This girl is my hero. i'm a white male living in a seriously red state and i own quite a few firearms, all types...

This girl is my hero. i'm a white male living in a seriously red state and i own quite a few firearms, all types. but i am a sane and rational individual.

you have to take a test to drive a car, why not take a test to buy a gun? I see no problem with that. one problem. the 2nd amendment has nothing necessarily to do with hunting, it is there so that the population can take down a corrupt government if necessary. problem is it was written before tanks and missiles and such. these days guns would not be enough.
but that is a different problem.

the problem is guns getting in the hands of insane individuals. the answer is screening. even this is a long term solution bc what about all of the people who already own guns. there is barely any control and that control is minimal in most states and zero in others.

Yes there is a serious problem and this girl has the massive nutsack to get up and say what the rest of us are too chicken shit to.

this is an obvious troll thread but maybe some non trolls may read.

if you think there is no problem you are either an immature child or a sociopath.

Girl, if you are out there, keep up the good work. more people are with you than not. the assholes just tend to be a lot louder than the rest of us. I feel ashamed myself for not joining the fight sooner.

spread peace and love not hate and fear

say NO to the NRA and FOX

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driving is a priviledge. being able to defend your rights is a right everyone has

here's your reply

screening only works if people are mentally ill prior. look at suicide people, most never know someone is suicidal until after they killed themselves.

i hope this is copy pasta. be a shame you shitposted all that on your own

Eat shit you "gun owning" fuck

who fucking cares dude nobody asked

Hi Tides have a Log

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Could you?

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not an argument

>trying this desperately to force a pathetic non-meme

sociopaths and murderers can easily path screening. Plenty of the people that kill people with guns could pass screening. If psychological screening actually worked then the military wouldn't end up with people like the Forth Hood terrorist or PTSD nutjobs.

Be honest, we’ll?

She doesn't have a massive nutsack, she has immunity from scrutiny because she's literally a child and had to endure a tragedy. If anyone disagrees with her they're just picking on the poor little sad girl. She could walk up on stage, call you out personally to be shot in the street and you'd have to applaud or else you're a big poopie meanie head.

“I’m going to go post on Sup Forums and pretend to be an anonymous because I want to have fun trolling those mean-spirited bullies! I’m so clever and they get so triggered!”

Would you suck one out?

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sure kid

>say NO to the NRA and FOX
this retarded

Shall not be infringed

>posting her on here 200 threads per day. So obviously not a Sup Forums fag but paid to troll
Seriously what real fag would continually post this?

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Thats not true. You dont have to do anything to drive a car. You only have to take a test to drive it in government built and taxpayer paid for streets. If you want you can buy a car ir truck and drive it im your own property with no license whatsoever. The same with guns, if you want to carry them in public off of your property you need a permit. If you want to keep it at home to protect your home and family. Thats nobody's business.

lets be completely honest with ourselves here. no one is proposing a "gun ban". You niggers know it but just want to chimp out because "muh guns". comepletely blind that the NRA are just a bunch of kikes.

You can go buy a car right now. You don't need a driver's license, you don't need to take a test, you don't need to check if you're on any FBI lists, you just need the money or credit. You can drive it on your own property, too.
You need a drivers license to drive it on public roads.

You can buy a gun without a license, you don't need to take a test, you just need the money and a background check. You can shoot it on your own property (granted that your property is not located in a jurisdiction that prevents so). Most states, you need a license to carry it in public.

So you can quit with your stupid ass comparison because you're making yourself look stupid.