Sell me on why I should listen to this in under twenty words

Sell me on why I should listen to this in under twenty words.

because the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel

It's good.

The car's on fire, and there's no driver at the wheel.

Headphones+dark room+this album=beautiful, melancholic post-apocalyptic dream

The goddam interplay

the car's on fire
and there's no driver at the wheel

I said kiss me you're beautiful
these are truly the last days

it is a fucking great experience, it was the album which got into GS!BE. post- apocalyptic but soothing to hear

>all these kids preplying with "le funny car on fire meme xD"

Please fuck off back to r/lewronggeneration

What are you talking about, it's one of the best openers of all time.

it's not a meme, get over yourself

Its "kiss me here beautiful"
Fucking scrub

Not everything is a meme. Go outside

depressing post-apocalyptic atmosphere

>repeating digits

checkmate, good sir

Because is their best album.

>not listening to the vinyl version

are you serious right now? because you're wrong and the other user is right

it's you're not here

Lift Yr Skinny Fists made me fall asleep after the first track, is this any better?

I mean it’s an okay reaction to fall sleep to post-rock tbhwy. I never listen to this while I drive because it gets me too chill and my ETA doubles and it’s pretty gay because driving slow is gay

The vinyl version is so much worse even from a mixing and production perspective alone (let alone the extended Sad Mafioso and the other amazing tracks not found on the vinyl version). And this is coming from someone who swears by vinyl

Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

i miss new vegas..still haven't played the last dlc

that one is literally dead flag blues: the game

sounds cool
problem is i forgot how to play the game and i'd need to make a new character

dude its worth it theres so much shit to do before you even get to that point

yeah i know i got 120 hours into up to old world blues as a good karma high charisma laser babe which was super fun
im probably gonna rock melee dude if i ever make my way into new vegas again

fuck off
nobody cares

Does anyone know where I can find the film that they took their name from?