Weed thread

weed thread

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Tried it twice in my life. Gave me a headache both times. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

One motherfucker did this at the headshop in town. He smoked up too high and rippen through the reality check above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.


Could be, drink more water/stay hydrated.
Could also not be your thing, despite pro-weed shills being constantly assured of themselves, weed can incite negative effects too.
Actual education about weed is important, but too bad it's exclusively shilled by fucking high school dropouts.

it's kind of like a girl losing her virginity

Weed is rare where I live; meth and coke are more common and often times found at lower prices. Managed to find some Blue Haze from Colorado last night; shared it with some friends and we had a great night.

One day I'll finally get to try Grandaddy Purple, but Blue Haze was a very nice high.

anyone can help me maybe ?
now when i smoke i get really anxious and i have no more confidence ..
what happen to me ?

Grow up losers.

One motherfucker did this at the just chill man in town. He thought of bad stuff too much and rippen through the do something fun in front of him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he just learned to chill out, relax, and watch some documentaries about space or undersea life.

Well perhaps don’t smoke then? Are you retarded or what?

I'm going to smoke weed for the first time what should I do

You may want to try not smoking it for a while. I'd also recommend try smoking a little less; and if you are smoking a Sativa then try switching to an Indica. If you're doing edibles, try eating less; edibles are very potent and eating too much can easily overwhelm anybody.

Nice Triple-Double. Checked

The first thing I'd recommend is not to smoke too much. I'd also recommend smoking it with an experienced smoker that is somebody you trust. Keep in mind that even if you dislike or like this experience, the experience will change based on what strains you are smoking. Also, check out leafly.com/news/cannabis-101

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Anything I could tell you would be covered by pretty much anything in the link posted by so I'd check that out. Leafly is also a great place to look up strains; so if you find out what you are smoking you can look it up on Leafly.

For example; mentioned having Blue Haze; so you could go to Leafly, search "blue haze" and see leafly.com/hybrid/blue-haze. He also mentioned wanting to try Grandaddy Purple, so searching that on Leafly would take you to leafly.com/indica/granddaddy-purple

And if I'm only going to tell you one thing before you go get high: Drink a lot of water before you start, and some during your smoke.

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Of course it isn't harmless. Like anything people can use as medicine it is capable of being misused and abused. Alcohol is a legal example of this. Thankfully, a lot of the people who do use pot plan out their evening well enough so they would have no reason to leave where they are smoking from.

it helped alot on my joint and muscle pains

>I use alcohol as a valid example when it suits my drug adiction related narrative but when it doesn't then "muh weed makes you hungry and laugh, muh alcohol makes you violent and angery hur durr"
Junkies can't into logic.

that guy is a stupid nigger. weed is fine man

I love smoking and watching horror movies. Also, can someone recommend a good videogame campaign to play while baked?

i just injected 2 marijuanas