Why is it that socialism sounds great on paper but it literally has never and will never work...

Why is it that socialism sounds great on paper but it literally has never and will never work? I really don't like that it doesn't work, but there is just no example of a single time it ever has, and that really sucks. Why is socialism, and communism, initially appealing but then quickly reveals itself as a giant pile of shit? Why isn't it easier to smell? I just don't understand and it makes me sad.

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Because greed exists.

Humans are assholes. Give an inch, take a mile.

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Socialism requires you to provide for your community instead of yourself. Eventually people stop working because there is very little to no incentive to keep on working and they know someone else will work to provide for them

Is that socialism or communism? cause they are different

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Socialism takes the majority of your incentive from you, communism takes it all

>socialism not working
fucking brainlet...
What were the Nazis?
they managed to rebuilt Germany in 4 fucking years.

Socialism is a precursor for communism, similar to how HIV is a precursor to AIDS

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Is natsoc the path to utopia? I always here about "socialist utopias".

Fuck Vladimir Putin

What are you talking about, Socialism did work.

“… the [citizens] must be armed and organized... The [Country] must be armed at once with muskets, rifles, cannon and ammunition… Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the [citizens] must be frustrated, by force if necessary.”
-Karl Marx

Change a few words and it sounds like somthing Wayne Lapierre would say.

national socialism isn't socialism any more than a sea horse is an equestrian fish.

Literally every other civilized society has socialism. Canada, England, france, germany, sweden, etc.

needs big government and government sucks ass

You guys should stop arguing and post her nudes


Pure socialism works if and only if your entire society is smaller than the number of people you can know personally and communicate with regularly. Scientists who study social networks say this is about 200-250 people.

Socialism works pretty well in Norway

>inb4 right wing cucks try to argue that a country with a robust welfare system, sky high taxes on corporations and the rich, nationalized resources, socialized healthcare/education/housing/childcare etc isn't socialist

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>"Because greed exists"
because wanting your own things and working hard to earn it is greedy, right?

>huhduuuhh 100% tax plox
>muh free healthcare
>muh free art degree
>muh putting in all my work and getting a weeks rations of food
>muh food brigades

literally, fucking food brigades established in Russia during communism to torture and kill anyone considered a "kulak" then burning down the farms causing further food shortage

literal gibs ideaology, GIB ME FREE THINGS

I'm actually studying Communism now and it's a total wreck

What? Real socialism has never even been tried smh

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National Socialists are socialists like the DPRK is a democratic republic.

and then what happened?

No, hybrids of socialism/capitalism have worked. Governments that stayed strictly socialist without adopting some capitalistic practices all collapsed, or are currently collapsing.
>the Netherlands will surely be able to continue providing for their people and the massive influx of migrants that will completely fuck the only existing example of socialism almost working.

It would have to be a state of total government control for "Real Communism" to work, and you would have to institute neo-slavery nationwide, with 15 hour 7-days-a-week work cycles in order to stay afloat.

Quite true I've heard, apparently it's somewhat socialist but I don't know mang

>I'll take the most likely of places to get raped by a Muslim for $1000, Alex

And what we have is a hybrid of capitalism, what's your point?

No one argues that it isn't socialist. They argue that its racially homogenous with a common culture and language. Not possible in multi-cultural countries

>getting cucked and making laws to enforce getting cucked further

pick one dude, because all of those are cuck shit hole countries

reading Sup Forums infographics is not "studying", learning about communism in business school is not "studying"

Then they invaded Russia during winter kek

I guess im taking bait today.
Not a right wing fag at all over here, I even think the US can learn a lot from Norway. But they are still a Capitalist system with heavy socialist programs.
They are the "lets be nice to each other" type of socialism. Not the "Abolish Private property" kind.
There is a big difference, and when most people argue for Socialism, it is of the former type.

>post nudes of an underage girl

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Just because the name has "Socialist" in it, it doesn't mean it is Socialist.


USSR: Fastest growing economy of the last century, put the first person in space, took Russia from an agrarian backwater to an industrialized world power in a matter of years. Now that it has finally been destroyed by liberalization and years of western aggression wage slave bootlickers point to it as a "failure".

Socialism appeals greatly to the ignorant, the simple, and the inexperienced.

However, the reason socialism fails 100% of the time is that it was dreamed up as a system of "shoulds" that took in zero consideration for the nature of man...

Socialistic societies work well for ants and bees, because the vast majority of the population are mindless workers. They don't, however, work for societies comprised of intelligent (albeit sometimes marginally so) and sentient beings such as humankind, because the system just assumes every single piece of the society is identical.

It's a great system, if you're an upper-middle class 19 year-old kid and have no fucking clue what the real world is all about...

"If you're not a socialist by 20, you have no heart... If you're still a socialist by 30, you have no brain."
- Unknown

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point is that hybrid works and socialism don't
not that user, but not hard to understand the point, user

WRONG, communism literally doesn't mean that you don't have to work. Capitalism robs us of our incentive when they deny the working people a fair share the benefits of our labor.

we have a hybrid of socialism and capitalism numb nuts

that's really problematic user

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capitalism isn't perfect, it's got it's problems. So the idea of equality sounds appealing, but there can't be perfect equality. Everyone with the same intelligence, abilities, skills, it's not possible. More respect for each other and less motivation for scams to exist would be great.

