Just saying

Just saying..

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lol no eating out is expensive before tip. what a piss poor argument

Stupid ass argument. Then stop using iphones, wearing clothes, drinking coffee, buying avocados... because they were made by people who make way less than a fucking waiter.
Fuck off first-world normie liberal and your lame issues.

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I have the right to choose whether or not to tip just as the wait staff has the right to choose a lower paying shit job.

Kill yourself, neoliberal.


Forget fast food, even though that would get you a higher wage if you do the work and are competent.. retail will immediately pay you a better wage. Temp jobs can give you a high paying job that's repetitive if you want to go that route.

"Oh, but I want to be a waiter. It's my career."

Then go work hard towards that career by not opting for the one that treats you the worst.

I am not going to feel sorry for people who choose shit jobs and then complain about things that are perfectly allowed, let alone tell people that they need to pay optional money.

You boss gives you a standard of service that is expected of you regardless of what you get tipped. If you want to not do that, aka not do your fucking job, thats up to you, but you arent likely to keep your job anyway

You need to kill yourself, immediately. What kind of person calls another person a 'neoliberal' for saying "choose the job you want"? Are you crazy? Kill yourself. Why not? Don't answer, just kill yourself. Kill yourself today, kill yourself tomorrow, kill yourself on a sunny day or kill yourself on a winter day. Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself, faggot.

Or don't, because I'm a neoliberal too apparently since I think people ought to do what they want to do.

>only line he has is kill your self
You have to be 18 to use this website
Pick up a thesaurus while you're at it kid


if this is an unironic post then i also think you should kill yourself

If you can't afford to live on $2 an hour don't go to work as a waiter


Trips of truth

When i find a competent waiter/waitress i'll consider tipping

>implying that there are jobs just for the taking
>implying that everyone is in a financial condition to absorb the risk of taking a new job
>implying that jobs just come to the fucking door whenever you want them
Die in a house fire, neoliberal.

Yeah this faggot can't possibly be saying this unironically.. because here I am replying to someone calling someone a "neoliberal" and telling them to kill themselves.. It's only natural I tell them to kill themselves.

They put up with your jewish autistic shit. Shut up and pay.

No, I really do unironically believe that people who prefer to work the game of feudalism rather than overthrow it should be shot in the streets like the leg-humping dogs they are.

I'm saying none of those things, but what I am saying is pretty clear.. if you are a waiter and you are looking for jobs at the bottom of the barrel, and you willingly accept a position where your direct wage is lower than minimum wage, then you have the option to pick any other low-end job. They're always hiring and you can easily find them at a temp agency or through an online application. They are the easiest jobs to get. If this was about a high paying job, then yeah you can't risk your job just because you don't like it. But if your job is easily replaceable and you can find a better paying job in a grocery store, there's no excuse.

Literally one of the easiest jobs to get. Go work at an Aldi's or a Giant Eagle and get yourself some decent money.

your post has confused me
but he should still deffo kill himself
>prefer to work the game of feudalism rather than overthrow it
>tip your waiters
kek you should be purged from the herd


It's imperialism not feudalism but you're right, except in regards to tipping where the whole issue is a product of capitalism.

You remind me of the teachers who keep taking jobs then bitching it doesn't pay enough then striking and expecting to get paid even though they're not working and costing real working Americans tax dollars while fucking the kids over

I agree with with this 100%.

There are some restaurants that wont accept tips, because they pay their servers a living wage, which is a different story.

If you dont tip upwards of 15%, (excluding comically bad service) you are a dickhead human being.

I tip based on quality of service and food. If it's good, you'll get a good tip. If the food sucks and the server is a snot, then no tip for you.
Therefore, how can I tell the server I'm not tipping before the meal?

>is lower than minimum wage
But it's not. It's the legislated minimum wage for tipped employees. Do you get it yet?
>pick any other low end job
>implying that the only thing in life is work and everything else is secondary, including family and self
How does it feel to be a cocksucking slave?

Nah, the US was always meant to be feudalism by committee. Imperialism came later and is orthogonal.

Your parents must be the liberal administration that has grown like literally cancer and taken up all the resources and jobs that should be available to the people who perform the service of warehousing your whiny ass all day.

I don't support shady business practices and I'm not going to make accommodations for it so their employees can survive.

A retail job pays much higher and is one of the easiest jobs to get.

Furthermore most waiters receive so many tips that they are working more than minimum wage, and the few who opt not to tip don't severely affect them. But they won't tell you that, they'll complain that not everyone is tipping because they would rather have as much money they can possibly get out of it. That's why they stay at these jobs, because they aren't coming home with just $20 in their pocket.

"... benefiting from the low food prices ..." what a crock of shit. To top it off you have to pay 2.50+ for a soda that costs .18 cents in materials.

