What movie(s) is good to watch with a girl

What movie(s) is good to watch with a girl.
Note not my girlfriend but wants to come over my house and watch movies.

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Anal housewives who crave cum

hmm not pornos lol

Literally both times I've watched Fight Club with a girl it descended into sex. You should try it out

lol u have any other ones? she is gonna stay for like 10 hours lol and she wants to watch movies

Disney movies you’ve never seen or she’s never seen.
Comedy’s or joke movies
If she likes horror movies then all VHS movies
hayao miyazaki Movies (any of them except for “Grave of Fireflies” or whatever can’t remember exact title)

OP is she a normie or what are we dealing with?

The battle of algiers

fuck idk man she sends shitty memes...
she is different from any other girls,reason why is because she hangs out with me lol. All my friends were shocked since they know all the fucked up shit i do on the internet.

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A Serbian Film

>sends shitty memes....

Just how shitty?
Also all the movies I mentioned above. Netflix that Nailed It cooking thing too if that’s what we’re dealing with. Honestly cartoons and horror movies is all I got here.
Try for movies you’d both would have watched but didn’t so that you can do it together.
That’s how I got my current SO

like a fucking 2nd grader would laugh...
and yeah thanks lol ill tell her what she wants to watch i guess

The room

Uhmm...ask her what she likes maybe?


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Laughably bad horror movies.
Shit you can make her laugh with.

Don't think you're going to impress her with any romantic shit, like you're the one making her feel that way. Show her a good time, then show her your dick. Simple as that.

>SO.o...HE was behind of it

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The Princess Bride

Enough good stuff in there for a dude to watch, and romantic enough you should be fucking by the end.

36 years old, and this was a staple in my youth.

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chill lol

High Tension

Don't know really. Kick-Ass was hilariously bad to the point at which it created a friendly atmosphere as we laughed at it, but don't really know about any more that'll get you laid
