Guys be real

guys be real.
There is no actual reason to keep on living, right?

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Well it depends on your perspective.
If you have no reason to live on, you might as well make the most of the rest of your life, right? No? Then you don't have no reason to live, you're just a pussy.

The hard thing is to have no reason and to STILL love and enjoy being alive.

The only reason I can find to keep living is the fact that I’ll be dead eventually anyway. Even then though, humanity is a parasite of this planet. I can tell you not to kill yourself, but I guess I can’t force you

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All you have to look forward to is old age, declining health, the loss of your loved ones and your own inevitable death.

Deal with it, faggot

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i mean the only reason we exist is becasue of our animalistic instincts, right? so why would any intelligent person be interested in continuing if you have the option to end it?
I mean i don't want to be an animal and i'm pretty sure that most people don't want to be either. think about it, you're basically living with the same instinct as your pet. That is retarded in my opinion. maybe i'm retarded but it just seems all like a waste of time.

that's not the problem.

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Whiskers on kittens

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Sounds like a problem

thanks for the chuckle

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maybe a small problem, not as important as your own time, which your using right now.

No reason to die either

well, i mean is wasting ones time an issue ?
that depends all on the individual.

Women and children. Then yes.
For everything else. Except a close friend. Then no.

But you're not gaining anything by dying. Since we don't know what happens when we die we might as well just continue wasting our time in a good way. Ultimately we are all just animals, so what's wrong with enjoyment?

ok, thanks for your input.

Sure you maybe be an animal but you might as well make the most of it. There's no point in suicide if you could spend the rest of your life happy. So try and do that, make decisions that will make you a happier person.

Fuck britches smoke weed!

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your death is the same as your birth.
you'll just die and nothing continues.

>Fuck britches
No need for pants, this guy

thank you for your optimism. it's greatly appreciated.

There was never any "reason" to begin with. If you would TRULY prefer complete non-existence (which is what we must assume awaits us after death given the lack of any evidence to the contrary) to being alive, then I suppose suicide would indeed be in your best interest. But I don't think you TRULY feel that way. I think you are an attention-seeking whore.

if there is no reason to live or die, we are past the point of asking if wasting time matters

you know, i had the same opinion, but recently my happiness declined greatly and i don't know what to do anymore. i don't want to hurt anyone but there's just a point where i don't care anymore.

I'd go check out some Alan Watts op. Perspectives are spot on. I'd say sack up and realise you're the one in charge of your reality. You volunteered to be here. Take advantage.

I think the world's going to end soon. Shame to miss such a big mile stone in human history.

No. The meaning of life is to die. That is why we live. It's the only constant.

thanks for your input.
i understand what you mean and that's why i ask the question.

Here's first reply user again.
Yes, from what I read here, you really are retarded.
You think you are too intelligent of a human to keep on living? M8 you are retarded. Your reasoning is shit and it seems you haven't read a single body of philosophy in your life.
How about you read some Nietzsche and Dostojewski in the next month and repeat the shit you just typed.
Or take some psychedelics and understand the nature of your existence better. How old are you anyway? Did you ever grow up?

If there's no reason to keep on living, then why don't you just kys or let yourself die lmao.

not really, but if that's what you gatherd then i'm sorry.

edgy cunt

A functioning human brain enjoys being alive because it is wired to enjoy being alive.

If you do not want to live, there is something wrong and you need to take steps to improve your health.


I mean I'm not gonna pretend to understand what you're going through, but obviously you don't want to die if you're trying to get people to talk you out of it. Suicide is irreversible and incredibly tragic. Don't be a retard.

those are some funny looking glasses

You have to make your own reasons, that's kind of the best thing about it.

Try cocaine, and I mean proper cocaine; that shit'll keep you occupied.

But being a coke fiend kinda sucks. If you got the head for it; expand your mind with or without psychedelic substances.

well i mean the reason i kept on living was because i wanted to help others and be happy while doing so, but i just stopped being happy and there is no light as far as i can see. at least there's no "light" for me.

Well if that's true, then might as well make the most of the time we've been given, right?

I’m at work getting paid while I shitpost.
How much are you making ?

i don't need anyone to talk me out of it, i'm just curious. honestly.

good point.

not anything currently.

Warm woollen mittens

So, who’s wasting their time again?

Brown paper packages tied up with string

Yes, but living is hard, death isn't

what i'm proposing is that we all waste our time no matter what we do, because everything we do can be "good" or "bad" it's subjective not objective.

again, good point.

Well, it's all about balance, really. Obviously if your life is hell and everything's too much then suicide is the best option. But if there's a pretty good chance that life will get better - good enough to outweigh the difficulties - then you might as well keep on living. And I think it's that hope of thinking things will get better that drives most people forward.

>living is hard
rewarding things almost always are

probably, but what if there is no "light" for you no matter what?

good point. but just the mere existence is not really rewarding, right?

No, but you can give yourself a reason.
Tell me if you figure it out, I haven't yet.

outdoors, nature (doggos included), enlightenment, reading, coffee, weed, beer, sex, eating, taking a big piss, sleeping

all these things are worth digging through the tonnes of shite for imo, whats the alternative?
endless nothingness?
complete oblivion?
no thanks dude

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i get what your saying.
it's just that i lost happieness, that's all.

I would argue that it is
otherwise why does all life have an instinctual drive for self-preservation that will in a life-threatening situation override all other desires?

In that case, suicide is the best option. But there are almost zero cases where everything truly is hopeless.
I say all this as someone who attempted suicide several months ago after failing a lot of important things. I hated everything about myself back then, and still do to some extent. But not as much as before, because despite my beliefs, a lot of chances I thought were impossible came my way. So my 'light' is still possible to achieve.

alright, thanks for your input.
those things don't really interest me but i see what your saying.

i knew you'd say that. and i think that you're correct.

you stopped being happy because your health - mental health is just health - deteriorated. This is not permanent. This is a struggle in your life, like breaking a bone or losing a loved one. It hurts, and you have to work through it, but you learn about yourself and about human nature in the process. You emerge with a new perspective.

alright, op here.
i appreciate all the input.
i'm out of this thread thanks for the time.

different user.
enlightenment doesn't interest you?
a good friend would spike you with dmt
nothing cures depression and other faggotry quite like getting beamed up unexpectedly

Bye OP, it was interesting talking to you. I hope you have a good life.

if it cured your depression why are you on Sup Forums?

thanks, but i've never had this feeling in my life before.
and i completely understand what your saying. this current feeling whitin me is just different then what you're proclaiming. i've had that feeling before but this is something new.
again thanks for your time.

thanks, you too!

I never described the feeling, there are a million different ways it can feel, and all amount to the same thing - your brain is not working. Farewell OP

using Sup Forums =/= depressed
look, if you are really intent on killing yourself why not take on a dangerous job where you can help people, bomb disposal unit or someshit.
or at least livestream it and put a shoe on your head, if you're jumping make sure you do a flip or do something science-y like laying parallel with a 50bmg hollow point and try to get it to go scalp to asshole, or asshole to scalp whichever you think might be more lulzy