1st world problems... Those who think that tipping is ther ight thing to do, are so stupid that they can't see that this kind of labour is regulated the wrong way, because the restaurant conglomerate is the only one benefiting of this policy... You can't see that the restaurant owners define them selves of the responsability of having a workforce with a decent pay, and health care... even so... In just one hour you hideous yankees make more money in an hour than a laborer makes in a day in places like Mexico or Asia... This is just plain stupid and it sounds like white privilege

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where you finish your social studies degree you will work as a waiter who doesnt get tipped by me kek

The other bogus part of this are the receipts that calculate the % on the taxable total.
Who the fuck pays tip on the governors share?

not paying more for already overpriced food

I already summed this up here ->

Already working in IT, you dumb fucking jew.

>>implying that there are jobs just for the taking
There are just gotta get out of the basement and look.
>>implying that everyone is in a financial condition to absorb the risk of taking a new job
If you aren't making any money from tips and not surviving then what's the risk?
>>implying that jobs just come to the fucking door whenever you want them
No. They don't. And even if they did your mom wouldn't call you up from the basement because she can't stand to see your "waste of the life she gave you" face! Get out and look you basement dwelling neckbeard faggot.

That's actually a pretty good argument to consume only items made by those who received a living wage for them.
You're still a normie liberal (= capitalist, and don't your nigger ass ever forget it) and you still need to kill yourself.

In that case, why not kill people who think like you and literally SOLVE the problem for more people than yourself? Serious question.

Are you 14 years old? Do you know the word "Globalization" ? Nowadays it's fucking impossible to buy something that's not tarnished in the sweat and tears of young boys and girls... Thinking like a stupid liberal ass clown wont solve the problem, the problem is in the policy not the market

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Yes. Killing the people who when they get bored of their job go out and find a new one within a week will fix the problem of not tipping.
Killing all the people with real jobs will solve the problem of you not being able to get one.
I think you work waitstaff because you're not mentally competent enough to work anywhere else. Serious answer.

i prefer the term propagandist, numbnuts

>only condition
You don't make the rules faggot. You do your job and I'll pay the price on the menu. Grow a pair and talk to your manager.

Gratuity system? I expect decent service. I won't tip for what you should be doing. I'll tip exceptional service every time and I'll take my money back and walk out on shit service every time (and maybe shit on your manager if he's not cowering in the back room).

You don't accept $2 or $3 per hour. You just don't have the balls to demand better wages. You limp-dick wait staff keep taking garbage pay. That's why they keep paying garbage.

You can make more money being a gardener or something, but no, you want the easy part-time restaurant job and you have the gall to demand I give you tips for doing what you get paid to do. Eat a dick.

>if you don't have the balls to do this
It's not a matter of courage, but of common sense. Who would be stupid enough to tell somebody who is friendly with those who prepare their food, that they are intentionally going to (from their perspective anyway) fuck them over? That's not courageous, it's just retarded. You would have to either be a true idiot or playing a deeper game (getting them to tamper with the food so you can sue them) to do that.

Just look at this retardation in another context: you are welcome to spy on our military actions if that's how you feel you should behave. The only condition is that you must tell the local commanding officer at the beginning of your mission - before he gives any orders. If you don't have the balls to do this, then you don't really have a moral objection to our country's military actions... you're just a nosy troublemaker.

You think I care if you think Im a cheap skate? You can't shame money out of me.

I only tip places I expect to revisit. If Im out of town, fuck your tip.

You'll scream and cry as you're killed, people who don't tip. You'll scream and cry as you're killed. It will hurt a lot, and then you'll die.

No, it'll fix the problem of vapid cuck capitalism.
>real jobs
>implying that jobs are some inherent moral quality of a person
Better to line all you cuckniggerjews up against the wall and fix the problem for good.

What you think is better smeared across the wall along with the rest of your skull.

>Grow a pair and talk to your manager.
Found the basement neckbeard larper from le_donald

Physical violence is literally the only thing that will fix jews like you.

This right here.

>Kill yourself, neoliberal.
Maybe if you spent less time reading alt-left propaganda and more time reading the help wanted ads you'd be in a better place in life.

Classless yuropoors coming out of the woodwork work for this post

Fuck I'm out. I don't know whose trolling who.

That doesn't matter, you should be weighing pay vs cost of living considering that it costs far more to live in developed countries...

Found the neoliberal #McResistance

>No, it'll fix the problem of vapid cuck capitalism.
And what would be left. Say goodbye to the internet. You're PC parts when they break down. The people who print your manifestos. The site you're currently on. Your parents who support you because you're too lazy to find a real job. You'd be sitting in the basement waiting for your chicken tendies till you starve.

i tip solely based on the performance of the server. good service, good tip. shit service, shit/no tip. simple as that.

>implying that, without capitalism, people will just curl up in balls and die
Sorry, you'll have to drag your infantilized ass out of the basement and start talking and working with people again.
Kill yourself, neoliberal.

If you can't afford to live on the wages that you make, maybe you shouldn't be a server. It's an entry level job, for kids trying to leave home. Same with fast food. Your lifestyle shouldn't come out of my pocket. Fuck you and your tip.