Dubs names our band Sup Forums !

Dubs names our band Sup Forums !

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The School Shooters

Nigger triplets

Three nut arpeggio

The No Chromosome Zone

The Kiddie Diddlers


Two dudes and a little bitch

(stylized in the font of the band Alabama's logo)

Your Move Peterbilt.

Too stupid to take a vertical camera shot.


Underage Bannd


the three autismos

Xanax is my dad

ducky and the fuck blasters

The Squidly Diddlers

the ugly mutts

dubs names our band Sup Forums !

A toilet full of tapeworms

The fucking faggots

were not like the other girls

led zeppelin

the super spergs

The Columbine 3

aight OP you better fuckin' deliver

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Imagine Faggots

Androgynous Identity

Oh shit dude!

Syndrome of a down


Alright Sup Forums , now choose a picture for our shirts!

The Twink Faggots

Goatse, original version

The Unoriginals (Board Cancer)