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Ive read a lot about communism and I like it, I think it doesnt work in post industrial revolutions societys, for all the info Ive gathered communism could have worked fine untill the 1500 to 1700

norway is a capitalistic country with socialist tendencis, cuba is socialistic with capitalistic tendencis the last 10 years and shit is pretty different there, still cuba is the best example of a functioning socialist country

I think high levels of mechanization make communism more functional. It has literally only been attempted in places with little to no mechanization or industrial infrastructure. With the digital age, and technological unemployment looming over our heads, a new approach to the distribution of the goods we need to live is looking more necessary every day.

well on one hand they have health care as a right for all citizens and better education and infrastructure, but on the other hand they're cucks. guess you just have to weigh your priorities.

it's up to housewives with home defense weapons to fight enemy soldiers, i agree

this is the best video about communism Ive seen, btw Im pro communism and she is clearly against it, also she is an embassador in the ONU, hope you can put english subtitles

I think communism is the wrong word though as that's politics; social relations involving authority. Who's authority but the laws of nature should decide how we organise society, decisions to be arrived at instead of made.

Like if you cry every time OP reposts his shitty failure of a th read

communism doesnt even sound good on paper

Capitalism only works on paper because not every problem in the world can be solved by blind selfish greed. In fact most of them can't.
And when confronted by a problem whose solution can't be monetized the capitalist must throw up his hands in total helplessness.

Fun fact: This is why right wingers deny the scientific fact of anthropogenic climate change. The free market has no way to solve this problem, so rather than admit their ideology is false they have to deny the problem exists altogether.

The problem is that the laws of nature are sometimes rather vague and open to interpretation.
Maybe if you tried reading respectable sources instead of memes you would think differently.

>only been attempted in places with little to no mechanization or industrial infrastructure.
East Germany... They lost most of their mechanization and industrial infrastructure to two factors; the first being the escaping of the intelligent and highly skilled into West Germany, the second being shitty socialist management of infrastructure...

Communism could've worked in archaic times when barter systems were a major means of commerce, but ever since currency became a thing, it's pretty much a ridiculous and archaic management system that should've died with the Soviet Union... Shit, it should've never even made it past 1900CE...

"True communism", in its purest sense, would work okay for a hippie commune... But if you want internet, cars, running water, indoor plumbing, municipal trash collection, etc., then you really want capitalism, as free market competition drives prices DOWN, and breeds innovation, automation, ease of use, etc...

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Yeah they rebuilt it in 4 years and then burned it down in the following 2 years.

It's wildly inefficient, basically a bunch of geniuses decide they know how everybody should do everything, turns out that shit gets complicated when you get down to brass tacks, so numbers go down, people get desperate and the country takes the express train to shitsville.

Central planning is like huffing rubber cement for the collective IQ of the country

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Yeah it’s great they have cars that are 60 years old and everyone is in crippling poverty great society.

Yeah not like anyone starved to death or anything. Not like the country was on the verge of total collapse before the disbanding of the soviet union.

Communism transformed Russia from an agrarian society to a global superpower. Same for China. Socialism rebuilt Germany after its postwar decimation. FDR's socialist New Deal pulled the US out of the Great Depression and began the longest period of prosperity in US history.

Every time it's implemented the U.S. gov puts a bullet in everyone's head. So enjoy your wage slavery

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it only sounds good to ignorant children and bums

That's due to the embargo

but my boss and landlord say socialism is the devil.

this is social democracy, though, aka socialism-lite

they might not have ferrarys but no one starves, and no one lacks education, even the us has more hungri and un educated people than cuba, also they now have new cars, though few people can afford them

Actually communism forces people to work. Any worker not working is stealing from the community by default in communism. However Capitalism allows people the choice to work and gives them options as to who they work for. If you want to be lazy capitalism is for you. But you will still starve sooner or later.

You fucking idiots will believe any propaganda the KGB feeds you. She tore up a target you cretinous scum. You are too stupid to be allowed to own guns.

Really? To me it seems like all the intellectuals are socialists and all the rednecks are capitalists

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the kgb does no longer exist dude

Delocated... I think.

Capitalism in a nutshell.

you could say the same thing about the prototypes to the light bulb. Id love to see you support unrestricted capitalism when any job you could do is replaced by technology

Thats a total stawman though, most people who argue for socialism dont mean equaility of outcome which would be communism.

affordable healthcare: yes
affordable public primary and secondary education: yes

gibs: no, because that's what makes cucks

Listening to jordan peterson doesnt count as learning about communism.

also nobody gives a shit cause they're getting their goulash either way until there's no more goulash

Pic related

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key word nigger,

if you make enough money, you can start up a company, if the workers dislike their pay, they can ask for a raise or leave.

Technology replacing most jobs will move us closer to a full free market economy a the need for health and safety regs, min wage, working hours, vacations, pensions, and unions all get sidestepped. The markets will balance this with an natural increase in demand for entertainment and services. Nit to mention all goods and service being automated going down in price.

dont kknow who that is buddy

And is all that selling the boss is doing worth nothing?

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I like capitalism but I hate their globalization. It causes immigration of niggers around the world.

That's because of your white privilege.

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100% true. That's why every time a country has nationalized an industry and cut out all those pesky fat cats, those industries and countries have thrived.

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If that were even remotely true then wouldn't all the businesses be owned and run by socialists? Wouldn't the voluntarily operate their companies in a socialistic manner, without being forced to do so by the government?


(((They))) control the game.

But you have representation. The Boston tea party wasn’t just about taxation, it was about taxation without representation.

Biggest socialist of all: sHitler

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This propaganda only rings true if you convince yourself that property is not a legit concept. This is the logic of those resentful of anyone with higher competence than themselves.