicted are below 18:

I've seen plenty of 18-year-old women who look like this. So what are you so mad about, Sup Forumsro?

id say 12s cutoff but it depends on each case

thats right by natural law

This thread is fucking insane.

The reason 12 sticks out to so many people is because 12 is the average age when people go through puberty. It's therefore the cut-off for many hebephiles.

Furthermore, 12 was one of the first legal age of consents - in the Roman empire. Just because it was legal to marry or have sex with a 12 year old didn't mean most people did it, though. The average man was attracted to 15-17 year old women, even back then. Marrying a 12 year old was extremely uncommon (though legal)

Even though it's the AVERAGE age of puberty, there are extreme cases where women have their first period at age 8.

Since ephebophilia is more based on hormones, the cut-off is a little more fluid. Women start expressing an interest in sex and mentally developing their sexuality around age 14, and this process usually terminates around age 17. If you like them fresh, some people will go all the way down to 14. Some people prefer them at 16-17 when they're almost fully matured (sexually, that is -- there's a lot more to maturity than just sexual readiness, though)

Why's that?

Ignoring sex entirely for a moment there's another component to maturity which I think warrants equal discussion. SOCIAL maturity. Although it differs from person to person, there are generally four distinct stages that are recognized by many people. Prior to age 8, you are a sheep who believes anything an adult says - because you're still learning what it means to be a human and everyone who came before you has experience and therefore wisdom. From 8-16 is when people develop individuality - they learn not just what it means to be human, but what it means to be THEMSELVES. This is the age where people develop individual skills and talents (some learn piano, some learn to program, some learn art, etc) and when people develop styles of dress or manners of speaking. From 16-24 is when people develop community. They start seeking social acceptance and friendship over all other forms of material gain, and form cliques and groups. After 24, people are healthy and contributing members of society and they get jobs and shit.

So if you want to look at that instead of sexual maturity, then it makes sense to say you should either have sex at 8, 16, or 24 (depending on if you think sex is a matter of individual expression, group bonding, or social production and procreation)

This is also a strong argument for restructuring our school system. Right now we stick 10 year olds in the same school as 5 year olds even though they're in different developmental stages in life. We then stick 14 year olds with 18 year olds despite the same issue (ever wonder why seniors hate freshmen?) and before they're even finished with the 16-24 stage we throw them into the real world and say "go figure this out". This is why there's such high crime among individuals in this age group (18-24) and why so many people stay in college more than 4 years (with the average graduation age being 24). People aren't prepared to work and contribute to society until age 24.

>Keep your toddler shit out of here

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>Women start expressing an interest in sex and mentally developing their sexuality around age 14
around 11 for my society

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youre gonna die

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You're confusing curiosity with interest. There's a difference between "I wonder what a penis looks like" and "I want to stroke a penis"

The latter is appealing to normal people. The former is appealing to me (hebephile here)

whats up with all these spidey shitposts, do u really want a second loli marathon boiii?

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