When your politics are so shit that you realize the best way to grow the movement is by growing the voter base to...

>when your politics are so shit that you realize the best way to grow the movement is by growing the voter base to include the least educated and experienced people

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I think he's right!
Can't wait to see who you dickheads vote in next

Only retarded selfish baby boomers should be allowed to vote

the voting age should increase to 30 and not lowered

this fat rich dirty cunt hasn't been relevant in so long, he's trying to claw back in

Lol sure why not I'd make it where that means they have to serve the military for a mandatory 2 year service since they don't contribute to the country/economy with taxes.


voting age has been 16 in my country for a while now. most kids don't go vote, though. but it's not a bad idea - that way the politicians try to make policies that the youth wants as well.

Democrats encourage stuff like this, uninformed brainlets are easily manipulated by the press and useful idiots, it's why hillary got more votes. Democrats love low information voters, illegals, minorities, felons etc.

They float the same idea in the UK and guess who does it? Fucking libtards

>it's why hillary got more votes
Nobody really knows who got the popular vote, due to irregularities, voting fraud, and a whole bunch of missing and possibly hacked results. Trump won the election in a landslide by 77 electoral votes, that we do know.

When your team loses, change the rules.

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Hilarious how the Left insists people on the Right are retarded, then try to get genuinely retarded people the vote. (16 year olds are all retarded, even the retarded ones).

I can honestly say as an American we need to push back to the original voting age of 21 before they changed it to 18. Like age 18-20 is weird time for people where they're discovering themselves as an adult and their views on the world always constantly changing as your eyes open up to more ideas until you have a somewhat solid foundation

Fucking republicuck snowflakes. It's just an opinion, don't be so scared.

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Are you retarded? Do you actually belive the things you said in your post despite them being demostrably wrong?

Are you trying to get a rise out of people? They were just giving their opinion.

His side won though, what are you talkkng about? Hes even wearing a MAGA hat.

Who cares about Gabe Newell opinions

Da comrade

I hate Michael Moore and believe he is wrong but how the fuck can you call anyone uneducated and inexperienced compared to the Trump administration?

Like Cletus, his sisterwife and his town of 32 in rural Kentucky? Ahh I see you’re an educated man of class as well. #maga

No one believes what you believe

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That's right, I forgot.


Wew lad.
Someone is angry

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Remind me again which Liberal correctly realized Trump would win the election?

It was Michael Moore.

It's no surprise retards voted for a retard, Hillary is one dumb broad.

>if it's not on CNN it's false

Why so insecure? Why try to restrict all voters you dont agree with?

I think 16 is reasonable BUT I also thnk weneed to have a real home finance and tax class. People should see how much money their parents and themselves will spend and how it can restrain other activities. I think that would be a reasonable compromise and make smarter voters.

Not to mention the 3 million illegals votes.

>The year 2075
>voting age is lowered to 8
>Chelsea Clinton runs on a platform promising ice cream and wins

Make sure they vote when they're still in a gov facility eh.

Yeah white boys, it's not like liberals have a way in making their policies come true, right?

In Iran, 16-year-olds can vote.

Micheal Moore loves Cuba and praised Venezuela. Maybe he loves Iran too.

>well over a year later
>still butthurt about the election

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you're using the snowflake term incorrectly.
It is used to describe liberals, and their 275 genders, and 14,000 feelings..

It doesn't really work on conservatives.

So you're saying that the meth heads and trailer trash that occupy the flyover States are the smart ones?
The corn shucking, football watching, bible thumping morons that are too stupid to finish high school?

Those are the intelligent ones?

Not the doctors, teachers, software engineers, and engineers etc. who predominantly vote Democrat?

Wow, who would have known!

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Only white men who weigh over 300 pounds and write books about how much they hate themselves should be allowed to vote

yeah, fuck school!

>16 year olds are all retarded, even the retarded ones
kek, can't disagree

There are stupid/low IQ members of every state, however, if you look how most blacks and Hispanics vote (liberal), their party would never win another election without them. Liberals thrive on the minority vote, which by far is the lowest IQ population.

Well, there's you

18 is already too young. It should be 25.
A. Countless studies have found that the human brain is not devolved until the age of 25.
B. 18 years have only 0 to 1 years of experience in the adult world, therefore they're decisions are based on no real substance.

If you're not mature enough to be elected to the senate, drink alcohol or die for your country, why would I trust your opinion on politic?

>by far is the lowest IQ population.
True. I mean what kind of moron could possibly have thought a criminal like Hillary would be winning the presidency?

Only people who know the difference between their, there, and they're should be allowed to vote

> human brain is not devolved
> devolved
probable typo yields accidental truth.

