

It's a meaningless non-thought.


>It's great, for the league, becuase I'd do it if it served my personal interest?


he really loves super teams

Do you think LeBron would be a good coach once he's retired, Sup Forums?

he's right

why would he speak against super-teams when he's constantly making them?

>Miami Heat and Big 3-mania
>Cavs getting Kevin Love

>I'm going to try to sign everybody.

First of all, you didn't go to college, so you aren't qualified to run a team.

Second of all, if you did go to college, you'd know you can't afford everybody, you have a salary cap.

Third and finally, with the money you have leftover, you're basically the Charlotte Hornets so shut the fuck up.

Well he's not a good coach now, so no.

Oh I'm sorry,did you think Lue was in charge? That's adorable.

>Letting a man who has the equivalent of a GED own and manage a multi-million dollar team

I mean LeGM has been such a rousing success, I can't wait to see the clusterfuck LeOwner will bring to the table.

>Oh I'm sorry,did you think Lue was in charge? That's adorable.

Would he be a good coach when he's not the GM?

yfw LeBron buys the Cleveland Browns, not a basketballs team

yeah, that's why Zuckerberg has failed so miserably at running one of the world's most valuable companies

This was a response to a question about whether he was ok with Golden State signing Durant. He said that it's fine for a team to try to sign the best players, that any other team in their position would do the same, and that if he owns a team he will do the same.

But of course, that was all replaced by "..." because this is fucking bleacher report, the biggest cancer in sports media.

zuckerberg went to harvard you fucking dumbass.

he dropped out of harvard. and building facebook is far more onerous than maintaining 1/32 of the NBA


but he
a) Made it into harvard
b) Made it pretty far along in his education before dropping out

To do (a) meant he had to get good grades in high school and work very hard taking the hardest academic road. And then to do (b) and even survive a few semesters at harvard must be brutally intense.

Even though he didn't end up with a degree, what education he was able to absorb must have been extremely helpful. He's vastly more knowledgeable than Lebron at anything that's not basketball. Lebron just made it through the retard classes in high school, probably getting past along due to his athleticism and not having to accomplish anything academically.

>dropped out of harvard

you sweet child. The guy got a perfect on the SAT, went to Harvard, and was so above and beyond the rest of his babby class he was ready to build billion dollar products before graduating

School is torture for brilliance

LeBron's made most of his money outside of basketball, and he's clearly extended his reach of operations beyond the court.

you're just being stupid my friend. Lebron is more capable than you, and your 3 years of college hasn't changed that.

I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about zuckerburg.

Lebron would probably be a shitty owner

that actually makes my point, sweetie. the guy i responded to was shitting on him for lacking paper qualifications. But Lebron's savvy is pretty unassailable. Talent tends to find its way to the top, especially after receiving vocational training.

Thank you for inadvertently supporting me.

Fuck off you retarded LeBald cocksucker

No? LeBron never founded a 50 billion dollar business you fucking moron. He ran up and down a basketball court for 20 years. How does that bear on his business ability

Probably not since most good players are bad coaches. Apparently he's the Peyton Manning equivalent in basketball though, so who knows.

again, he's made most of his money outside of NBA salary.


Spotted the reddit pleb. You have to go back.

By appearing in ads? Are you serious? That goes for all sports superstars

I think Lebron is a great player. But he gives off this vibe that he's dumb as dirt.

he owns numerous businesses. you should probably inform yourself more before discussing things like this. especially if you can't understand the points other people are making.

It's already his fault this shit is haopening.

LeBron would be a better coach than anything I think.

However the irony this year is that making the Cavs sign yes men to let him run the team is biting him in the ass: the Cavs are horribly undisciplined compared to the Warriors and that's what they need when LeBron is sitting on the bench.

He was given $90million (citation needed) at 18 from Nike. I'm pretty sure he was given an undisclosed amount of Nike a couple years ago. He has done ads for almost everything sports related in the last ten years (Gatorade, Vitamin Water, Bosley, ect). Kia probably gave him more money than your entire family for 5 generations has made.

Oh right, he's made most of his money from his numerous businesses, not his contracts and numerous notable endorsements

feel free to drop those official income statistics any time

You just reaffirmed my post. Why was this even typed out. Are you just mad and not comprehending anything at this point? lol

I wasn't asking if he was making money from ads, it sounded like he was insinuating that endorsements are business ventures

Plenty of NBA stars do

>you sweet child

>believing in the college meme