> the least educated and experienced people
Which begs the question, why in the fuck are we not teaching politics in schools? Not talking about shoveling propaganda down kids throat. The skeleton of how shit works should replace social studies or some equally as useless mandatory class.

How many 16 year olds pay their own electric bill?
Property tax?
Understand government costs and taxation.
At 35, my outlook and understanding of life is 100% different then at 16.
I'd like to think I have better understanding now.

I think the white trash would give the blacks a run for their money.

And there's plenty of both.

Democrat/Republican are just branded terms for Liberal/Conserative. By definition, conservative voters move to enforce the status quo, consequently, the closer you approach the center on the bell curve of intelligence the more Republican voters you'll encounter. Liberalism is always reserved for the outliers who aren't vested in the status quo, the very dumb as well as the very intelligent.

if voting age should be dropped to 16, consent should be dropped to 16.

because federal guidelines specifically prohibit that sort of curriculum. You won't receive federal funding if you're teaching kids how to fight the system.


It should be one year older than whatever age you are.

Agreed. It's why younger know-nothings generally have liberal leanings. Same thing happened in my country with our EU referendum, the clueless kiddies all wanted to remain. Haven't got a clue.


You of course do realize Trump has ascended to the throne on the backs of uneducated white trash, right?

he's a fucking canadian, who gives a shit

>what kind of moron could possibly have thought a criminal like Hillary would be winning the presidency?
Liberal retards.

How about receiving federal funding so you can teach kids to understand the system?

That's what this is really about

"Civic" used to be a required thing in all American schools.
Then many (most) states took it out of the curriculum.
Because they WANT the people to be uninformed & subservient.
Fun fact:
It worked...., most people are disengaged & dumber than dirt now.

yes. We need more memevoters jumping on the bandwagon of whoever is trending the most

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Only urban and inner city retards voted for Hillary.

People who love America all voted for Trump.

How would that be different from our current system? This move would only increase the volume of the voters. Both sides have kids and those kids want to piss off their parents. You will not offset anything by adding more votes that cancel each other out.


>Only urban and inner city retards
You mean the ones with college degrees? Ho boy, do I have some news for you, my guy.

key word was MORE. 18-24 year olds are already 90% memevoters. We dont need to add to it

Not really. They've just deemphasized practical skills in school, in favor of college-prep. That's why metal and wood shop are electives for stupid kids, and why home ec is looked down upon. Parents were supposed to teach practical skills, but it's clear they're not. So we get "adults" who don't know how to make a budget, and may not have even seen an electric bill.

Youre retarded and so is CNN, if you blame all counter points on CNN and shills youll never have to have a real conversation though.

>Only retarded trump supporters think this


I think Hillary proves why those sort of people shouldn't be permitted to vote, we should have them stricken from the voter records.

That might make an interesting experiment in democracy. You vote for the loser, you lose your voting rights for a while.

>if you blame all counter points on CNN and shills
it's really all they've got going for them tbh.
that & fake shooped meme news "its happenings" & infographics.

uninformed brainlets
>the GOP literally couldn't be more satirical with how they manipulate poor white people

This would restrict some politicians from being able to vote.

I don't know how anyone can legitimately watch CNN news for more than a few seconds, it just feels like i'm losing brain cells.


Wtf does Peter Griffin want now?

Get rid of the conflict of interest entirely. Require voters to be at least 30, but only allow them to vote for candidates who are under 30.

That's funny because I feel the same way when I watch Fox or Alex Jones & read Breitbart, FatewayPundit or TruePundit.
You know...., your favorite "news" sources.

If you're concerned about the uneducated and inexperienced voting, I have some really bad news. People who live in rural areas have always been allowed to vote and they're both uneducated AND usually inexperienced.

If 16 year olds are smart enough to vote for an older person they should be legal enough for an older person to fuck


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Just take a second and look at who is saying this. Ask yourself.. Should I take Michael Moore seriously?

>conflict of interest
You're supposed to vote for yourself tho, how the fuck is that a conflict? It's not an ethics issue.


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republishills constantly shit all over education and experience. are you serious? they even want to start shutting down colleges because research and academia thrive in the truth.

Buy it...Buy it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Haha. Ok.

Liberals only believe what they want to believe, they'll actively avoid everything that goes against their world view.

Why are you supposed to vote for yourself?

>boys can be girls
Thriving in truth, I see

The supposedly educated and experienced voters elected fucking Trump, the man who has decided to destroy the entire world for shits and giggles.

Shows confidence in your own ability? If you don't think you can do the job why in the fuck would anyone else?

Works both ways fuckhead.

>young people are inexperienced and stupid
>old people are ignorant and ruin elections for the younger generations

You guys should make up your mind

Voting is confidential. Nobody has any way of knowing who you voted for, so your argument makes zero sense.

Luckily, for Dems, their 'highly educated' base is largely illiterate.